about 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I'm back and we are already on day eight
2s of me coming here and telling you all
5s about the new stuff coming to the tribes
6s of midgard update uh today on our
8s Twitter um I posted this this is one of
10s the new enemies coming to the game
11s called dragger game is based in Norse
14s mythology so if you know about jogger
16s you know they're like Undead spooky
18s creatures maybe gives you a hint about
20s the update and we're trying an
21s interactive story on the Twitter so you
23s can like let us know what we should do
25s next um and a huge majority again we're
27s just like fight the new enemies fight
28s them with our fists we've got this so
31s we're gonna do that and I'll see you
32s tomorrow for the next video