over 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so in case you missed it we're on day
2s five of revealing new content for tribes
4s of midgard over on our Twitter this uh
6s that we posted over on the weekend is a
8s new enemy in game
10s so here he is here's a better look he's
12s called the health and gardening and he's
14s gonna be waiting for you in game very
16s soon and then we wanted to ask
17s theoretically if you were in this
19s situation would you attack it or would
21s you sneak past it and a huge majority of
23s you just said we're gonna attack it no
25s weapons we've just got our fists we're
27s going for it uh so yeah you'll see what
29s happens in the next post