over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link

First of all i want to thanks to @Humanoïde for his review. You know that we are a listener dev team and we have been listen to our users from the beggining. We have sculpted big % of the game from your opinions and ideas. Because of that we really appreciate your review and we will listen to it.

We also want to thanks the way in which you have made your review, it's such a painful feeling read so much hate and non-constructve critics. We have accepted all the critics from the beggining but all that came in a good way.

Since the first moment of the Campaign release we have been reading what you think about and we started to modify some stuffs than you don't like. We will continue polishing the game but please, learn from @Humanoïde how to make a critic in a positive way.


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5 days ago - Gomez