Hi all! :)
Midgard is in trouble. We need you, Einherjar, to help save Baldr from the depths of Niflheim and the clutches of Hel!
The Witch Saga has BEGUN! 🔮
You can read the full patch notes here: https://www.tribesofmidgard.com/2023/01/witch-saga-update-patch-notes/
As always, please don't hesitate to let our team know of any issues you run into, any feedback, or if you want to pass along any comments! You can join our Discord to find a group and share your thoughts: https://discord.gg/tribesofmidgard
Happy update day, and see you in Midgard!
Are the patch notes long? Could they be posted in the comment?
At work and blocked from the site. Impatient to wait til i get home lol.
They are... about 16 pages long, so too long to post in a comment apologies! :c
so couch co-op isn't coming ever? :( we're a bit sad, cause both me and my girlfriend love the game but have only one playstation and TV so we can't actually play together :(
I totally understand. We are not sure yet if this will be possible or in the plans, but definitely have heard it and will let everyone know once we have a more solid answer.
Today? Or later?
The update is live now :)
So happy my first saga game with randoms and we got the quadruple.
wait that's amazing!!
Is there a place to report bugs? I’ve encountered so many
Yes absolutely. The best spot is the Discord channel #report-bugs: https://discord.gg/tribesofmidgard. We also have a #bugs-discussion channel if you need to specify or get clarification. Appreciate the reports as well!
Does silver essence exist? I’ve harvested about 1,500 silver and I’m yet to find an essence
Hey! There is no silver Essence, you can find all of them listed here though!: https://tribesofmidgard.fandom.com/wiki/Essences
Is it normal that when you play as a group your group no longer get xp ? We kill the first jotunn and my friend only got the xp because he deliver the final blow ? In the old saga all the group got the xp ? Is it a glitch or it is intended ???
Hey! Do you remember if this was in Saga or Survival Mode? (I'm checking with the team)!
In the survival mode before the update we were getting everyone of us xp now it’s only the last hit thats get’s the xp so when we fight jotunn it’s pretty tough to get xp when we are like in lvl 5 and higher
Got it, thanks for the reply! I've passed it on to the team and we're looking into resolving that. :)
If only we could build more than 500 pieces and In survival mode…..
Hey! Just wanted to let you know we've actually increased the build limit by 10 times since then! So it is no longer limited to that number. :)
Back when it was at 500 pieces, it was due to technical reasons and wanting to ensure the smoothest experience possible.
If you'd like to read more about it, here are the most recent update notes!: https://www.tribesofmidgard.com/2023/05/tribes-of-midgard-construction-limit-update/