Original Post — Direct link

How have the still not fixed this bug?!
Everytime i play, it doesnt matter how far we go into the game, the max amount of days you can survive is 12 days in the end screen. Which cap the xp around 28k, was there for half of the last season and still here now.
In the screenshot below we just survived 16 days and still only 28k and 12 days.


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about 3 years ago - /u/neonorsfell - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditHasNoFreeNames

Yes. From start till end.

Hey OP! Are you able to join our Discord and report this in our bugs channel so we can further investigate this? https://discordapp.com/invite/tribesofmidgard

Alternatively, you can reach out to our Support site: https://support.gearboxsoftware.com/hc/en-us/categories/4405562017293-Tribes-of-Midgard

We'd like to get more information on this and to know if it's still happening - thanks!