over 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
1s [Music]
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47s foreign
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81s foreign
91s [Music]
893s hello everybody
895s hello hello how are we doing how are we
898s doing today obviously I'm having some
900s trouble to speak
902s um but how are you all here in the chat
905s today I'm loving what I'm seeing by the
907s way in the chat uh thank you for the dad
910s jokes uh much appreciated how are all it
913s is it is stream time now John hello John
915s uh our mod for being in the chat today
918s hi dessert rose hide ode Gary on Hello
923s Kiki Iggy is here also
926s how are you all doing okay first of all
929s I feel like some of these I have to read
930s out thank you for the pre-show jokes uh
932s really appreciate it oh and I see a lot
934s of first time Chatters in here if it's
937s your first time uh hello welcome to the
939s stream uh these are the community
941s streams that we do for uh tribes of
943s midgard every Friday generally every
945s Friday uh if you have not seen me before
947s I am Sydney I am the senior community
949s manager at Norrisville for tribes of
951s midgard
952s um and yeah I've been I've been around
954s here for three and a half years now but
956s we just recently started doing more
958s Community streams so that is why I'm
960s here with you today we have an exciting
963s stream today I'll be going through the
964s agenda uh in a minute but uh I did not
967s ask can you hear me okay do I sound
969s alright am I shouting in your ear let me
973s know in the chat at any time you can
975s always send any questions any comments
977s in the chat and I'll try to my best to
979s to keep an eye on it so if you see me
980s kind of looking over here I'm looking at
982s the chat probably
984s I sound good okay
987s I'm Crystal Clear perfect yeah I feel
990s like we should do a little something a
991s little a little different pre-show every
993s single stream I think that would be a
995s lot of fun
996s hello Grandma hello oh your first time
998s chatter welcome to the stream nice to
1001s have you here
1004s okay Desert Rose I'm gonna read that one
1006s uh what did Yoda say when he saw himself
1009s in 4k
1011s HDMI I like that one that's a good one
1015s I feel like there was one I saw that was
1017s like higher up too
1023s oh what is a baby computer call his
1025s father data I like that one too
1028s that's a good one okay what we're gonna
1030s do before uh the stream starts okay
1032s we're gonna make sure nightbot is in the
1034s channel I believe knightbot is in the
1035s channel so if at any time you want to
1037s you know find our discard find our
1039s socials you can type exclamation point
1041s Discord or exclamation point socials and
1044s then those links will pop up uh the bot
1046s works okay awesome
1049s awesome
1051s fit oh sorry for Fitness fruits it's
1054s really hard to pronounce your username
1056s uh but you know I'm talking to you I
1057s think that would be really cool I should
1059s do that maybe uh have like the blue
1061s contact on one side I feel like that
1063s would really add to the the split
1064s splittedness so I agree I feel like that
1066s could be a fun a fun look especially I
1069s mean since like Halloween's coming up
1070s you know I want to dress up next stream
1072s I think that could be fun
1074s yeah nightbot is in here
1077s furl hello furl you're not in the shadow
1080s room not today we decided to let you in
1082s uh to the stream today so welcome
1085s welcome
1087s oh you do split I as well Desert Rose
1089s ooh what color do you do like colors or
1091s do you like natural colors I'm curious
1096s oh yeah yeah there's there's definitely
1098s a Discord come come join the Discord
1099s it's a great place to be
1102s definitely in for a treat
1104s but yeah welcome everyone
1106s um I have my tea with me today I got uh
1109s some green tea green tea pomegranate
1112s probably my favorite type of tea uh if
1114s you were here in the last stream you
1115s remember we had the little trivia
1117s pumpkin so I'm going to talk a little
1119s bit about what we're gonna do on the
1120s stream today so uh I thought we could
1122s start with a little like recap of like
1125s what's been going on at Norrisville
1126s there's some really uh awesome stuff
1128s that's been happening uh there's a
1129s convention this week that I went to that
1131s I'll share some pictures we'll do like a
1133s little what's the word like walk through
1134s recap of of what happened during that
1136s convention uh we're going to be having
1138s of course shift drops as well so we're
1141s gonna be giving away some Cosmetics uh
1143s in the game and all you have to do is
1145s answer trivia questions and then if you
1147s answer first then you could win a shift
1149s code for for cosmetics and I'll let you
1151s know what those are in a second uh we're
1153s also doing a sticker giveaway so this is
1155s the very first time we've done a sticker
1157s giveaway uh I will show those as well in
1159s the next part of the stream but stick
1161s around because there's going to be a
1162s special way to enter that
1165s um what are we doing other than that oh
1166s yeah talking about more uh
1168s news about the game uh we have about
1170s Halloween of course that's ongoing so
1171s that's our in-game festive event I'll be
1174s catching you up on everything you need
1175s to know uh and then also I'm gonna be at
1178s the end of the stream in like the last
1179s half hour so I'm gonna be completing the
1182s second Bell Halloween challenge because
1184s it's been really motivating to do those
1185s on stream with you guys and then I get
1187s to unlock the challenges as well
1192s yeah just shift shift drops Limitless
1195s Theory I love those emotes that's very
1197s yeah it's exactly this wait if I turn on
1199s the pumpkin I can beat those emotes look
1203s wow
1205s amazing
1207s uh as John mentioned as well uh if you
1210s don't know what shift is or shift code
1211s like at any time if you have questions
1212s feel free to drop them in the chat uh
1215s you can sign up on the website there
1216s that he dropped the link in the chat and
1218s you just have to make sure to link shift
1220s uh with tribes of midgard in game and
1223s you just go in game to do that you get a
1225s code you go to the website you make sure
1226s they're together and then you're able to
1227s redeem shift codes you can always do
1229s that later if you want if you win the
1231s shift code today it's you don't have to
1232s use it right away so
1234s keep that in mind
1237s exactly gee I'm playing on the work
1239s hours why not I'll play it during stream
1241s why not and it's the Frog Prince this
1244s week it's very exciting
1246s I know a small car the little the little
1248s stranger I remember from last from last
1250s year last about Halloween
1253s yeah stickers today
1254s hello hi first time chatter
1257s oh I love that emote I love the emotes
1259s I'm seeing in the chat
1260s hope you're doing well how are you
1262s welcome to the stream to the community
1263s stream today
1265s cool well I think uh with all that said
1268s we can probably jump into the stream
1270s we're going to have a little photo time
1272s I'll tell you what's been up maybe it's
1274s interesting to you uh to hear all about
1276s that but the shift codes are going to be
1278s giving away today uh are going to be the
1281s hell thing helmet so the helting helmet
1283s here it has like a crown as well that
1286s glows and then even when you take the
1287s helmet off uh you it's still left with a
1290s crowd if that makes sense I'll show you
1291s in game a little bit later but the
1293s helting helmet and then the dogling pop
1295s we're also going to give away a code for
1297s so
1299s yes stick around I'll be telling you
1301s when it's trivia time I'll make sure to
1302s have the pumpkin up here so visually you
1304s know when we're gonna do a trivia
1305s question and then uh yeah throughout the
1307s stream uh keep an eye out for that
1312s uh legendary Elfie do you still have
1314s your rocket ship in survival I still
1316s have the rocket ship in survival I think
1318s I'm gonna play Saga today just because
1320s uh for the valve hell things challenge I
1323s think it'll be easier to do in Saga just
1325s because the days are shorter and then
1326s the vowel hell things will come at night
1328s instead of trying to find them in the
1330s world in survival
1334s one of your favorite Cosmetics oh that's
1336s awesome it's one of my favorites too I
1338s like the kind of spooky theme that's why
1340s I decided to give away these shift codes
1342s for how like Halloween season October
1346s what's this
1348s geeky we don't want to know you keep
1350s that to yourself
1352s yeah it's definitely easier and hi
1354s welcome to the stream welcome
1356s so yeah uh let's jump into the news and
1359s everything that's been going on so if
1361s you follow norsevall which is our
1363s company we make tribes of midgard
1366s um and is where I work uh we had for the
1369s first time uh you know a couple people
1371s over to our studio I have a couple
1372s pictures that we shared on Norse fell
1374s socials and it was really really great
1376s it was the ninth anniversary of
1378s norseville as well so next year is going
1380s to be our 10th anniversary of the
1381s company uh these are just some some
1383s pictures that we had shared you know
1385s everybody came over and we got to
1387s celebrate together uh all tribes of
1389s midgard you know what I mean
1391s it was a really fun time we just had
1392s food gotta catch up uh gotta have
1395s everybody in the studio for the first
1396s time if you don't know uh we used to
1399s work in like a co-working space uh at
1401s our where we work and then we moved out
1404s and we have our own studio now so if you
1406s follow the north socials you will see
1408s some studio pictures here and there uh
1410s yeah we had this little entryway we had
1412s some gifts uh to give out and it was a
1415s great time it was a lot of fun and we
1417s have as you can see there's like some of
1418s the the symbols from in game in our
1420s office as well so that was a lot of fun
1423s where's the studio located uh we are in
1426s Montreal Montreal Canada so we are
1428s Canadian proudly Canadian
1431s you know that place Gigi exactly you
1433s were there not too long ago
1435s yeah I tried to like fit everything in
1438s the in the frame okay
1440s exactly
1442s so that was like a really a really
1443s awesome thing and then at the North
1446s spell party as well we were giving away
1448s some stickers so this leads me to the
1451s giveaway we're not doing the giveaway
1452s right now uh but these are gonna be the
1455s sticker this is the sticker pack that
1456s you're gonna get in today's giveaway so
1458s it's this like blue sheet with all the
1461s little yachnar babies and ancient babies
1464s uh little pets so my favorite is anger
1467s Boda like the little anger Boda you see
1469s her hair she's my favorite absolutely no
1472s contest
1473s yeah so this is the sticker and then
1475s we're also giving away uh I'm gonna give
1477s away this as well so like the little uh
1479s holographic Jacob uh sticker so
1483s stick around and I will let you know how
1486s to enter to win this but yeah we gave
1487s these away at the party so we wanted to
1489s be able to give away a couple to you
1491s guys as well and in future streams too
1495s Adore Me sticker yes little little jormi
1499s all the little pets
1501s absolutely
1503s oh Kaiju don't worry there will be
1505s trivia there will be Halloween trivia
1507s like most of them are Halloween themed
1511s stay frosty absolutely
1514s yeah I feel like pins would be really
1516s cool too we've done a lot of pins in the
1517s past uh tribes pins we had like the
1520s tribes symbol pin and then we had uh I
1523s believe it was an unsungken Viking pin
1525s so we did have two pins in the history
1527s of them there's still some pins left
1528s might give some away uh of those as well
1531s but I feel like more pins is always
1533s welcome
1536s ah Kaiju did you get a
1539s tribe's coaster I really want to see a
1542s picture
1543s I really want to see a picture now so
1544s yeah stick around uh for the giveaway
1546s for this it'll be a little bit later
1548s but as I mentioned earlier in the Stream
1550s too there is an event that's ongoing in
1552s Montreal here it's called Mega mix and
1555s there's a bunch of studios and Indies
1556s and a bunch of games that attend this
1558s convention here in Montreal
1560s and uh this past week has been great
1563s we've been attending and I did a talk as
1566s well uh so that's me on stage uh for the
1569s first time ever
1571s um the title of the talk was creating
1572s empathetic communities through
1573s transparency and effective social
1575s content very long title we unpacked it
1578s we got through it but it was it was a
1580s lot of fun to talk about uh very
1581s nerve-wracking but a lot of fun and I
1584s would definitely do it again if it's
1585s available uh I'll be sure to share I
1588s know Gigi you had wanted to see it as
1590s well I was very nervous I was very
1592s nervous I was just trying to make jokes
1593s to make myself comfortable but yeah
1596s that's kind of like what's been going on
1597s in the norseville sphere what we've been
1599s doing uh and it's been it's been a busy
1602s week it's been a lot of fun
1604s yeah it was the first time ever on stage
1606s it was the first time I ever did a talk
1608s um but it was great I got to be up there
1610s with my friends I got to uh you know
1612s talk with them and discuss all about
1614s Community which is what I love talking
1615s about so in the end it worked out it was
1618s fun would do again 10 out of 10.
1620s thank you quicksatry thank you
1624s did you show off your swag maybe I have
1627s a really bad memory uh which is
1629s something you should know Kaiju so if I
1631s forget something and you show me for the
1633s second time I might be like oh that's
1634s amazing like it might be like I'm seeing
1635s it for the first time
1637s so just so you know
1640s um but yes so that's what's been up in
1642s like Northville news and then in general
1644s you might have seen But tribes of
1646s midgard now is on sale for 50 off this
1649s is the biggest sale we have ever done
1652s ever it's never been done before so
1654s right now uh it's on sale 50 off all
1657s platforms
1658s um except for Nintendo switch in Japan
1660s which starts a little bit later but I
1662s have all the dates here so on the epic
1664s game store it's on sale uh on Nintendo
1666s switch right now it's on sale switch in
1669s Japan it's on the 25th is when it starts
1672s um and then PS5 PS4 has already started
1674s 50 off and then very last of course Xbox
1677s 50 off so if there's ever a time uh that
1680s you want your friends to come and play
1682s this would be a fabulous time uh to jump
1685s in for Val Halloween and you can like
1687s get your tribe a little bit bigger grow
1689s your tribe and then bring them to the
1691s Discord so they can come and hang out
1694s Kaiju I'm your friend I will be your
1697s friend
1698s I will be your friend
1700s my wife is gonna get it today yeah nice
1702s so welcome her welcome to the tribe
1706s welcome to the tribe
1708s spam it in your don't spam your friends
1710s or do you can maybe follow geeky
1714s we are all friends that is so true
1719s my birthday is near says wilgar I'll
1721s read your merch website I want the
1723s hammer pillow yeah the hammer pillow was
1725s cool we actually have the um
1728s The Shield uh pillows in the office I
1731s should definitely take a picture of them
1732s but we don't have the hammer one I kind
1734s of want the hammer one just to like put
1736s against the couch because I want to pick
1738s it up and then like you know pretend I'm
1740s hitting people with it and then somebody
1741s can use the shield and then they can
1743s Shield themselves
1745s I think that's the vision
1750s so yes uh tribes in midgard 50 off uh be
1754s sure to let your friends know if they
1755s want to pick it up
1757s um because yeah Halloween is ongoing
1759s right now
1760s like I mentioned we just finished week
1762s one of the challenges we're on to week
1764s two now so the reward is the Frog Prince
1767s pet here the little frog
1769s um you just need to defeat 50 Val hell
1771s things so Val Health things are the
1773s normal hell things but they've been kind
1775s of changed visually uh it looks like the
1778s title of the stream you know the picture
1779s that I had at the very start they have
1781s the witch hat and they look kind of evil
1783s and you just have to defeat 50 of them
1785s and then you can get the Frog Prince bet
1787s but you have to make sure to do this
1788s before Tuesday October 24th or else uh
1791s it is gone forever and it's it's an
1793s exclusive for Val Halloween
1795s so that's what we're going to be doing
1797s uh in a bit a little bit later today I'm
1799s going to play through a little tribes
1800s I'm going to get the Frog Prince pet and
1802s you can see how he looks uh in game
1807s uh hash TTV uh it's a merch website
1811s already available yes the merch uh
1813s website is already available I'm not
1815s sure if any of the mods in the chat have
1818s the link
1819s um we have not put the merch on the
1822s night bot link yet so I think it's the
1825s the gearbox loot software website if you
1828s have that John if not I can grab it and
1830s I can toss it in the chat but yeah the
1832s merch the rich is there yeah exactly
1833s John is so quick you got it uh that's
1835s where you can see all the tribes of
1836s midgard merch that's available there's
1838s pillows there's shirts there's hoodies
1840s there's uh mugs there's water bottles uh
1843s it's the first drop of merch we're
1844s definitely thinking about other things
1845s we would want to do but yeah you could
1847s feel free to check that out
1851s it's voila almost as good as the goblin
1855s almost as good as the goblin it's true
1861s uh grandma says I know not sure if this
1864s was talked about but cross play I know
1865s it's not available now but is there
1866s plans weren't in the future
1868s um we're still investigating completely
1870s we understand uh that it's the number
1872s one thing that everybody asks about and
1874s rightfully so of course it would be
1875s amazing to play you know with everybody
1877s all together all your friends at the
1879s same time still looking into it uh as
1881s soon as we have any news we'll be sure
1883s to share it on our socials and our
1885s Discord uh we'll keep everybody updated
1887s and if it happens of course we'll make a
1889s big a big announcement about it so yeah
1891s still to be determined uh still
1893s investigating to see what's possible
1897s I'm just making sure I didn't miss any
1898s messages on any other platforms because
1901s we are streaming on twitch oh hold on my
1905s messages were not keeping up uh we're
1907s streaming on Twitch uh steam YouTube and
1910s Facebook so four locations
1912s I think I'm all caught up
1916s cool
1918s voila but yeah anyway so yeah this is
1921s the challenge that's ongoing right now
1922s to get the Frog Prince pet those are
1924s what the Val Hill things look like I'm
1926s gonna do that we're gonna get the pet
1927s I'm gonna play Saga mode uh if anybody
1929s else wants to get their challenge at the
1931s same time you can jump in game with me
1933s I'm playing on PC uh so if you're at
1935s your PC you want to get the challenge
1936s come join
1938s uh but yeah I think this makes time for
1942s the first trivia question so let's do a
1946s little trivia I'm gonna hold uh Mr
1948s pumpkin here and I'm gonna come up with
1950s my trivia question so everybody in the
1953s chat uh be listening in uh we're gonna
1956s say the question and then the first
1958s person to type it in the chat will be
1959s the winner of the press and let me pull
1962s up the prize here for you
1964s one second
1967s voila okay so we're going to be giving
1969s away a healthy helmet
1972s so
1974s just catching up in okay
1978s so the first question and this is again
1980s for the health thing helmet to start
1982s things off
1984s is how do you do it
1986s okay this one's a bit this one's an easy
1988s one
1990s are pumpkins a fruit or a vegetable
1994s are pumpkins a fruit or a vegetable
1999s whoa Kaiju got that so fast
2002s Kaiju congratulations you get the whole
2005s thing helmet and if you have the healthy
2007s helmet already feel free to give it away
2009s to somebody else who may want it as
2011s always the shift codes are multi-use so
2014s they can be used many times on each
2015s platform so like if you're on
2017s PlayStation and steam it's technically
2019s two codes because you can split it
2021s between the platforms so congratulations
2023s Kaiju uh John will be reaching out to
2025s you via whisper on Twitch stick around
2028s we still have I think like five more
2030s codes to give away so first question
2033s down congrats to schedule
2034s uh the question was is punk is a pumpkin
2037s a fruit or vegetable and it is indeed a
2040s fruit
2042s it is a fruit
2045s but it is also a a gourd as well I know
2047s I know what you're saying there jiraku
2049s it is a chord
2051s it's a tough one I know sorry I'm
2053s getting comfortable okay
2056s I know I it's like even with the the
2059s delay Kaiju I started saying the
2061s question and it seemed like you were
2062s already like fruit you already knew
2066s uh our Syrian cat I don't know if I
2068s missed it earlier but I was hoping to
2069s find out if there's any possibility of
2071s the tombstone cosmetic death Jets to
2073s come back I can confirm that there's a
2076s high possibility that the tombstone
2078s death chest will be coming back in the
2080s future uh and not for the spell
2082s Halloween patch but we are looking into
2085s ways to have more loot chest more loot
2088s cosmetic chests and have those in the
2090s shop so we're looking into it uh but
2092s there's a high high possibility that it
2094s will be coming back so if you missed it
2095s don't worry too much
2099s and if my voice is a bit uh difficult
2102s today it was just because of all the
2103s Talking uh during the convention so I
2105s have my tea I'm doing my best thank you
2107s for bearing with me
2110s but yes where were we what were we
2112s talking about were we talking about
2113s Halloween yes we were
2115s and spoiler alert if you haven't seen it
2117s yet uh yeah these are the new cosmetic
2119s sets that came in with the update uh of
2121s course you have all the yachtner sets we
2123s have the wizard costume the goblin
2124s costume these are in the shop now you
2126s can see them in game same with the pets
2129s uh they are also in game in the shop but
2131s the Frog Prince you get with this week's
2133s challenge
2134s and because I love showing them uh we
2136s have to show you Gerard's a little
2138s animation when you give him a little pet
2140s on the head and he spews out uh
2143s blizzards at you
2144s and also anger Boda plays a little game
2147s of hide and seek uh with you which is
2149s super cute uh she's a little devil and
2152s then we also have the little stranger
2153s who made a comeback who is also in the
2155s shop uh who was last year's about
2157s Halloween challenge prize
2159s go find these all in the shop now if you
2161s ever feel so inclined and you want some
2163s spookiness in game
2167s the goblin is so cute of course the
2170s Goblet is adorable
2171s yeah our siren yeah it's potentially in
2173s the works where we're looking into it I
2175s know it's it's definitely something that
2176s would be amazing honestly for the game
2178s and for the community of tribes too just
2180s for everybody to be able to play
2181s together I completely agree couldn't
2184s agree more
2187s cool so what I think we're gonna do uh
2190s now is one more trivia question so I'm
2194s pulling my trivia Pumpkin we're gonna
2196s give away another hellfing helmet
2198s and the question is going to be
2202s oh okay which one should I ask okay
2206s when okay when was the song Monster Mash
2210s released so this is a Halloween song
2212s when was the song Monster Mash released
2218s what year
2221s I don't see it yet I don't see it yet
2223s good guesses good guesses
2227s oh juska juska got it congratulations
2230s it's 1962. good guesses though you guys
2234s are all super close
2236s 1962 I didn't think it was that old
2239s congrats juska John will reach out to
2241s you uh via twitch whisper
2244s very very close he it was not 12 34.
2248s it's not that old but it's a lot older
2250s than I thought it was
2253s I know I know it's very very quick
2258s that's okay
2261s you can you can guess as many times as
2263s you want that is totally fine
2266s don't you worry so congrats you have the
2269s next uh the trivial one
2271s amazing so what I wanted to do next was
2274s I wanted to hop into very briefly uh
2276s some Community feedback that I've seen
2278s over the past week as well as some
2280s Community highlights
2281s so there is this uh suggestion idea
2284s channel in our Discord if you've never
2286s heard of it basically you submit uh
2287s whatever you want in suggestion idea and
2290s then the community on Discord upvotes or
2292s downvotes it or says it's been suggested
2294s before and then what we do each month is
2297s we up we kind of export the top
2298s suggestions we show our Dev team we as
2301s well post them in the suggestion idea
2302s channel so you guys know what are the
2304s top five uh I have this one here I buy
2307s lataki who is one of our mods actually
2308s on Discord and what they suggested was a
2311s way to increase Gathering so for plants
2314s you don't need an ax or pickaxe for so
2318s uh to me it's kind of similar to you
2320s know the hunters I believe it's
2321s Bountiful grasp skill where it doubles
2324s but I think what they mean by this uh
2326s like in the comment there is like gloves
2328s with a different Rarity or some kind of
2330s like perk that could increase Gathering
2332s so this is one of the top suggestions
2333s actually in the past week with 19
2335s upvotes uh kind of interesting I think
2337s especially for those you know who need
2340s the plant materials uh well yeah kind of
2342s interesting I'd just like to highlight
2344s the things that are highly upvoted or
2346s interesting or something we can talk
2348s about
2349s yeah that was a great suggestion Miss
2351s but
2352s I'm so happy you noticed Kaiju because I
2355s spent so much time making the the
2356s background Sparkle because I wanted the
2358s night sky to to Sparkle a little bit
2362s yeah what if Monster Bash was a song
2364s pre-renaissance you know they sang to it
2366s in the taverns
2368s it could be
2369s oh yeah this was one of the suggestions
2371s another one that I saw was by norcus
2373s which was to add a shovel tool which is
2376s also very interesting uh add a shovel to
2378s find various resources or Treasures uh
2381s Arun Rarity evolves according to Zone
2383s level like in a crack or pile of sand
2385s this makes me think of Animal Crossing
2387s instantly uh the fact that you you know
2390s you see the little stars in the ground
2392s and then you have to shovel
2394s but we did have shovels on our roadmap I
2396s believe shovel is still on the road map
2398s in fact
2400s let me double check
2403s yeah shovel is on the road map I was
2404s like I'm not making that up like shovel
2406s is on the road map so this is something
2408s that could potentially happen in the
2409s future uh we'll just have to keep an eye
2411s eye out for it
2414s that's true you can provide me back
2415s feedback on the Discord
2417s so the third uh suggestion here was from
2420s Dante XJ I believe you were in the chat
2422s maybe uh or you were in the chat but
2425s more Cosmetics for your chest would be
2427s nice to help you personalize I believe
2428s they were talking about the death chests
2431s that we had mentioned uh previously so
2433s 100 agree uh we have three death chats
2437s right now
2439s um but definitely would want to explore
2441s that even more if it's something that
2442s you like and want to personalize a
2444s little bit more always down to see like
2446s what kind of personalization you want to
2447s have in the game
2449s oh Dante exchange yeah it's you hello
2451s hello did you mean uh cosmetic loot
2455s chest that's what I assume you meant by
2456s this uh suggestion
2463s [Music]
2465s yes psycho uh that has been one that
2467s also has been suggested about if you're
2469s over level 50 like if you're max level
2472s um and then if you find the season XP
2474s drops if they turn into something else
2476s or if there's some sort of prestige mode
2478s or like you're saying Golden Horn is
2481s something we are looking at it's
2482s something that we've seen as one of the
2484s top uploaded things as well so we're
2486s gonna see what's possible with that
2487s because we know there is a lot of you or
2489s there are a lot of you who like to max
2491s out and get to full level and it's
2493s amazing how quickly after the updates uh
2496s some of you guys are people in the
2497s Discord get to level 50. it's so fast it
2501s blows my mind it's very very cool very
2503s impressive
2505s look
2507s all right so the next one I wanted to
2510s bring up and I only have a few of them
2513s um was from Sturgeon the Frozen jar
2514s sturgeon hello here
2517s um so yeah the ability to load a seed or
2519s load a specific seed so referring to you
2521s know like a specific map in the game uh
2523s it's something that we have heard a
2525s couple times as well uh could be
2527s interesting especially for maybe
2529s speedrunning purposes something that we
2531s are aware of and something that you know
2533s potentially could happen uh we'll have
2535s to see if it's it's possible but it was
2536s something that was upvoted as well
2541s or a Zombie Taco exactly there's a
2544s couple ways to go about it uh you know
2546s there's a couple ways
2547s a couple ways
2549s and also welcome welcome to the chat
2551s welcome to the Stream
2553s dagger ooh dagger or flail I'm assuming
2556s you mean flail I think a flail would be
2558s really cool I've I've if like there was
2561s a weapon that I would want to use it
2564s would be a flail I think just because
2565s they look so cool
2568s they look cool
2570s was Max in less than a week that's super
2572s impressive that's really cool
2574s congratulations on that
2577s yeah that's awesome
2579s um another one I wanted to bring up was
2580s by reinar here uh who suggests having
2584s time played on the stat screen we do
2586s have the time played per session of
2589s course so that you can keep track
2591s um but I'm assuming what they mean by
2592s this is maybe like time played overall
2595s I'm not sure
2597s um I know steam keeps track obviously of
2599s how long you're playing in game but
2601s maybe a way to see that in-game like
2602s lifetime playing hours of tribes of
2606s itgard I think could be pretty
2607s interesting my hours are way way up
2611s there just because I play a lot uh even
2614s when I'm at work
2615s but I'm curious does anybody know off
2617s the top of their head how many hours
2619s they've played tribes of midgard I'm
2621s curious do we really want to know that
2623s we really want to know that we do
2628s our time played too much
2631s 600 yeah I would expect that for I would
2634s expect that that's true
2639s sethos had like 4K yeah I believe it 100
2644s oh pansy plays hello 219 that's sweet
2648s hi Benji wait Benji Benji Nation wasn't
2651s I just in your Twitch chat talking to
2653s you I think I was
2657s no way I can add my time between PC PS4
2660s and fine now switch do you have tribes
2662s on all of those platforms oh my goodness
2665s sheesh
2669s yes shuska we've definitely heard that
2670s as well uh having ancients respawn in
2673s survival mode 100 it's noted uh we're
2676s gonna see what's gonna happen we're
2678s gonna see
2680s yeah because I I completely completely
2682s agree
2687s I just hit 100 hours yeah
2690s I was I was in your stream okay it was
2692s me I was there I was watching nice
2695s nice I hope the dungeon went well
2700s yeah absolutely as gee mentioned uh in
2702s the chat if you have suggestions please
2704s don't hesitate to go to that suggest an
2706s idea I can't say suggest an idea channel
2709s in the Discord and uh feel free to
2711s submit them there you know I mean you
2714s might show up at a community stream uh
2715s and you might get some conversation
2717s going with the people in the Discord as
2719s well so it's a great place to drop those
2721s suggestions
2723s about the game on the 15th ah 70 hours
2726s already I'm so glad to hear that you've
2728s been enjoying it so far that's really
2731s cool
2733s oh yeah Discord time iria is I think uh
2736s one of the one of people with the most
2738s messages in the Discord I I'm sure
2740s there's a way to look that up I'm sure
2742s there's a way
2747s anyway uh the last suggest an idea that
2750s I wanted to mention uh was by Kaiju
2752s actually who is here in the chat uh this
2755s was one of the most uploaded last week
2757s too uh to be able to gift people items
2759s such as pets
2762s ah don't we all wish we all wish we all
2764s wish
2765s um not sure if possible I just wanted to
2767s mention it as something that was like a
2769s very wholesome idea to be able to give
2771s people pets because if you just opened
2773s the game and you were like oh I have a
2775s pet it would be so so lovely
2779s yeah I know who that is I know who that
2781s is
2783s but yes
2784s um yeah and gee no actually ghee I think
2786s uh you have the most messages on Discord
2788s you definitely do definitely
2792s oh but yeah other than that in terms of
2793s like Community what I've been seeing
2796s um I did see this awesome uh quick
2799s thought tree I feel like so many of you
2800s are in the chat today I love this I saw
2802s this build uh that you had posted on
2804s Twitter uh really really nice long house
2807s the two entrances I think I've been
2810s loving to see the builds that have been
2812s happening with the increased build limit
2813s if you have something if you build a
2816s house if you end up making something
2817s please do not hesitate to use hashtag
2820s transit vidguard or tag us directly
2822s because I want to see I want to get
2824s those eyes on those builds I want to see
2826s what you're making
2828s yeah don't hesitate to tag or drop it in
2831s our Discord in the screenshots Channel
2832s because it's so super super cool to see
2835s how creative you can be and what you can
2837s make especially with the build limit
2838s increase yes quits out three hello you
2842s enjoyed building it awesome
2845s yeah super nice work
2847s it's a really nice really nice build
2849s love to see it
2852s Lego mode absolutely
2855s and then uh I just pulled this from the
2858s Discord because I thought it was funny
2861s but basically uh this is a little little
2864s Halo little hello key watching sorta
2867s about to cut me in his hand and bake me
2869s to a fine crisp it's very true it's how
2871s I feel when I go to fight sir
2875s really
2876s it really is I feel like between the
2878s three ancients who do you think is the
2880s toughness to fight do you think certa
2883s fenrir or jormi because for me
2886s let me think about that
2888s it was a fenrir
2892s Wolfman sir fenrir
2895s probably
2897s for me at least
2898s that's what I'm that's what it's like
2900s immediately in my mind that's what I
2901s think
2902s Jeremy fenrir jormi Fenn nobody thinks
2906s certa is tough nobody thinks cerner's
2909s tough I'm maybe do you think it's
2910s because of certa's uh location like
2912s where he's located because Darby like
2914s you know pops up and down and like has
2916s the tail and everything with certa is at
2918s the end of the platform
2919s maybe it's like location Federer hops
2921s around a lot in his Arena
2924s okay understandable the generals are
2926s harder than sirder okay okay my first
2928s solo fan rear was Doom howler I was not
2930s prepared yeah Zoom Heller with when we
2933s like had those increased uh what's it
2935s called
2936s the howling move when he howls and all
2938s the like white Air comes out you know
2941s you don't know what I mean that move
2942s where he howls and then all the things
2944s come out that one is a toughie it's a
2946s toughie
2949s Edward Doom howler Wolfman sir
2953s der has the easiest hitboxes fair you
2955s don't have to move too much yeah
2957s yeah exactly Fender yeah Federer does
2959s move around a bunch that is true
2963s Doom howler fenrir that's that's kind of
2965s cool to hear fenrir was the OG the
2967s original one
2969s the original we had fenrir then we had
2971s jormi then we had cerder and then we
2973s have
2974s just kidding
2977s not yet not yet anyway
2979s but uh we're working on season four so
2981s you know there's probably gonna be
2983s another ancient uh that's coming with it
2988s consider best fight I do like certain
2989s visuals though I really like uh
2992s you know the space in the arena and
2994s everything I think it's cool
2997s all right
3001s hello hello welcome to the chat how are
3004s you how are you doing
3007s oh yeah not Angel the wolf mats are uh
3009s minions yeah the camp the slide those
3011s wolves those wolves they're really out
3013s to get you
3016s John I'm not I'm not even gonna say the
3018s s word John I'm not even gonna say it
3020s you did
3022s exactly but yeah that other thing I
3024s wanted to mention that I saw today in
3025s the Discord actually uh was that we have
3028s a Community member pansy bear who is uh
3031s making a video series on YouTube right
3033s now I'll link the video in the chat for
3036s a second uh in one second but basically
3038s I really really liked what he was doing
3040s I took a look at the videos basically he
3042s breaks down about the game what the
3044s game's about uh what the you know
3047s rewards track is what the journal is
3049s what are recipes classes challenges
3051s customization what is the the shop you
3053s know going through the settings and I
3055s really like that it was a starter guide
3057s it was a tutorial
3058s I will link it in one second I have the
3061s link I have it I have it I swear yes I
3064s do there we go so
3067s it was really cool oh there's pansy
3069s plays hello pansy you are in the chat
3072s that's that's awesome I really
3074s um like what you're doing with the
3075s videos here how you're doing like
3076s dissertations talking about all the
3078s features
3080s in the game and making these kind of
3081s starter guides for people who are
3083s playing for the first time because we
3084s have a sale where we're having a lot of
3086s new players in the game right now we've
3088s seen the you know player base go up and
3090s I think it's very valuable to have these
3092s kinds of guides these starter videos to
3095s go through because we have a lot of
3096s written guides on our Forum of course we
3098s have everybody amazing in the Discord
3099s but it's nice to have some video content
3101s so keep it up I would like to continue
3103s to see the videos that you make
3106s season four Goblin mode
3108s season four Goblin Moon Rise Of the
3111s Goblins absolutely yeah so keep up the
3114s good work
3116s awesome guides cool guides love seeing
3118s video guides I think they're awesome
3120s but yeah that's pretty much it for the
3122s community section of the stream we are
3127s going to do another trivia question this
3128s is going to be for the dogling pup so
3131s John this one is for the dogling pup
3134s I'm gonna get that question
3136s Papa
3139s I'm gonna get another question if you
3141s just joined the stream recently I'm
3142s asking a trivia question which is why
3144s I'm holding the trivia pumpkin and then
3146s you can win the dogling pup shift code
3148s if you answer first so you just have to
3150s be the first the firstest
3156s the fastest or the first person to
3160s answer the trivia okay
3163s where is the question I'm gonna find it
3166s okay
3168s okay ready for this so what is the no
3173s not Angel it's not a number one stop ah
3177s uh what is the name of the fear of
3182s Halloween
3183s what is it called what is the fear what
3185s is the official name for the fear of
3187s Halloween
3194s oh my God no there's an official name
3197s wrong truth wrong truth got the answer
3200s congratulations it is Sam heinophobia
3204s which is the fear of Halloween which I
3206s definitely do not have uh and I yeah I
3209s do not have it but I thought it was a
3211s strange interesting fact uh
3213s congratulations thank you to everybody
3214s for guessing John oh are you okay John
3217s uh feel free to DM wrong truth or
3220s whisper to them as soon as you have a
3222s second
3224s yeah we're learning something we're
3226s learning something
3227s learning something on the stream exactly
3232s oh kinky yeah if you're having a good
3235s time don't hesitate to drop a review for
3237s the game we love to hear it we love to
3239s read the reviews we love to read the
3241s feedback uh from there so don't hesitate
3243s if you've been enjoying it or your
3244s friend has as well
3248s be congrats
3249s like yeah so you get the dogling pup Pet
3251s So as a reminder if you already have the
3254s shift code you can always come to our
3255s Discord you could drop it in there you
3256s can give it to a friend whoever you want
3258s and then the it's actually multiple use
3260s so you can use it on other platforms as
3263s well
3266s you're not sure you reviewed Misfit oh
3268s no
3270s that's all right don't worry you got
3272s time
3273s uh but yeah do you guys have any any
3274s other questions anything before we jump
3278s into playing a little bit of tribes I'm
3280s only gonna play about maybe 20 30
3282s minutes uh in Saga mode complete the
3284s challenge and if you want to join the
3287s world and complete the challenge with me
3289s you can do that
3291s uh if you're at PC I'm gonna be playing
3293s on PC so it's totally up to you if you
3296s want to do that we'll jump in in a
3298s second and we still have a couple shift
3300s codes and then we have these sticker
3301s giveaway so stick around because we're
3303s still gonna do the sticker giveaway when
3305s I'm in game uh there's a special way to
3307s enter that
3312s um
3318s it's normal hiring I don't think we are
3320s I don't think so we only have two
3322s positions open right now on the website
3327s I gotta go turn on my computer yeah I go
3329s for it turn on your turn on your
3330s computer
3331s stickers yeah stickers you want to do
3333s all the stickers and then if this
3335s giveaway goes well you know we can we
3336s can give away more stickers there's no
3338s limit
3339s on the stickers we can give away
3343s all right I'm gonna when can I join the
3346s game as an actual Goblin and attack
3348s people Misfit that sounds like PVP also
3350s I'm so terribly sorry I have to check my
3353s notes because I
3355s sound like I'm sick I think I caught a
3357s cold or something
3359s I apologize
3363s it's so gvp
3365s that's very true it is gvp
3368s no it's gvp don't worry like Pearl said
3370s it's it's not PVP it's gvp
3373s it's fine
3376s all right I'm gonna boot up uh tribes
3378s now thank you for joining for the first
3380s half of the stream I hope you're having
3381s a good time chilling out it's Friday you
3384s know we're having a chill time
3388s so let me pull up
3391s move my OBS out of the way
3396s to play some tribes let me grab this
3401s perfect
3402s so many windows it's so little space on
3406s my desktop at the moment
3412s all right tribes where are you
3415s there we go
3418s all right you guys can see the game I'm
3420s assuming
3422s I hope so
3424s yeah I think you can see the gate
3428s very cool
3434s don't forget the stretch if you have not
3437s stretched
3438s recently
3441s all right
3443s I think you want to turn the music down
3445s just a notch
3448s and uh since we're giving away the
3450s healthy helmet I'm gonna put the helting
3451s helmet on
3455s and uh which pet should I take today
3458s should I take the dogling pup
3461s who who should I take
3464s all right Kiki enjoy lurk mode
3467s enjoy lurk mode
3469s yep stretch stand up keep hydrated
3471s the three the whole the trendy you know
3474s what I mean
3475s okay we're gonna pick the pup
3478s we'll go for the pup and then loot chest
3480s I am gonna take that headstone loot
3481s chest which like I mentioned as high
3483s probability of coming back
3485s and since we're playing Saga mode I'm
3487s gonna take a starter kit it's been a
3489s while since I played Saga mode
3492s I'm kind of I when I have played Saga
3495s mode I tend to go for the feral starter
3496s kit just because I like having that
3498s hammer first thing
3500s so I think I'm gonna go with the fuel
3503s especially since I want to kill Val
3505s heldings you know what I mean
3508s we're gonna do that
3512s okay
3515s [Music]
3517s sounds good so we need to kill 50 Bell
3519s hell things
3520s is there oh there we go back
3525s okay
3527s hmm actually the question is should I go
3530s into matchmaking
3533s should I go into matchmaking should I
3535s just drop into a world maybe I feel like
3537s that could be fun I'm doing a saga game
3539s for all because I think it would be
3540s easier to kill valhall things because in
3543s survival you know you have to go out
3545s into the world the the knights are very
3547s short and the days are very long so I
3549s think it makes sense too to try a saga
3552s I know it's very low progress It's
3555s because I play at work all the time on
3558s the build that we're currently working
3560s on for season four so I've been playing
3562s a lot of um
3564s Pro in the process things rather than
3567s the live build so I rarely play on live
3571s yeah I'll do matchmaking okay
3573s I'll do matchmaking
3576s Persona saying I love the mini giant
3578s pets yeah love to hear that love to hear
3580s that
3583s I feel like I'm I deserve the roast it's
3586s okay I deserve it
3590s all right I'm gonna do matchmaking I'm
3593s gonna
3593s join join some some tribes players I'm
3597s gonna do automatic best I'm in Canada so
3599s it's gonna be North America
3602s all right I'm going in
3606s sorry
3610s sick and I hate the weather
3613s and the cold temperature
3616s okay before we start the game let's do a
3618s quick trivia quick trivia uh John this
3621s is for the hellfing helmet if you guys
3624s in the chat are ready and are ready to
3626s guess
3627s I'm going to ask the next trivia
3629s question which is
3632s oh this is kind of a good one okay
3635s what oh this one's a little easy hmm
3638s hold on
3641s okay
3642s well that's good what is the name of the
3646s forest biome in tribes of midgard
3649s what is the name of the forest Wyoming
3651s in tribes of midgard trivia time
3654s give me your guesses
3656s give me your best guesses
3660s Zombie Taco oh no not Angel oh so close
3663s you guys are almost at the same time not
3665s Angel says bright Forest yes it is the
3667s bright Forest so not Angel
3668s congratulations you got it you guys also
3671s got it uh
3673s congratulations thank you for for
3675s guessing
3676s it is indeed the bright Forest
3682s Autumn is so cozy I I love autumn I just
3685s don't like how cold it is that's all you
3687s know what I mean I know very fast
3688s guesses
3689s how many people are in my world
3691s okay
3698s so we need to get those vowel hell
3700s things
3704s so it would be kind of nice if ideally I
3707s could just craft the nornier ax
3711s if for some some way I get that quickly
3714s because then I can really take down how
3717s things uh quickly
3728s oh I need a tool
3731s I need to study for this yeah I like
3733s asking tribes questions uh usually I ask
3736s questions that are related to the
3737s Discord quiz you know some of the
3738s Discord quiz questions which the quiz
3740s has been on a break this month but we're
3743s working on it with the mods to make it
3745s improve to make it better let's make it
3747s more fun make it a little simpler to run
3749s uh something yeah come take part in the
3751s Discord quiz it's fun and you can win
3754s prizes and yeah it's cool way to like
3756s test your knowledge on tribes of midgard
3758s too
3759s I'm gonna go make a tool
3765s foreign
3770s so many pumpkins everywhere
3772s no all right so we're gonna build number
3776s ax
3780s okay there's a couple land of pools here
3783s I think I'm gonna teleport
3788s uh
3791s that looks pretty picked apart so
3796s I'm gonna go to this line of pools
3801s gotta get that Raider three Raider three
3804s is pretty good too I I do admit
3809s what ingredients are needed to make
3811s balder's sword
3814s there's a lot that is needed to make the
3817s halter sword I believe it's yeah it's
3820s because it's legendary hold on
3823s while there's blade yeah yeah so that's
3825s where you need uh John Sax's brooch so
3827s you need to kill John saxa and then
3829s golden horns which I have I only have
3830s four golden horns right now so
3833s yes oh I need to be back at the Village
3835s wait it's night time
3838s I forgot my objective already
3841s we're going back
3843s oh no but they're all here I think we're
3845s all trying to do the challenge
3847s I think we're all we're all trying to do
3850s the challenge right now do you think
3851s that's it I think that's why everybody I
3852s mean it's a good way to like encourage
3854s people to be back at the village
3857s I see him I see him there he is okay
3862s I wonder if I'll be able to do it this
3863s stream I feel like I might need you guys
3865s help to keep track so that was one
3867s I killed one but now I realize it's 50.
3870s so
3871s we'll see if we can get done we'll see
3876s is it okay if I crack my neck on stream
3878s is that okay with you guys
3880s look okay maybe we're all yeah we're
3883s definitely all trying to do the
3884s challenge to be honest
3892s I love this uh team spirit oh why close
3895s the gate
3897s wait
3899s wait anger but what what do you why are
3901s you talking about anger Boulder
3905s oh it's anger Boda oh if anger boat is
3908s here and then she has the whole things
3909s yeah yeah
3910s I wonder if it is her actually I should
3913s go check that out it's a good
3917s okay I think I killed three
3921s uh but next question
3924s which class
3927s I always like to go see her I've been
3930s liking Hunter too though
3933s oh it hasn't spun yeah I think there's a
3935s drone in the world uh yeah it's it's at
3937s the South I think
3942s I think it's here yeah let's go see her
3944s it's been a while I think picked Hunter
3945s last time so
3950s oops I don't have enough bullets okay
3953s so let's uh maybe go yelton hunting
3955s let's go see if it's anger Boda oh our
3957s tree is not doing that well actually
3966s oh did you you found it was easier to do
3967s uh in survival mode
3970s I suppose there might be thicker packs
3973s of Hell things in survival mode but then
3976s for me my thinking was you know the days
3978s are longer so
3981s they're 20 minutes instead of 10.
3985s so that I thought maybe I would get it
3986s done quicker
3989s but in this mode
3994s oh anger Boda Arena icic
3999s yeah longer to get the knife easier to
4000s get to 50.
4002s that makes sense
4005s I'm gonna see if I can find actually
4011s we're gonna go to the hunting
4017s oh
4021s I'm always nervous in Atlanta Pools
4022s because I know there's gonna be a
4023s lantern somewhere
4025s and it's going to chase me
4028s and it's going to find me
4032s I'm really going summer without any
4033s potions huh
4036s oh and don't I cannot forget if you join
4038s the stream uh very shortly we will be
4041s having a sticker giveaways the first
4043s sticker giveaway ever
4045s oh I think they're on the other
4047s continent darn
4050s um so yeah keep in keep an eye out stay
4052s here for that I'll be starting that very
4055s soon
4065s okay
4066s I'm wondering she's already shot over
4070s there okay
4071s there's a stag there it might be worth
4073s it to go over to the staging back
4078s I will I will take a look I will take a
4079s look
4080s other scouting for you yeah
4083s that's true I could wait until they find
4085s the giant because then it'll show me on
4086s the map like who it is
4093s I feel like the tree is hurting a little
4095s bit though we might need some some Souls
4100s let's do this Camp here
4104s oh no I want I don't want these guys
4112s oh goodbye I have to go home and get
4114s some potions to be honest
4118s uh
4122s uh okay
4124s I'm gonna follow these these these peeps
4127s yeah it might be easier to do in
4129s survival mode now that you're uh saying
4132s it you know what I mean
4136s a new Shrine look at everybody's really
4138s traveling as a team in this game I
4140s really like to see that
4149s oh it is indeed anger Boda
4153s hello
4156s let's go
4159s all right look at that convenient except
4163s I'm alone and I have no potions
4168s best we can stay out of pools
4177s pigs are just here
4179s chilling
4181s I don't want to kill her immediately
4182s because I want her to spawn hell things
4186s there we go yes look at that
4189s oh but I'm gonna die
4192s wait oh bless the level up okay
4195s loving that happens oh that was really
4199s okay
4201s I'm really out here with no potions I
4203s really need potions
4205s oh no
4210s um Team
4214s please
4218s blessed
4220s blessed oh blessed okay
4222s okay gotta help the homies
4233s I think we all have the same idea oh I'm
4234s gonna die again
4236s oh that's not
4239s oh I have 43 health
4243s uh yeah
4246s I
4248s think I should die
4250s yes use my blessings thank you thank you
4252s for reminding me
4253s oh oh look at that
4257s amazing
4259s these guys are tough
4262s oh I should
4267s I love that finishing move with the uh
4271s the feral hammer
4275s it might be worth it to
4278s go back to the Village or just die here
4281s like get some potions and then come back
4290s I'm dying I'm dying
4296s I'll protect you friend no I won't I'm
4298s just gonna
4304s it's trying but I died thank you anyway
4310s oh no I should have gone back to the
4312s Village because I had Souls
4314s it's hard
4315s that's okay
4322s all right
4323s I'm gonna go get my loot chest actually
4329s it is right there by the shrine very
4331s convenient
4332s who is messaging me on Discord we have
4336s to
4339s hungry should have gone villager yeah
4341s that could have been an idea honestly
4344s [Music]
4348s apologies I just got a ping I just want
4350s to make sure nothing is
4353s okay
4355s just making sure nothing's wrong with
4356s the street that's
4361s right
4364s we return
4367s and I didn't even make any potions
4368s because I didn't have any materials
4373s rest in peace
4376s you know what we're gonna do uh we're
4377s gonna do another
4379s oh he's dead or if she's dead
4382s can't do multitask uh I'm gonna do
4385s another trivia question for the hell
4387s think helmet I believe this is our last
4389s or second last shift code
4392s so I'm gonna go back to the Village
4396s and then we'll do the Crypt trivia
4399s get that loot all right
4404s so where is the shrine am I completely
4407s okay
4410s all right everybody's coming back
4412s so the question we're going to ask now
4417s [Music]
4419s is
4424s okay
4427s wait okay
4430s oh wait wait we gotta kill these health
4432s things first
4437s just fact checking okay I was just fact
4439s checking my question that I was gonna
4440s ask and I have fact checked it I think
4443s I'm good
4444s oh I have two blessing points you are
4446s very true this is our last code for
4448s today
4452s thank you for keeping track
4458s I'm gonna take maybe a specific
4463s I'm gonna go to the South
4467s coming down here okay there he is
4472s that's the one I want poor Guild please
4474s don't kill it please don't kill it
4490s get out of here
4500s amazing all right
4502s so the question the trivia question that
4504s I'm going to ask now for the very last
4508s very last shift code for the healthing
4511s helmet is okay you know we all know
4515s Count Dracula okay which country is
4518s Transylvania located in
4521s which country is Transylvania located in
4525s this is the trivia question all about
4527s Count Dracula
4531s foreign
4537s so many answers coming in at the same
4539s time
4542s I think we have the answer which is from
4548s oh no see Hill
4552s it was a typo
4557s the true answers from Ellinger 88
4561s Romania congratulations uh zihil it was
4564s just a slight typo uh but if you're on
4567s discard I'll see if I can get one more
4569s code to send you as well because you did
4572s have the right answer but it is yeah
4575s clearly so I will go to my what's the
4578s word like bag of codes and please
4581s message me or I'll message you if I if
4583s you're in the Discord please let me know
4584s if you're in the Discord or not
4586s um and then I can get you a code too
4588s because then you guys can both have
4589s health thing helmets
4591s I'll give mine to Z
4594s okay if you want me to give it to Z I
4597s can do that or I can give you both um we
4600s can we can figure it out let me know
4602s it's not Ohio but good guess good guess
4605s yeah Nebraska it was almost the right
4607s answer
4611s all right
4613s what's the Hat uh it is I don't have it
4615s right now I need to put a helmet on I
4617s can show you what it looks like in game
4620s hold up hold up hold up I'll show you if
4622s there's a helmet here
4624s is
4625s this there so that is what you can uh
4629s get that is what the shift code is there
4631s you can see it here
4633s oh do you have it already
4635s it's this one let me know if you have it
4641s oh you already have it okay
4644s ah okay so in that case uh what do we do
4648s does it go back to uh Ellie
4652s or is the hill if you want to give it to
4654s a friend
4655s what do you guys think it's totally up
4657s to you
4660s totally up to y'all
4664s yes John just needs to know
4666s who he uh gives The Whispers to
4669s oh okay we can re okay we'll do a re a
4672s re another guess this is a bonus
4674s question let me let me come up with a
4677s bonus question uh and everybody can
4678s guess one more time and then we'll do
4680s the sticker giveaway so please hang her
4682s out for the sticker giveaway we'll do it
4684s in like two minutes uh but yeah let's do
4687s one more then I'll re-roll let me find a
4689s trivia question that I did not ask yet
4694s oh okay
4697s okay I think Alaska tribes of midgard
4699s related question
4701s okay the question is for the healthy
4704s helmet uh re-roll according to Ellie and
4708s zihil uh will be which what is the name
4714s of the creature that you had to kill in
4717s the first Val Halloween challenge of
4719s tribes of midgard the one this year so
4721s the challenge that happened last week
4723s what was the name of the creature I'm
4725s looking for the specific name of the
4728s creature you had to kill
4729s for about Halloween challenge number one
4733s it was shown earlier in the Stream as
4735s well
4737s what is like the type of creature I
4739s would say that you had to go
4742s I see the answer from Desert Rose which
4745s is a goblin this is true it is Goblin
4748s congratulations
4750s um you can you've You've Won you've won
4753s the uh the health thing helmet so John
4756s will come and he will whisper to you
4759s the code you just wanted to participate
4761s oh thank you for participating thank you
4763s for participating we're gonna have
4764s different codes next stream uh and next
4767s stream next week is going to be a very
4769s special one uh because we're going to be
4770s giving away a copy of tribes of midgard
4772s and we'll have some some codes we
4774s haven't given out in a while and haven't
4775s given out on the last stream either
4779s it is appreciated so now I think
4783s um since we're kind of nearing the end
4786s of the stream time I think the valhall
4787s things challenge is going to be a little
4789s bit longer than I thought I feel like I
4790s should stick in game and I should
4791s probably help these peeps for the blood
4793s moon
4793s but we can start up the sticker giveaway
4795s let me get the giveaway started and then
4798s we can enter
4801s okay so you're gonna have to type
4803s something specific let me pop it up
4807s what is it keyword okay
4814s okay so it's gonna be
4819s okay so you have to type it uh in all
4822s capitals in order to enter
4825s let me just make sure everybody can
4828s enter
4831s good
4834s okay you just need to enter it one time
4836s to win
4838s all right I'm gonna start the giveaway
4841s oh what is what what
4844s oh I'm sorry that did not start the
4846s giveaway
4848s Desert Rose I'm sorry for calling you
4850s out like that
4851s I'm so sorry
4856s I'm sorry I'm glad you understood it's
4859s been what it's only been once two
4861s streams since I did this
4864s okay can somebody please okay
4868s okay can you test this for me to make
4871s sure it works if you type exclamation
4874s point Val Halloween
4876s all in capitals all in capitals
4880s in the chat to enter the sticker
4882s giveaway I'm going to make sure on my
4884s end that it works and everything is okay
4888s Val how o ween it's right there on the
4891s screen with how to write it
4893s okay it looks like it works okay it's
4895s working
4896s yep
4897s I see you guys coming up as eligible on
4899s the back end
4901s wow so many about Halloween's so many
4904s about Halloween's I'll leave that up for
4906s about one two more minutes uh fight
4909s through the blood moon and then I think
4911s uh in the morning
4914s we can pull the winner
4917s so I'll give people who are trickling in
4918s just a second to enter the giveaway
4922s about Halloween
4926s exclamation point about Halloween
4927s welcome first time Chatters come on in
4929s Pizza Pizza
4933s we have
4935s awesome I see everybody eligible in the
4939s chat looks good
4943s amazing or maybe we could do let's pull
4945s it right before the blood moon so right
4947s before the blood moon we'll pull the
4948s winner
4951s yes
4953s so everybody who's just joining make
4954s sure to type exclamation point Val
4955s Halloween
4958s in the chat in order to
4960s enter the giveaway
4967s see if I can get a better weapon in the
4969s meantime
4972s uh no one earn your ex okay that's fine
4977s if you're a hobby
4980s all right 10 more seconds exclamation
4982s point Val Halloween and this is for
4984s these stickers once again these stickers
4987s stickers let me pop them up on screen
4990s once more so you can see them
4994s so these are the stickers that we're
4995s giving away uh today
4999s I will be pulling the winner right now
5001s and the winner is drumroll please
5005s Kaiju halina congratulations you won the
5008s giveaway uh congrats there are a lot of
5012s entries uh in the giveaway Gigi thank
5015s you everybody for entering
5018s um congratulations thank you for coming
5020s to the streams as always and hanging out
5022s uh this won't be the only sticker
5025s giveaway that we'll do there'll be more
5027s next week potentially
5029s more in the future and on Discord and
5033s congratulations thank you everybody for
5035s entering
5036s and thank you we'll do this again we'll
5039s do this again soon do you like the kind
5040s of raffle way we did it
5042s I feel like it's uh
5046s and I will take out that vowel Halloween
5048s so there's no more about Halloween
5053s thank you congratulations I will reach
5055s out to you via Discord Dia and we'll get
5058s it all set up for where I send them to
5060s you
5060s so yeah just uh keep it out for my DM
5063s after the Stream
5066s you love stickers but you cannot use
5067s them I you know what I saw somebody
5069s talking about the other day was that
5072s they have a sticker book so they have a
5074s book dedicated to putting stickers in
5077s so it's just like not on anything it's
5079s just a book
5080s where you keep all your stickers so then
5082s you know you need a place to put it you
5084s can put in the sticker book I thought
5086s that was a really really cool
5088s you're welcome Kaiju thank you for
5089s entering
5092s so welcome
5095s it is it's kind of cool
5099s all right I'm gonna kill this guy
5103s oh I'm low on health
5105s it's fine
5108s yeah yeah scrap sticker book
5112s I'll die
5114s don't die
5117s scrap sticker book
5120s it's amazing
5122s well I'm gonna leave for a moment I'm
5124s gonna see how many I killed relatively
5128s and then probably finish up the stream
5131s so thank you guys for hanging out today
5133s on the street
5134s it's been it's been fun
5136s [Music]
5137s okay only thirteen
5141s we got 13. I have the weekend to play I
5143s have the weekend
5145s to get more of them
5147s take them down
5148s uh but it's progress it's progress I'm
5150s very dedicated to
5154s yeah very dedicated to completing this
5156s challenge to getting the Frog
5160s but we have just kind of run out of
5162s stream time and
5164s probably gonna edit here if that's cool
5168s with y'all I'm gonna get some food
5172s and take a take a little break
5176s and let me turn on the volume I feel
5177s like it's blasting about Halloween music
5179s which I love anyway because it's very
5181s spooky but
5183s yeah next week I'm gonna be streaming as
5185s well on Friday same place same time but
5188s I think I'm gonna be joined by JP
5190s actually gpay who we have not seen on
5192s The Stream in a while so I'm very
5193s excited for him to be part of that we're
5195s gonna have a Halloween stream hopefully
5197s gonna dress up hopefully gonna have some
5199s activities
5201s um if you have any suggestions for
5202s activities I have a couple of things
5203s that we're gonna gonna do a couple
5205s things in mind maybe some like Community
5208s um Halloween Mad Libs maybe something
5211s like that more giveaways like I
5214s mentioned we're having a game code
5216s giveaway next week so if you want to
5218s potentially win a copy of tribe submit
5220s card be sure to come out to the stream
5222s next week you can follow us on Twitch to
5224s be notified when we're live but it's
5226s same time same place every week for the
5228s most part
5230s yeah survival I think survival I'll make
5232s a solo world and it's it's the way to do
5234s it
5237s you're welcome thank you guys for coming
5238s thank you guys for coming to the Stream
5241s um I'm gonna close tribes give me one
5244s moment there's those little stickers
5247s again
5248s so as a reminder before I go
5251s um tribes midgard is on sale
5254s absolutely
5257s oh oh hello
5259s there we go it's on sale for 50 off
5262s until November 1st on all platforms uh
5265s don't forget just a little reminder
5267s and then of course the challenge ends on
5270s Tuesday so if you want to get the Frog
5271s Prince pet make sure to finish that up
5274s before Tuesday those are some little
5276s last reminders uh if you have any other
5279s things any other questions let me know
5280s before I finish up
5282s otherwise yeah thank you guys so much
5284s for hanging out as I mentioned uh next
5286s week you know we'll be doing more
5288s streams too on Friday
5289s and last thing yes if you have anything
5292s to share anything to show me uh like a
5294s build that you've made or a fan art or
5297s anything of the sort be sure to hashtag
5298s tribes of midgard tag us we want to see
5301s all your Creations we want to see what
5302s you're doing and then you could be
5304s featured in the next Community stream
5305s next video
5306s uh while we look at everything what
5308s happens if you kiss the Frog pet
5310s the Frog pet won't let you kiss him
5311s because he kind of he poofs he
5313s disappears I wish I had a video on hand
5315s to show you
5317s um that I might actually now that I say
5318s that give me one second before I close
5320s oh I do okay
5322s look at this look at this I had it right
5325s on hand okay give me a second I have to
5328s make sure it Loops so that it doesn't
5329s disappear okay okay
5331s yes okay as I'm positioning this on
5334s Stream So This Is The Frog Prince
5336s petting animation so you can try to pet
5338s the Frog Prince but he is a little
5340s magical Prince
5342s kind of does this little magic trick
5344s when you try to pet him
5347s it would yeah yeah so that's that's what
5349s you can get uh this week so yeah thank
5352s you everybody for coming to the stream
5353s thank you for participating in the
5355s trivia the games
5357s and the sticker giveaway as well we'll
5360s do more in the future glad you liked it
5362s uh as always yeah thank you it's always
5364s nice hanging out with you guys too here
5366s on stream uh I will see you next week
5370s happy October happy about Halloween
5372s happy Halloween I'll see you again soon
5375s and I'll see you on Discord goodbye for
5378s now bye bye see you guys next week
5382s foreign
5401s [Music]
5410s [Music]
5414s foreign
5463s foreign
5487s foreign
5524s foreign
5589s foreign
5647s thank you