8 months
ago -
Tribes of Midgard
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | is your cat always causing chaos well we |
3s | can help with that tribes of midgard has |
5s | partnered with makeship to turn our |
6s | iconic Godly cats into plushies they |
10s | won't try to eat your food or Escape |
12s | when you just want some hugs but they're |
13s | only available for a few more days |
15s | before they're gone forever so make sure |
17s | to get yours before then you have the |
19s | power to make them real we just need to |
21s | reach 200 plushies for a successful |
23s | campaign on top of that all our earned |
25s | proceeds will be donated to an animal |
26s | charity so you help cats in real life |
29s | the Link's in our bio |