over 1 year
ago -
Tribes of Midgard
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | you won't be able to defeat this enemy |
2s | in our game and here's why in our Co-op |
4s | action survival RPG game Tribes of |
6s | midgard weapons are a major focus in |
8s | surviving in the world around you there |
10s | are five different weapon types and for |
12s | the first time you'll be able to track |
13s | your damage output with our brand new |
15s | Immortal training dummy construction you |
17s | can place it anywhere and smack it |
19s | around as much as you want um let us |
21s | know in the comments if you've tried it |
22s | out already we're sharing more about our |
24s | game every day so see you tomorrow |