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I started building my first house, just got to the 2nd floor of it (first floor walls are triple layered) and this started popping up. How are you supposed to build a village when you can't even build a single 2-story house?

It's not even a big house. I'm completely flabbergasted that this mode was hyped up for its building and I literally can't do the one thing it advertises.

Messed up.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Hey OP! :)

I know this post is from a while back (and I'm responding to related posts) - but I just wanted to come by and let you know that we have now increased the Construction limit 10 times since it was introduced (in Season 3).

We had the limit in place due to technical reasons and ensuing the game experience stayed smooth, but our team has been at work to make that limit less restrictive. We're hard at work at increasing this limit even further!

You can read more about our most recent update here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/858820/view/3726209391905730306


almost 2 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Originally posted by WorkerBeez123z

You can build 500 things, including stuff like boats and crafting stations etc.

Hi hi! I just want to let you know that we increased the limit by 10 times since the Construction system was added, and are still working on increasing it!
