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Hi, new player here. Couple of questions.

What’s the deal with the limited construction? I only made 2 buildings near the tree and reached a limit.

Is this for the whole map, or each island?

What do you build, when you have such a small amount to work with?

How can you make a village, and perimeter around the tree using the least amount of constructs?

Can friend sail in the same boat as you?

So far I loved the game made it to day 25 but then reached this wall in building that’s really disappointing at the moment.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Hey OP! :)

I know this post is from a while back, but I just wanted to come by and let you know that we have now increased the Construction limit 10 times since it was introduced (in Season 3).

We had the limit in place due to technical reasons and ensuing the game experience stayed smooth, but our team has been at work to make that limit less restrictive. We're hard at work at increasing this limit even further!

You can read more about our most recent update here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/858820/view/3726209391905730306


almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Originally posted by Azure__Wolf

Construction limit is 500. Yes it’s anything from shrines to 1 tile of flooring. I’ve heard the devs are working to improve the limit.

Ships come in a variety of 4. The first ship holds 2, 2nd 5 and the last 10 people. The last ship can only be unlocked through killing the 2nd saga boss the serpent on survival mode.

I know this is an old post at this point, but I just wanted to mention that we increased the limit by 10 times now!

almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Originally posted by Ganmor_Denlay


That’s fantastic, I appreciate the update.

No problem!

almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Originally posted by MonocledMonotremes

I was looking around trying to find a quicker way to do exactly this and it brought me here. I hit the limit playing yesterday and God knows how many random ramps and paths between raised areas I've built. That's going to take a while, and without a high limit I'd at least like a way to put them on the map so I can tear them down more easily. Now I know to tear them down as I go.

Hey! I know this is a bit of an old post but as an update, I just wanted to let you know we increased the construction limit by 10 times the amount it was!
