over 5 years ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by General Coma:
Originally posted by ginzero: IMO this should be on Steam Game of Year Award list.. deffintely my most fav in 2018..

correction.. should be when its fully released ;)

It will never be "fully released". We are a year into the game since it was released and we STILL don't have a campaign mode that was promised. The devs keep pushing the release date for the campaign back, which is something that developers who have no real intention of finishing a game do just to keep people interested and buying the game.

I mean, this game has been out for a year now and it really is essentially in the same state it was in at release. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me that this game will ever truly be finished.

This is just another exampleof why Steam needs to get rid of this Early Access crap. Games shouldn't be released until they are finished. At the very least, Steam should put a time limit on how long a game can be in Early Access, at which point the developers must release a finished version of the game or pull the game from the store and refund everyone who purchased it.


You should read this to know how many important things has been added from the first version of the game that was released. And of course, the campaign mode is going forward.


If after read this you still think "this game has been out for a year now and it really is essentially in the same state it was in at release" You should do something about it.



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4 days ago - Gomez