over 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone my name is Ryan maroda
3s I'm the creative director here at
4s Norrisville today I bring more exciting
7s news about tribes of midgard but first I
9s want to quickly reflect on this past
11s year and how amazing it's been thanks to
13s all of you
16s we welcome many new inner yard by
18s launching on both Xbox and Nintendo
20s switch this year meaning that tries of
22s midgard is now available just about
24s everywhere
26s as always we want to thank our Beloved
28s Community we've been closely looking
30s into all of your feedback and
31s accomplishments in the game like this 30
33s minute speed run completely insane this
36s year our midgardens community program
38s also reached over 12 000 members with
40s over 30 000 rewards redeemed
43s we celebrated our first anniversary
45s together and release our biggest update
47s by far the Inferno Saga with its
50s entirely rebuilt survival mode among the
52s many other additions we also had two
54s returning events while Halloween and
57s newly days lastly sea worm seating
60s our new studio is finally furnished and
63s our team of 41 is now enjoying the
64s benefits of fully flexible working from
67s here or from home
68s what a year and we aren't stopping
71s anytime soon let's get into what's
73s coming next
76s we say it here first 23 will start off
80s with a new free major Saga update to
83s tribes of midgard and usaga means a new
85s ancient and new content but also plenty
88s of surprises across both game modes here
91s are a few sneak peeks for you
94s what is Viking Life without a little
96s farming with your new shovel you'll be
98s able to plan Essences anywhere in
100s midgard and then reap the benefits of
102s your Bountiful Harvest that includes
105s growing vegetables used for new meals
107s but also garnet and iron it's magic
112s in survival players will now be able to
114s find a sapling per biome offshoots of
117s Victor zil where bases can be built
119s around to benefit from its aura but it
122s also triggers enemy attacks to put your
124s defenses to the challenge and earn extra
126s Rewards
128s last October we increased the
130s construction amount limit based on your
132s feedback we've now also increased the
135s building height limit from 5 stories to
137s nine so you can build your very own
139s three-story treehouse
141s and this is just one of the dozens of
143s improvements brought to construction
144s mode with others including a handy undo
148s button see-through effects to choose
150s from and Landscaping to remove unwanted
152s resources after placing a piece
157s yup and they level up
162s our next update will bring over 30
165s quality of life improvements and most of
167s them are inspired directly from our
169s community
170s let me list off just a couple
172s a brand new potion mimir's water allows
176s you to reset your class and blessings
177s get that theory crafting going
179s speedrunners
182s challenges cannot be tracked and
184s redeemed in game no need to return to
187s the main menu
188s moderation options were also added to
191s allow kicking players but also to
193s trigger votes in Saga mode to encourage
195s fair play
197s Cosmetics constructions allow you to
199s swap your best costumes in-game and
201s bring your cutest pets along last but
204s not least chat history is now available
207s with timestamps this is just a taste of
210s what's to come in 2023 who knows you
213s might even get to explore a new biome
215s and Sport your favorite beers very soon
218s in the meantime enjoy our yearly day's
221s festive event before your walls are
222s reset early next year to make room for
224s our next major update be sure to follow
227s us on our socials at tribes of midgard
229s for all other information thanks for
233s your support stay toasty happy holidays
236s from all of us at Northville and we'll
238s see you in the new year
240s sales sale
244s I'm losing my stash