about 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s there's only two more days until the
2s update for tribes of midgard which is
4s the game we work on and for the past
7s week or so we've been posting sneak
9s peeks for the update on our Twitter
10s including this one here so in the Tweet
12s we have Otto and the stranger there's a
14s stranger who comes up to Otto and is
16s like where did you find this dog did you
18s go through the portal did you say balder
20s he's got a lot of questions and then on
23s the same day we tweeted this out and it
25s pretty much just tells you a little bit
26s more about who Walter is
28s um keep in mind we've never seen balder
30s in the game before as a character uh so
32s this is the very first time you get to
33s see a picture of him we posted a lot of
35s tweets that day um anyway in the last
37s one the strangers just like um you know
39s nobody's ever been able to save balder
40s before are you up for the challenge can
42s you do it and we can kind of assume that
44s the stranger's gonna help us which
45s you'll see uh in the next post