about 1 year
ago -
Tribes of Midgard
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | this is your sign to build your dream |
2s | Viking home in our action survival RPG |
4s | game Tribes of midgard you can build |
6s | with up to 10 friends there are |
8s | different style choices and how you can |
10s | build so you can use twig wood or stone |
13s | depending on the kind of look you want |
15s | we have had so many creative builds from |
17s | our players already look at this um and |
20s | I know it's not a house but look at this |
21s | car anyway let us know if you have any |
24s | questions about the game or building and |
26s | if you pick it up good luck with |
28s | constructing your brand new home look |