12 months ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s have you ever wished you could help in
1s developing a game well here are three
4s things in our game that come directly
5s from our players first we added the
7s ability for pets to collect loot for you
9s you won't need to press any buttons to
11s scoop up your items instead you're
12s fluffy or spooky or froggy little pet
14s will come and pick up all the loot
16s automatically For You Second since our
18s game is up to 10 player co-op we made it
20s so that when somebody leaves the game
21s permanently all the items they had in
22s their inventory will be dropped into a
24s shared chest that way you won't have to
26s worry about losing your items
28s third is swimming so when the game first
30s launched it was admittedly scary and not
33s so good because you would drown the
34s instant you touched water or sorry now
36s you can swim for as long as you have the
38s stamina too all of these were top
40s Community suggestions so leave a comment
42s if you want to hear about even more of
43s them