Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this is how your feedback the past two
2s years has made tribes of midgard even
3s better if you knew our game back in 2021
6s we introduced a survival mode and in all
8s honesty it wasn't what we hoped it would
10s be so based on community feedback we
12s completely revamped it focusing more on
15s exploration Discovery um you can farm
17s and instead of classes you can pick from
20s many skills but most importantly you can
22s build freely we added a construction
24s system where you can build a house
26s anywhere you can place stations for like
28s weapons and armor and most of our
30s community seems to spend their time in
32s this mode now creating the coolest
33s houses I've ever seen
35s the whole point of this re-ramp was to
37s create a mode for tribes in midgard that
39s was more relaxing and great for hanging
41s out with your friends since it is up to
43s 10 players Co-op
45s besides that we've added in some other
47s changes like the addition of swimming um
49s it used to be that when you swam you
51s would drown instantly when touching
53s water I'm glad to say it's no longer the
54s case we've also added in things like pet
56s looting so when you run around your pets
59s will collect items for you