over 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s let me tell you about three secret tips
2s for our game Tribes of midgard first is
4s that if you're looking for a way to get
6s around quicker and don't yet have a
7s mount you can just follow these dirt
9s paths on the road these paths will
11s actually make you run faster next is
13s that these mysterious ripples in the
15s water are actually fishing spots so you
17s can toss in your Rod wait for the
19s Sparkles and then catch a fish and this
22s last one I feel like not a lot of people
23s know about but if for some reason you
25s are tired of your pet following you I
27s don't know why you would be but you can
29s go into the settings and you can turn
31s off your pet visibility but you still
32s get the benefit of having your items
34s picked up for you so yeah that's been
36s three tips let me know if you want to
37s hear any more we are sharing more about
39s our game every day I'm live streaming
41s daily so I will see you again tomorrow