11 months ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s people are often surprised by the amount
2s of things we've added to tribes of
3s midgard since it launched nearly two
5s years ago lately I've been seeing a lot
7s of new players but then also a lot of
8s return players who just haven't played
10s since like the alpha or beta days and
12s are just like oh my gosh you've added
13s melts uh yes we've added mounts to the
15s game you can ride them around midgard
16s they give you a speed boost we have also
19s added entirely new construction System
21s since our game does include survival
23s elements you can build a nice little
25s Viking home for you and your friends
27s we've also added swimming which uh
29s talking about survival you used to die
32s when you would swim in the water you
33s would drown instantly but no longer the
34s case you can swim another thing to
36s mention is that we now have spheres in
38s game this is one of the top Community
39s suggestions and we've loved seeing
41s people use it another cool thing is that
44s we added a permadeath option in survival
46s mode this is my co-worker laughing at me
48s because I kept dying which is completely
50s valid we played on stream the other day
51s and in our latest update which was just
54s last month we added this new location of
56s Valhalla and this is kind of the
57s narrative conclusion to our game so you