over 1 year ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s [Music]
10s smooth
18s [Music]
25s my
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63s [Music]
85s [Music]
96s [Music]
107s yes
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154s [Music]
167s [Music]
169s smooth
171s [Music]
188s [Music]
197s [Music]
215s [Music]
221s [Music]
244s [Music]
258s [Music]
265s yes
278s [Music]
284s [Music]
288s so
306s so
312s [Music]
321s ah
326s [Music]
344s oh
347s [Music]
355s [Music]
374s [Music]
380s [Music]
401s so
416s [Music]
427s my
436s [Music]
443s [Music]
471s [Music]
479s oh
484s [Music]
501s my
505s [Music]
514s [Music]
523s [Music]
533s god yes
538s [Music]
560s [Music]
574s [Music]
594s [Music]
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643s [Music]
644s smith
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733s [Music]
742s is
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785s [Music]
796s ah
801s [Music]
810s [Music]
819s oh
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831s [Music]
855s [Music]
877s [Music]
891s [Music]
893s hello everybody
896s hello hello welcome to the stream
900s how are you all doing today
903s can you hear me okay that's always the
906s first question we ask
907s when we start up a stream how's my
909s volume do i sound too low
912s too high i feel like my camera is a
913s little too high but
916s i don't know if that fixed anything how
918s are you all doing today oh volume's a
919s little low okay let me move this a
920s little bit closer
922s all systems check
923s hello everybody in the chat hello hello
926s i see some newcomers in here
928s uh i see some first time viewers welcome
930s to the stream um i'm going to move
933s hold up i feel like i'm turning my head
935s too much let me move the chat over just
937s a little bit
938s so i can see a little bit better
940s stream working perfect awesome good to
943s know good to know
945s how are you all doing today i feel like
946s i asked that three times
948s it's me yes it is mighty hello hello
952s hello judge hello hi misfit welcome
954s and hi ali belkali miss you
958s welcome to the stream normally normally
960s alice ali would be here with me on
962s stream as she had been in the past
964s couple of weeks uh but yeah for stream
966s today it's gonna be me
967s um if you are new here if it's your
969s first time um i'm sydney i'm the senior
972s community manager uh for norseville here
974s for tribes of midgard and yeah we do
977s these streams every friday we've been
978s doing them uh we used to do them
980s bi-weekly but then we switch to doing
982s them every friday so every friday you
984s can catch us here on our twitch channel
986s and on steam and on facebook and on
988s youtube we're on all the streaming
989s streaming platforms
991s hi yuffie star welcome first time chat
993s hello hello hi freeze forever
996s my day is good how about you the double
998s bond uh my day's been pretty good it's
1000s been pretty chill
1001s pretty chill friday so far as i
1003s mentioned in the chat i was uh eating my
1006s granola bars just before i got on stream
1008s and then i do that stream countdown and
1009s then i realize oh no i have to eat
1011s faster
1013s but i do have water with me today too
1017s so i'm doing pretty good thanks for
1018s asking
1020s i miss you too i miss everyone i will
1022s tell ev you said hi
1025s i feel like i missed some of the
1026s comments in the chat
1029s uh
1030s no i think i caught up on everything
1032s anyway um yeah i'm happy you guys are
1034s here today i guess we can talk a little
1036s bit about uh what the stream is going to
1038s be
1039s uh as usual it's kind of a surprise
1041s every time uh but basically what we're
1043s gonna be doing is i've recapped some of
1045s the top community highlights that we've
1047s seen uh this past week to do with uh
1049s season three of tribes of midgard again
1051s if you're new here season 3 inferno saga
1053s of tribes of midgard
1055s launched just two weeks ago so we're
1057s still collecting a lot of feedback from
1059s that launch and what i'll be doing today
1061s is kind of going through is the top
1062s feedback that we've seen from you guys
1065s i have some really awesome community
1066s highlights you guys have been creating
1068s some awesome builds and some some
1070s buildings that i really wanted to share
1072s and then there's just some funny stuff
1073s that we saw on our socials and on
1074s twitter that i wanted to share today too
1077s i'll be recapping all the news so if you
1079s missed anything like don't worry we're
1081s just here to have a chill stream talk
1082s about uh the anniversary event that's
1084s ongoing we're gonna talk about the dev
1086s blog that came out we also had a hotfix
1088s so i'm gonna go over all of that and
1090s then what we're gonna do is finish off
1092s with playing a little bit of tribes of
1093s midgard i'm gonna try to do the
1095s anniversary challenge that's ongoing
1096s right now which is to kill those rooster
1098s goblins uh i'm gonna probably try that
1100s in survival mode uh because i really
1102s want that anniversary portrait and this
1104s is really motivating motivating doing
1105s this on stream because then i get all
1107s those anniversary challenges done so
1109s yeah that's kind of what we're doing
1110s today if you have any questions feel
1112s free to always just drop them in the
1114s chat uh i'll keep an eye and i will try
1116s to respond to as many as possible if i
1118s miss something uh our mods are in the
1120s chat too and they'll they'll try to
1121s capture your responses and if i missed
1124s it you can always ask it again and then
1125s i'll keep an eye
1126s but that's pretty much how the stream's
1128s gonna roll it's pretty pretty chill
1130s chill day today
1131s as fridays are
1133s skull says east very welcome to the
1135s stream
1137s oh nanachi sydney tell us about your
1139s vacation plans that's a good point thank
1140s you for reminding me
1142s i'm going on vacation so this is my last
1144s stream for three weeks potentially four
1147s weeks so i hope today is gonna be a fun
1150s one i hope you guys stick around we're
1151s gonna be giving out some shift codes too
1153s i keep saying we but it's because i'm
1155s normally streaming with somebody else uh
1157s but i'm gonna be giving away some shift
1158s codes as well so stick around we're
1161s gonna do it this time in terms of
1163s raffles so you're just gonna have to
1165s type a command in the chat and then you
1167s can be entered to win a shift code so
1168s that's how it's gonna work i'll let you
1170s know when those are dropping but there
1171s will be shift codes throughout the
1172s stream and yeah i'm going on vacation so
1174s for three weeks i'm gonna be gone i'm
1176s gonna put out a little announcement on
1177s the discord too
1179s that i'm going to be away there's going
1180s to be some pre-scheduled posts going up
1183s because i do a lot of the social media
1184s work but in the meantime every every
1187s question you have you can talk to jpg on
1190s discord and he will be there to take
1192s care of you take good care of all of you
1196s i am killing grumpfest says i'm killing
1198s rooster goblins in solo survival i've
1200s never killed yarn saxa in this world yet
1203s good luck i i believe in you you can do
1206s it i believe you can do it
1208s uh misfit says omg that long who will be
1210s streaming for you i believe g pay will
1213s be streaming i think japan uh and
1215s potentially some other norseville peeps
1217s will be streaming in the meantime
1220s sound shifty it is shifty
1223s judge welders or vacation yeah it's been
1225s a long time since i've taken some time
1226s off uh it's i feel like i've haven't
1229s taken a three week vacation from discord
1232s in the entirety of me being on discord
1234s so i think that'll be interesting uh to
1236s take that much time away for sure
1241s i just scrub fist is i just swim between
1243s islands with six daughter of egg year
1245s runes who needs boats true daughter of
1247s eggier runes are pretty cool
1252s and yes as john posted in the chat uh
1254s when we drop the shift codes you can
1256s redeem them by going to
1258s shift.gearboxsoftware.com the link is
1259s there uh john can repost that when it's
1262s needed but basically make sure you have
1263s that open in your browser or you can
1265s redeem the shift code in game but it's
1267s much quicker to do that within the
1268s browser
1271s and yes key gpa will be stuck he will be
1273s stuck with you definitely that should be
1276s fun
1277s misfit i can't go a full day a full day
1279s without discord no clue how you will do
1281s it i don't know how i'll do it either i
1282s guess i'll i'll see i'll try to not
1284s check it you know
1287s yeah
1289s zach cruz hello hello welcome to the
1291s stream how are you doing today
1294s well yeah i think we can
1297s oh
1298s oh just see little dog in the background
1300s she made a little guest appearance i
1302s think she's gone to sit down
1303s maybe she'll come back maybe i can see
1305s if i can bring her over here and lift
1306s her up if you guys want to see her
1308s little angel
1310s oh she definitely just sat down yes
1312s puffer little puffer
1314s uh but yeah with with all that said uh
1317s as usual if you have any questions just
1319s drop them in the chat i'm gonna move on
1321s to
1322s some news so
1325s what can we start with uh
1327s oh yeah i wanted to start with the fact
1329s that obviously season three launched and
1332s what our kind of team did at north spell
1334s in order to celebrate that so there's
1336s kind of a story behind this for every
1337s season launch that we have uh there's
1339s always kind of like a celebration or a
1341s party it's a really nice way to
1343s like you know congratulate everybody on
1344s the hard work for everything that they
1346s put into the season so i wanted to share
1348s this we shared this on our socials um
1350s it's kind of like an image of everybody
1352s at the you know where we celebrated at
1355s the restaurant and it's i thought it was
1356s such a nice team pick
1358s of everyone in one place because it's
1360s rare that we get to you know get all
1361s together since we're doing some people
1363s working from home some people working at
1364s the studio uh but yeah this is everybody
1366s in one place
1369s we want to see the doggo yeah i'll see
1371s if i can
1372s wake her up she might be sleeping uh
1375s i'll see after this if i can bring her
1376s over here she's a big dog so i don't
1378s know if i can lift her up to the show
1382s uh
1383s yeah juan roo uh you did not miss the
1385s code already don't worry i'll have a
1386s little pop-up on the screen when you can
1388s enter the raffle in order to get a shift
1390s code so we're going to do it raffle wise
1391s this way meaning that you type a
1393s a word in a chat and then you're entered
1395s to win a raffle and we'll try to do
1396s several of them it's been a while since
1398s i've done them so bear with me on the
1399s first try and we'll see how it goes but
1401s i'll do it like after every section i'll
1403s drop a little shift code
1406s i'm hiding in the back
1407s voodoo thank you so much uh i will miss
1410s all of you guys too i will miss
1411s everybody in the discord for sure
1415s travis wolfe saying you're all great
1416s thank you for such a great game thank
1418s you thank you for being part of the
1419s community
1421s um and then i had this photo too so
1423s everybody got dressed up and went to
1426s uh to eat and i really like that just
1428s the viking spirit you can totally feel
1430s from these photos so yeah these are some
1431s of our team members uh we're you know a
1434s company in montreal if you don't know so
1436s we're very canadian uh but we have a lot
1439s of french members for sure in our
1440s company too
1442s so yeah that's kind of what's been going
1443s on with norse fell we're working hard on
1446s season four
1447s uh now that season three has dropped
1449s obviously that's the next step is what
1451s we're doing for season four so can't
1453s share anything about it just yet
1455s uh but i'm curious if if you guys have
1458s like one thing you would want to see in
1460s season four this is very important is
1462s there one thing
1464s that for sure you would want
1466s to happen in season four i think it's
1468s pretty much expected you know based on
1470s the past seasons what will be in that
1472s update but if there's something like
1474s random that you thought of let me know
1476s in the chat let me know in the discord
1478s i'm very curious because you know we're
1481s getting the early foundations for season
1483s four ready and i'm i am curious
1486s mage class i have seen like goblin
1488s banter class i have seen new class
1490s suggestion mage something to do with
1492s mages i've seen a lot of that as well in
1494s the discord
1495s uh chibi gpa and sydney pets i think
1498s that would be really fun definitely
1501s broadsword weapon
1503s space space john space is already there
1506s if you sail far enough
1509s on on the ocean biome you can find space
1513s vikings as if we don't have we don't
1515s have any vikings in the game there's no
1517s viking it's not a viking game
1521s dante x says so glad i got this game
1523s when it came to ps plus would have
1525s missed it otherwise yeah that's awesome
1526s that you picked it up on ps plus that
1527s was amazing we had an awesome amount of
1530s people coming in from ps plus
1533s nevora says two-handed sword or axe a
1536s scythe would be awesome i've seen a lot
1537s of weapon recommendations
1539s two-tone hair i agree
1541s i agree
1542s ridables like horses yeah mounts are on
1545s our roadmap that is something we would
1546s love to have
1547s for the future
1550s space is very pretty
1553s the space foundation is already there
1556s season four let's go to helheim
1558s a bunny pet a buddy pet would be so cute
1560s can we make all the critters pets i just
1562s want a raven
1564s let's build houses in space i don't is
1566s this the same game would it be the same
1568s game do you think we had houses in space
1573s i like the jar helmet idea i think
1575s that's kind of cute just like
1577s put on your head kind of like a space
1578s helmet a little bit
1580s but yeah
1581s yeah lots of potential lots of things we
1583s could do as soon as we have you know
1586s the foundation of what we're doing for
1587s season four we'll be sure to update the
1589s road map and share that all with you
1590s guys but yeah for now we are dreaming
1593s i'm once again asking for cat i am once
1595s again asking for cat outfits i see the
1598s picture of that in my head
1602s jar helmet when a goblin hits it with a
1604s rock you blow up i don't know i feel
1605s like that's pretty punishing
1608s but yeah we'll keep all this in mind for
1611s sure like i said always curious to hear
1613s what you guys want for season four
1615s uh but yeah other than that what is in
1617s the game right now is the anniversary
1619s event so i don't know if uh i don't know
1622s if there's any of you who are new here
1623s um but yeah the anniversary event is
1626s celebrating the one year anniversary of
1627s tribal midgard it's on right now in game
1630s so if you buy the game or whatever if
1632s you're new uh you can jump right in and
1634s then you'll get to see a bunch of cool
1636s stuff there is for example like the
1637s cosmetics you see here there's the
1639s ragnar rooster set there's a free
1641s chicken pet we'll talk about all of that
1644s there's also three challenges that are
1645s ongoing right now so the first challenge
1647s is already done that was last week the
1649s second challenge is what is ongoing
1651s right now so this is the one i'm going
1652s to try to accomplish on stream so this
1654s is to defeat 75 rooster goblins and then
1657s you still have one more challenge next
1659s week which is you get 250 platinum coins
1662s which is real currency
1664s to defeat chick un sunkens so i had a
1666s couple people asking where they could
1668s find rooster goblins
1670s and those can be found in the smoky
1672s highlands so the desert biome and we
1674s definitely will be more clear about
1676s saying where you can find the enemies in
1678s next week's challenge just because i
1679s know there are some people asking where
1681s to find them but that's where you find
1682s them in the smoky highlands and then you
1684s unlock this anniversary exclusive
1686s portrait which is only here for the week
1688s so it ends on september 5th so make sure
1690s to do that before then
1693s definitely
1694s barbarian way hello welcome
1696s [Music]
1698s having a bunny costume would be nice
1700s that would be cute easter ideas easter
1702s ideas
1703s very much
1704s uh travis wolfe yes they do respawn i
1707s believe because we were doing the uh
1709s chicken
1711s challenge last week and i was playing
1713s with community and they did seem to
1714s respawn so you should be able to you
1716s should be fine for that
1718s but yeah so we have these uh challenges
1720s ongoing then we also have the chicken
1722s pet which you can pick up in the shop
1724s for free if you want a pet in tribes of
1726s midgard
1727s go pick it up all you have to do is log
1729s in and claim it and the chicken will be
1731s yours and the chicken has some very
1733s special petting animations it's like a
1736s party effects i have a video to share
1738s like a little bit later on
1740s but you can get that
1741s and that's only available during the
1743s event so that's only available until
1744s september 12th chicken chicken chicken
1748s and yeah that's a good point uh what you
1750s bring up uh echo b is will the chicken
1753s outfit stay in the store after their
1755s anniversary event yes it's going to be
1757s staying after the event so this will be
1759s available anytime it's just the chicken
1761s pet that you have to be sure to pick up
1763s uh you know before the event ends so
1765s this one you're fine
1766s you're fine
1768s um and then the other one that i wanted
1771s to mention was the chicken pet portrait
1774s so there is the shift code for this
1776s portrait this also expires on september
1778s 13th so you have to make sure to redeem
1780s this before then if you want to be part
1782s of the chicken gang and run around with
1784s the chicken portrait and celebrate the
1786s one year anniversary so i believe maybe
1788s one of the mods can type that in the
1790s shift code in the chat and then what you
1792s can do is redeem that on the shift
1794s website the shift.gearboxsoftware.com
1796s and then we can all be part of the
1797s chicken gang so
1799s go for it go for it redeem
1806s i see a burberry
1808s do you plan to fix the s the frames drop
1811s near the village in sagamot in the next
1813s patch
1814s i believe so this is an issue that we
1817s know we're aware of
1819s and the team is looking at so i can't
1821s confirm it just yet but the team is
1823s aware of it
1828s uh our sirian cat will the pets and
1829s cosmetics from last year holiday events
1831s be available this year i started after
1833s christmas and missed the trick-or-treat
1834s goblin um we
1837s and i will be saying more news uh in
1840s that's actually a good transition for
1841s the next topic which is the dev blog um
1843s we will be having i might as well say it
1845s here about halloween again this year uh
1849s some some things might be coming back
1851s but there is also going to be a lot of
1852s new stuff uh during val halloween so uh
1856s be prepared for that that's coming um
1858s very exciting
1861s uh yeah the other topic was let me know
1863s if my stream is is suffering i feel like
1866s it was suffering no but i feel like it's
1868s fine okay good
1869s um but yeah the other thing that we
1871s posted the other day was a dev blog so
1873s if you go on our website you can find
1875s this dev blog basically it was just like
1877s a dev blog thoughts a post-launch recap
1880s some of the top questions that everybody
1882s was asking the issues that we are aware
1884s of and we talk about the construction
1886s limit as well and also mention that val
1889s halloween is coming so
1891s i look forward to learning more spooky
1893s things i look forward to more spooky
1895s content i'm so excited for fall and
1897s spooky season it was cold the other day
1898s and it made me so happy like i was bike
1901s riding outside in the the cold it felt
1903s very halloweeny
1906s halloween and christmas is gonna bring
1907s some cool stuff
1909s but yeah just wanted to mention here
1912s that this is the you know
1915s maybe i need more water maybe i'm
1917s talking too fast um
1918s guys save me um but yeah basically we
1921s wanted to talk about the construction
1922s system because we know that is uh the
1924s number one thing that everybody is
1926s talking about of course is increasing
1927s the construction limit completely hear
1930s you um i don't want to read this super
1932s word for word but it is a top priority
1934s to increase that uh the cap was set into
1936s place because of technical limitations
1938s we wanted to make sure that everything
1939s was staying stable nothing was going
1941s wild uh in terms of constructions but we
1943s realized that a lot more constructions
1945s obviously would be amazing would make a
1947s great difference in terms of what you
1949s guys can build um and you know be as
1951s creative as possible so we do see this
1954s change happening in early october so
1956s that's going to come with the val
1958s halloween update so we'll make sure to
1960s let you know like what that increase is
1962s going to be
1963s we're also looking into pulling
1965s materials directly from storage chests
1967s in survival mode kind of like how saga
1969s works where you pull things from the war
1971s chest
1972s and then the we're working on fixes to
1974s prevent storage chests from being
1976s dismantled when they have items in them
1978s because that was an issue too
1980s someone is yelling outside my window i
1983s hope you guys can hear that
1984s but yeah those are a couple of changes
1986s we're looking to make with the vale
1987s halloween update so among the
1988s construction fixes uh it's that as well
1994s i would love to see a tombstone placed
1995s where you die yeah we did have the
1996s tombstone uh
1998s uh cosmetic last year forgot halloween
2000s did you see that one misfit i don't know
2002s if you you saw that one or not
2004s also i need to get comfy there we go
2006s okay
2007s yeah i don't know if you saw that
2011s uh
2013s yeah the tombstone death chest was uh
2015s last year's val halloween
2017s cosmetic uh but yeah besides that we had
2020s the dev blog if you want to read the dev
2021s blog you can go to our website something
2024s else we had pushed uh i believe it was
2026s yesterday or the day before yeah it was
2028s yesterday we pushed the hotfix uh for
2030s inferno 3.0.1 so this was our first
2033s hotfix after launch there's a couple
2035s changes the most noticeable was
2038s one of the things was higher powered
2039s enemies now drop the basic materials of
2041s their lower powered counterparts in
2043s addition to the higher tier materials so
2045s there's an example there uh the weaker
2048s unsunken warriors drop yarn the
2049s strongest ones drop spun yarn but now
2052s the strongest ones will also drop yarn
2054s and spun yarn i hope that makes sense
2057s let me know if that doesn't make sense
2059s another big part of the hotfix was that
2060s we did a ton of uh fixes to crashes so
2063s there was various crashes that could
2065s occur uh we fixed a bunch of that we
2066s also fixed some uh
2068s invite issues with xbox and xbox series
2071s x so if you're still noticing issues
2073s please don't hesitate to drop those in
2075s the discord we have a report bugs
2077s channel you can go to and where you can
2079s report any issues that are occurring but
2081s yeah we aim to fix a lot of that for the
2083s meantime
2086s yeah
2087s so that's pretty much it in terms of
2088s news everything that you had to catch up
2090s on uh and everything that happened so
2092s you're all caught up now
2094s how do you feel do you feel caught up
2098s looking grub face should add death chest
2101s tied to various cosmetic sets like a
2103s partially buried treasure chest for the
2105s oh for the pirate viking that's really
2106s cool if there was one for every cosmetic
2108s set to kind of match it i feel like the
2111s the starbjorn one would maybe be like a
2112s rainbow of sorts or something like that
2114s like a rainbow where you died
2122s yeah what we also wanted to do today um
2124s i wanted to feature and show some of the
2126s stuff that i've been seeing on socials i
2128s know maybe nanachi if you're still here
2131s i really wanted to share this this week
2133s since you were talking about the cat
2134s costumes
2136s but i wanted to share uh the art work
2138s done here by nanachi which was solera
2141s and maniklo
2144s um how cute do we love do we love i
2147s think i thought about it and like the
2149s eyes being on the top kind of scares me
2151s because then there would be four eyes no
2153s like
2154s would that not be a little scary hi
2156s nanachi
2162s that not be a little like unnerving if
2163s there was four sets of eyes
2167s yeah it's so cute gee
2170s absolutely oh hey all fun and games
2172s hello hello welcome to the stream
2175s uh hello i was wondering do you think
2176s tribes could ever get an extension where
2178s twitch chat could help or hinder the
2180s game i think that would be epic yes i
2182s think that would be amazing it's
2183s something we've talked about a lot and i
2186s really hope we're going to be able to do
2187s that 100
2189s um if you have any more insight into how
2192s that's done or if you have suggestions
2193s like please let me know because it is
2195s something we seriously would love to
2196s have i think that would be awesome if we
2198s you know had people voting on like which
2201s which you know where where you should go
2203s in game like which clash you should be
2205s uh
2206s you know or the ability for even for the
2208s chat to interact and like cause things
2209s to happen in game uh it's that would be
2211s a dream that would be so much fun
2214s so much fun
2217s starbjorn has eyes or
2219s does the star of your own have eyes i
2220s haven't seen the starburn cosmetics
2222s light in a while that's a good question
2225s yeah i love the dual colored eyes too i
2227s totally hear you
2229s totally
2232s just catch up and do that hello desmond
2234s i love the game but it loads so slow on
2236s ps5
2237s um if there's if you're if it's
2239s hindering your gameplay or if it's
2241s happening every single time
2243s we can check that out if you want to
2244s join our discord if you want to put that
2246s in report bugs
2247s there should be some load time expected
2249s but it shouldn't be an insanely long
2251s load time
2254s twitch integration would be amazing says
2255s judge yes i agree
2258s i agree
2261s amazing but yeah this is uh one of the
2264s outfits that are really cool
2265s and then i saw this okay i hope the
2267s sound isn't too loud on this next clip
2269s but this is something i saw on twitter
2271s uh by user omainha
2273s look at all the chickens
2276s look at all the chickens and they're all
2278s dancing
2279s at the same time can you believe this
2282s look at this
2284s isn't this amazing
2285s i just love this clip
2287s they're all doing their little party all
2289s together
2290s they're just chilling
2293s cute very cute very cute
2297s uh freeze forever says cosplay anytime
2299s soon uh we have no news on crossplay
2301s just yet but it's still something that
2302s the team is looking into that's all i
2304s can share for now it's still uh being
2306s looked into to see if it's feasible
2309s that's fantastic i agree it is fantastic
2313s i agree
2314s and then something else thank you miss
2316s fit for dropping that chicken pet
2317s portrait in the chat again uh there's a
2319s shift code for the chicken pet portrait
2321s that you can redeem on shift.gearbox.com
2325s and yeah you can pick that up uh make
2327s sure to redeem that on the shift website
2330s something else i wanted to feature today
2331s was some of the builds that have been
2333s submitted in our discord this is one i
2335s saw by starhawk 08 on discord i really
2338s really loved the you know the fact that
2340s it kind of looks like a long house a
2342s little bit uh the fact that it's like on
2344s a platform it kind of reminds me of um i
2347s don't know if anybody's familiar with
2348s elder scrolls online when i try to think
2351s of like which
2352s area of the map it's like the snowy area
2354s and there's this big center
2356s house that has all like the crafting
2358s stations in it and it gives me those
2360s vibes very much i thought this was a
2362s very cool build
2363s very much
2368s yes yes what do you guys think i think
2370s this is a this is a really cool one i
2372s like um the ancient trophies at the
2373s front too and the fact that there's kind
2375s of like that little wrap around i don't
2377s know i just thought it was really well
2378s done i'm like i wish i could do
2379s something like this maybe i should try
2381s what do you think maybe i should try one
2382s day one day
2387s and then the next one i wanted to share
2389s was by jay versus world i saw this one
2391s on twitter
2393s this one is really cool too i like the
2394s heimdallr tower that's that tower you
2396s see on the left there it's kind of looks
2398s like a little glowing tower like
2400s protecting the the house and everything
2402s and then the little porch i'm always a
2403s sucker for a little porch i love that
2407s i do like the build yes yeah yeah me too
2411s and then there was this one uh by
2412s minority which was really cool i think
2414s it's as i mentioned in last stream like
2416s it's such a cool
2418s idea to build in other biomes uh even
2420s especially the glacier biome because
2422s it's obviously really cold there uh you
2424s have to work kind of hard to you know
2426s survive in that kind of environment and
2427s i like how they kind of built the the
2429s bridge
2430s kind of looks like it's it's near the
2431s water or over the water or near like
2433s leading to the ash beach so then like
2435s it's kind of like a vacation home you
2437s can just go to the ash beach if you want
2438s and go for a swim i guess
2441s which is pretty cool
2443s and then the other one the last one i
2444s wanted to
2446s show was this one by sweating eugene
2448s smith on discord as well uh
2451s i don't know how you got up to the roof
2453s but um i like that you're standing on
2455s the roof
2456s and i really like the the little porch
2458s area again with all the stations i think
2460s it's really cool how they're all so
2461s different the houses uh even with having
2464s the construction limit obviously things
2466s are going to change a little bit once we
2467s increase that limit and we're going to
2469s see some really cool builds but it's
2470s really cool to see uh what can be
2471s possible in the meantime anyhow
2474s that tower looks great yes
2477s and i think now could be a good time uh
2480s for a
2481s shift code giveaway so what i'm gonna do
2484s i'm gonna grab
2485s one of those codes give me one second
2489s i have to find them
2492s hold on share where is those
2497s i will find those keys oh wait wait wait
2503s also what do you think about okay so we
2504s have shift key giveaways and then
2507s another thing that we could give away
2509s today um is a deluxe edition of tribes
2512s of midgard
2514s not deluxion sorry deluxe edition
2516s content for tribes in midgard for pc so
2519s i have codes for those too but the the
2521s thing is you have to have pc so we might
2523s do a giveaway for both
2525s let me just find the shift
2528s keys
2531s you know if i was a
2533s good streamer i would have had these
2535s before no oh wait i found them okay
2539s i found them don't worry okay
2541s so the first one we're going to do is
2546s okay i think we'll do the the pirate set
2548s first because it's been a while since
2550s we've given away the pirate set
2552s um so the pirate set will be the first
2554s thing we give away
2556s um
2557s okay so what you need to do to enter
2559s let's all try this together
2561s this is the first time i'm doing this
2565s for a long time okay
2566s so i would like you all to type
2569s exclamation point goblin
2572s in the chat can somebody do that and
2574s then i'll see if it
2576s uh pops up in the back end of what i'm
2578s doing we're gonna we're gonna do this
2580s together it'll be a lot of fun okay
2583s yeah okay
2584s i think oh yeah it serves you guys
2586s entering yeah yeah yeah yeah it's
2588s working it's working
2589s whoa okay okay
2592s wow
2594s wow
2595s it's working
2596s yeah so we're gonna keep this open i'll
2598s leave it for like another minute just a
2600s minute we'll do more of these uh but
2601s i'll leave it open
2603s to oh this is where i need the jeopardy
2604s music i should have the jeopardy music
2606s on
2607s so yeah if you want to enter to win for
2608s a shift code type goblin in the chat
2611s exclamation point goblin and then you'll
2612s be entered to win
2617s and then what i'll do to contact you as
2618s the winners is i will either
2621s whisper to you on twitch directly or you
2623s can uh ping me on discord or message me
2626s on discord if you are in our tribes of
2628s midgard discord
2630s uh let's do 30 more seconds
2632s type goblin to enter uh to win a shift
2635s code we'll do more of these because it's
2636s fun that it's it's working
2639s all right 10 more seconds and then i
2641s will roll a winner and then i believe it
2643s should tell me
2645s uh who the winner is if i hit roll
2649s all right ten nine eight seven six
2653s five four
2655s three
2656s two
2657s one
2659s i'm rolling the winner here we go
2663s all right gtb music is life has won the
2667s giveaway
2668s so gtb music is oh there you are perfect
2671s i see you awesome i'm gonna whisper uh
2673s the code to you right now congrats we'll
2675s do more giveaways stick around stick
2677s around
2678s um let me grab that code for the pirate
2681s set if for some reason that doesn't work
2683s please let me know uh by whisper
2686s uh i think that should have sent please
2688s let me know gtv if you you got that
2692s do test test
2695s and then here is the code
2698s all right perfect see when the pirate
2700s sets i'm gonna cross that one off
2703s voila sweet
2706s g2p come on down
2709s all right i'm gonna took off the goblin
2711s because there's no more goblin anymore
2713s awesome glad that worked
2716s um and yeah one of the questions uh kimi
2719s roa i saw uh valkyrie you answered but
2721s yes um to get the quest fragments in
2723s survival mode you have to craft the
2725s artifact altar you can craft that once
2727s you've defeated anger boda the giant and
2729s you've got a strand of her hair so you
2731s need that in order to
2732s craft
2735s perfect all right well that was the
2737s first giveaway we'll do more i took off
2739s the goblin thing so do not type the
2741s goblin anymore
2743s but yeah that worked well cool uh so
2745s we'll do that again
2747s so then the next section something that
2749s i wanted to do was to recap some of the
2751s top suggestion ideas that we've seen in
2753s our discord
2754s if you join the discord you know we have
2756s a channel called uh suggest an idea it's
2759s basically a place where anybody can
2760s submit ideas they want for the game and
2762s then people can upvote or download it so
2764s the first one we have here that i wanted
2766s to call out these are some of the top
2768s upvoted in the past week was by death
2770s angel 2980 um just suggesting having a
2774s set of armor with a bow up perk um
2776s considering we have ones for like axe
2778s sword hammer and spear
2780s um and then
2781s showing maybe a little bit more love to
2783s uh the bow up for example the bow up
2785s perk on a piece of armor
2787s which yeah potentially could be possible
2789s um a lot of this is suggestions and then
2792s we take them to the team and see what's
2793s possible and what kind of follows with
2796s vision and what we would like for the
2797s game but it's very very helpful to know
2799s your types of feedback in that channel
2801s for sure
2803s oh yeah no more goblin anymore but we
2805s will be typing goblin again soon
2808s um something else that we saw in the
2809s past week by nitsu
2812s um was potentially when there's warnings
2814s in game have like ira so ira foot
2816s crushed which is basically the character
2818s you see on our key art and the uh viking
2821s with the braids and the red hair uh have
2824s her announce it in game so everybody can
2826s be notified better like a game
2827s announcement like the yoten is close to
2829s your village and then she'll say that i
2830s thought that was pretty cool that's
2832s that's kind of nice i feel like that's a
2833s good way to notice
2834s uh the fact that something is impending
2836s something is coming
2839s uh freeze forever asking why golden
2842s horns have a cap on 99 it was just a cap
2845s that was
2846s decided
2847s so that there's not too too many golden
2850s horns
2851s being held all at once uh the reason is
2854s to also just to encourage to use your
2856s horns on you know in-game items gameplay
2859s items
2860s items in the shop
2862s and that's pretty much that's pretty
2863s much it we're always open to feedback
2866s in terms of what you think
2872s loving the spears says video game cat
2875s let's get to here i i like the series
2876s too i like using them probably use them
2878s maybe i'll use them in game today
2881s um and something else we saw this is a
2882s little bit longer but i wanted to
2883s summarize it uh this one's by ayaria um
2886s and it was basically some class
2887s improvements uh leaning into class
2890s archetypes a little bit stronger um
2892s mentions the way that the sentinel was
2893s buffed to lead lean into its like shield
2895s spell identity a little bit uh but just
2897s coming up with a lot of really cool
2898s ideas um in terms of how the classes
2900s could
2901s you know lean a little bit more into
2902s those archetypes if you want to check
2904s that out it's in our discord of course
2906s yeah that was another one that was one
2907s of the top upvoted of the week
2910s um another one we only have about five
2911s to share today so number four is uh by
2914s dyer and it's basically asking uh the
2916s ability to zoom out on boats a little
2918s bit more
2919s i don't know if you guys feel the same
2921s uh but the ability just to zoom out to
2923s see the landmasses maybe a little bit
2925s more clear
2927s and then the last one we had is also by
2929s death angel 2890 was the ability to have
2932s rune loadouts that you can quickly
2934s switch to and from kind of interesting
2936s especially with our new rune inventory
2938s system where you can pick up up to 30
2940s runes which wasn't the case before um
2942s but yeah there's a potential what do you
2944s guys think about rune loadouts maybe
2946s maybe not uh we definitely made a lot of
2947s changes in the runes
2949s uh you know just to do with the
2951s inventory and the fact that you can pick
2952s them up pick up a bunch of them that was
2954s a huge change for sure
2957s yes please this is john i've been
2959s crafting i've been crashing a lot when
2961s sailing i kind of do too i kind of do
2963s too
2964s totally
2966s um but yeah those were some of the top
2968s suggestions
2969s of the week um i think
2971s that kind of sums up the community
2973s portion of what we had to share today
2975s kind of short um but what we want to do
2977s next is i'm gonna play a little bit of
2979s tribes of midgard i'm gonna complete the
2981s anniversary challenge i need your
2983s motivation i need your help
2985s in order to do this but since we're
2986s slaying rooster goblins i'm gonna drop
2988s another
2989s raffle so
2991s let me reset this before don't type
2993s goblin yet just wait don't type goblin
2995s yet
2996s uh cancel that
2999s okay how do i reset it oh wait
3003s wait i gotta reset this
3006s okay
3007s i think we're good okay let me i need
3009s your votes tell me do you want a
3013s hmm
3014s do you want a pet or do you want a
3018s cosmetic set
3020s a pet or a cosmetic set
3023s what do y'all want to win
3027s i i just want to see one one response
3029s what oh pet pet
3032s pet i think pet's wedding pet okay
3034s oh there's a couple cosmetics that's pet
3039s okay pet
3041s oh it's kind of split i feel like i see
3043s more pets though
3046s okay i think i see more pets
3050s we can do another cosmetic set when i'm
3051s playing but i think uh we'll do one pet
3053s right now
3056s deaf pets okay okay okay we'll do a pet
3058s then um i'm gonna give
3061s okay we'll do a pet that we haven't
3063s given in a long time just because it's
3065s the anniversary and it's my last stream
3067s for a while we want to be a little a
3068s little bit uh more generous in terms of
3070s what we're given here um let's give out
3072s the fluffy pang fluffy fang pet say that
3075s 10 times fast so i'm going to give out
3077s the fluffy pant fang i can't speak the
3080s fluffy fang pet which was the uh pet
3083s that first appeared last about halloween
3086s so that's the little werewolf he's a
3087s little cutie
3089s yes fluffy all right so everyone uh
3092s wait wait wait wait wait wait i gotta
3094s set it up hold on hold on don't type
3095s goblin yet okay
3098s all right type goblin x-wing point
3100s goblin uh to enter it should be good
3103s to go now
3105s i think
3107s just need to see as soon as you start
3109s yeah typing goblin perfect
3113s wait why is this
3117s why is this so quiet do i have me wait
3119s do i have background music on
3121s now i do let me know if my background
3123s music is too loud
3125s goblin all right we're seeing entries
3127s for goblin perfect
3131s type goblin type goblin type goblin i'll
3134s do my stream stretch while we type
3137s goblin
3140s and this is for the fluffy fang pete
3149s [Music]
3158s we'll leave it open for a minute this is
3160s where i need the music
3162s some kind of music
3166s bye ali bye ali
3168s see you around soon
3171s all right type in goblin to enter
3176s all right so i'm gonna roll i'm gonna
3177s finish everybody who's entering type
3179s goblin to enter for the code ten
3182s nine
3183s eight
3184s seven
3185s six
3186s five
3187s four
3188s three
3190s two
3191s one i'm going to roll right now
3195s all right never
3198s you have won fluffy fang
3201s never you won i'm gonna whisper to you
3203s the code right now congrats
3207s and then please let me know if it works
3213s code
3214s there you go you should get the code
3218s we'll turn off the goblin sign
3221s gg and as always these shift codes
3223s should be able to be used on all
3225s platforms so you can use them once on
3227s like xbox uh
3229s ps you can use it on uh switch i believe
3232s yes and uh pc of course
3234s as well an epic game store and steam so
3236s you should it should be a multi-purpose
3238s uh fluffy fang use
3240s so i've whispered that to you
3244s all right so what we're gonna do now
3246s is i'm gonna remove that
3248s uh we're gonna play a little bit of
3250s tribes of midgard only a little bit like
3252s maybe like 20 30 minutes or so and then
3254s wrap up the stream but hopefully i'll be
3256s able to
3257s kill those rooster goblins so if i'm
3259s gonna
3260s pop up the game here you might see a
3262s little inception for a moment when i try
3264s to start the game so bear with me
3268s it's gonna be inception okay
3273s all right we are inceptioning
3276s wait you should be you should see travis
3278s vin guard wait
3281s maybe maybe hold on
3285s hold on what's what's going on oh the
3288s background music's a little loud okay
3289s okay i'll turn it down
3290s one sec
3292s oh no we can see the game now okay but
3294s let me turn the background music down
3297s voila cause we also have the game music
3300s okay
3302s perfect
3305s all right so
3309s here we go
3312s yeah the rooster goblins are in the
3313s desert they're supposed to be in the
3315s smoky highlands
3317s that's where they're supposed to be
3321s and then what i'm gonna do
3325s is
3326s hold on before we get started here
3330s i'm gonna make sure
3332s okay
3334s i'm going to also
3340s do a surprise drop in the chat so there
3343s is a deluxe item code on steam that's
3345s for steam only uh deluxe items edition
3349s deluxe edition items can i not speak
3351s today
3352s so whoever wants to pick that up first
3353s can pick that up that is in the chat
3357s so i'm going to
3360s i think we're going to go like werewolf
3362s head today
3364s because i'm hunting rooster goblins so i
3366s feel like that's the move
3369s uh i don't want any cosmetic weapons
3374s hold up okay and then of course i have
3376s to have my so yeah if you haven't got
3378s chicken in the shop you can get chicken
3379s in the shop this is where you'll find
3381s him and uh make sure to redeem that
3384s before the anniversary event is over
3388s uh what am i gonna what
3392s i think i'm gonna go with chicken
3393s chicken is gonna be my little friend
3394s today
3397s all right so we have to defeat
3400s 75 rooster goblins
3406s why not level 50 because i've been
3408s playing i haven't been playing a lot on
3410s the live build i've been playing a lot
3411s of our norse felt build
3414s so i really got to get grinding
3418s so what i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna
3420s try to do this in survival mode
3424s uh
3425s just for the first one uh what do you
3427s mean by that marcy
3432s by that that code is gonna have uh like
3435s two cosmetic sets and then the two cats
3437s so it's for pc uh deluxe edition items
3445s all right i'm gonna hop into my survival
3446s game
3448s and then i'm not sure if the we found
3449s the desert i'm continuing the survival
3451s game that we did uh from the last
3453s session
3454s so i wonder if we found the desert here
3457s can't remember
3460s let me see
3462s oh
3463s we did not go out and explore very much
3465s okay
3466s well i think that's going to be the goal
3468s is maybe to try to find a desert uh
3470s within the time we have
3472s you guys can maybe help uh help me out a
3474s little bit
3476s and if you want to join um it is a
3478s private world is this the one i was on
3482s and was this the one i was playing with
3483s everybody
3484s no it wasn't no it wasn't let me go back
3486s to the other one
3489s does the code expire not for the deluxe
3492s items that code does not expire if
3493s anybody has not picked it up yet you go
3495s redeem that on steam
3497s it's not a shift code that's not a shift
3499s code that one's a steam code
3504s ah
3505s i believe
3508s this one was the one i was playing
3510s with uh some people on stream last time
3515s yeah there's just one code in the chat
3517s for the deluxe edition items for pc only
3519s if somebody can claim that but then
3521s we're going to do you another shift code
3523s giveaway very soon
3526s it's if it's duplicated that means
3528s somebody has picked it up already
3531s that means somebody grabbed it
3539s all right we're going to start up again
3543s reason asking are raffles ever given out
3546s for the game
3548s uh we haven't done that yet
3550s but it doesn't mean that we cannot do
3552s that in the future
3554s um it could be for that our next stream
3556s we could give it away since it's the
3559s you know the anniversary
3561s the last anniversary challenge
3564s all right
3566s there we go so in this world we
3567s definitely discovered
3569s more than that
3572s hi zunia welcome to the chats welcome to
3575s the chat
3576s uh steam only for now playing noob like
3579s but we have uh shift codes going out in
3581s raffles we've been doing a couple of
3582s them and we're gonna do more and that's
3584s for all platforms
3590s all right so
3592s um if you would want to join
3594s i'm kind of having like an open lobby
3596s right now trying to find the smoky
3598s highlands desert that's kind of going to
3599s be the goal for this stream if you want
3602s to join uh the world is 9591
3605s 661 and the password is chicken
3609s so the password i can type that in the
3610s chat
3611s if you want to come hang out join the
3613s world do a little running around
3616s chicken
3619s there you go
3623s so what i'm gonna do is probably try to
3625s build a weapon is this
3631s i feel like this oh this is the world we
3634s were in yeah definitely
3637s i'm like why don't i have a weapon oh
3639s because i gave all my weapons away
3640s that's right all right
3643s so i'm really gonna have to get all my
3645s stuff back i think we had some chests
3647s here though
3649s hold up
3650s what are in these storage boxes
3654s i'm gonna have to do some looking around
3658s oh wait there's just
3661s oh wait
3663s oh there's a bow okay i'm gonna take a
3664s bow
3666s i feel like i could use a hat too
3672s okay so we're going
3674s armed with
3675s barely anything
3678s i'm gonna take this
3682s up
3685s take some items in case i need them
3689s oh i do need some tools actually
3692s there we go
3696s uh still need to sail for smokey
3698s highlands yes i need to sail to the
3700s smoky highlands
3702s yeah i wish you got a pc to join too and
3705s an xbox no nobody has pc
3709s hopefully uh sisil there is not a shift
3712s code right now that's up
3714s um it's only
3716s uh it's done by raffle so the only shift
3719s code uh has been given by
3721s private message but i'll do another one
3723s in a few minutes
3725s for another shift code
3731s oh no i really want to get the pig
3736s excellent
3737s [Music]
3738s do we have anybody in the chat that this
3740s is your first time seeing the new
3742s survival mode or
3745s has everybody kind of been playing
3751s okay so what i have to do is i have to
3753s go and
3755s take down yarn saxa i'm gonna see if i'm
3757s gonna be able to do this alone
3762s where on steam do we put the code uh if
3765s there's a code for steam you put that in
3768s i think it's the bottom left there's an
3770s option that says
3771s activate
3773s product i believe is what it says
3776s but there's no codes right now
3782s oh i don't have a fishing rod oh no
3785s okay i'm gonna go this way
3787s add a game yeah that's it that's it
3792s oh you never played saga yet
3795s oh but you started on survival okay okay
3797s yeah saga's uh quite a different
3799s experience it's definitely a lot
3801s uh more like time
3803s time pressure just because you have the
3804s thimble winter you know coming which is
3806s like the endless winter oh there's an
3808s elf
3813s get out of here
3816s thanks i've been loving survival and
3818s building awesome that's great to hear we
3820s still want to improve the building
3821s system for sure
3823s but it's a it's a start you know
3826s uh where am i going i'm trying to fight
3828s you're on saxa do you think i can take
3830s her on by myself i don't think i can but
3832s maybe i should believe in myself more
3835s oh have fun at work judge
3837s have fun
3842s all right get out of here
3846s yeah for the tribe for the tribe i'm
3849s gonna get those goblins i'm gonna get
3850s the goblins i'm going to try to at least
3853s alright so we're going to make our way
3855s to jordan saksa
3859s all the way
3862s i'm going to get them
3864s um and while i'm doing that what we can
3865s do oh no oh no it's a werewolf oh no
3870s oh no
3871s i'm not a fan
3874s i'm gonna run
3876s really far away from you
3879s oh no
3880s oh no
3882s i wanted to have another raffle on going
3884s but now i'm stressed because i'm being
3886s chased by the werewolf
3888s i will do that
3889s in just a moment
3891s oh please
3893s please okay so
3895s please leave me alone
3898s leave me alone
3901s leave me alone i think for john saxa
3904s beau is going to be the way to go i kind
3906s of want
3907s oh
3908s i need
3910s i have the villager bow too i kind of
3912s want the nor near bow but i need to get
3914s a
3915s a liner for that okay
3919s thinking of what i want to do here
3922s probably should have a backup weapon
3923s just in case so i'm gonna do the hammer
3927s okay we'll take the hammer to join saxa
3930s the bed so i can respawn there i'm gonna
3933s craft some meals because i need potions
3937s all right
3941s yeah okay so i'm going to do another
3944s raffle
3945s so let me refresh
3948s uh perfect okay
3952s so we're gonna do the same keyword it's
3954s gonna be goblin
3956s uh i can't put it up on screen right now
3958s but
3959s uh it's up so if you type exclamation
3962s point goblin in the chat uh you'll be
3964s entered to win the next raffle so feel
3967s free to write that in the chat right now
3971s while i play and we'll keep that up for
3973s a minute and then uh switch it up and
3976s then we'll pick the winner
3980s okay so i think the move is going to be
3982s to
3984s i think i need armor
3987s can i make armor
3990s oh i can't make armor i need leather and
3992s yard okay
3996s what do i do what do i do
3999s okay
4001s we're gonna try let's go to jordan's
4002s accent let's see if we can
4004s do any kind of damage on her
4008s in any case i'm gonna have
4010s wait
4012s i feel like i really want to avoid
4014s damage when
4015s yeah
4017s so these i like because i jump
4019s everywhere so to avoid damage when i'm
4021s rolling off cliffs and stuff that's my
4023s favorite
4024s because if i want to get somewhere quick
4025s i'm just going to hop up a cliff you
4027s know like just so easy
4031s yeah the goblin the goblins goblins are
4035s strong today
4037s lots of goblins
4040s and then right before we get to jar and
4041s saxa i will pull another winner
4044s and what we're going to give away that
4045s is a good question we didn't even talk
4047s about what we're gonna give away i'm
4048s gonna give away uh for this one
4052s the starbjorn bow so we're gonna give
4054s away a weapon for this one
4058s make sure i do that
4062s all right
4063s and i'm gonna roll the giveaway winner
4065s now
4067s so it's overrated ajs you are the winner
4070s if you want to type your name in the
4072s chat right now
4074s uh then i can whisper to you oh i see
4076s you i see you congrats
4078s i will whisper that
4082s and you have your code you can feel free
4083s to whisper me uh for some reason if it
4085s doesn't work um but yeah i sent you that
4088s by pm
4089s kangarats that is for the starbjorn bow
4094s you're not
4097s voila
4103s and then for the next one i'll ask you
4104s guys uh what we want to do the giveaway
4106s for
4108s because we still have a pets and
4109s cosmetic sets
4112s all right wish me luck i feel like if i
4113s defeat her i'll give away another oh my
4116s she's gonna
4117s beat me up
4118s okay
4120s let's do this
4123s oh no i think i'm gonna need some better
4125s uh
4126s potions here
4128s when i do that move it's quite quite
4130s good though
4132s maybe uh
4133s there we go
4135s what is your best
4137s tip to fighting during saxa because i
4138s know typically i should have a void
4140s weapon
4142s last but then i would need some avoid
4145s materials
4149s oh i don't like those at all
4152s right away
4156s i like the seedling because then at
4157s least i have some form of health oh no
4160s that's not good
4163s cosmetic this time yeah yeah we can
4164s definitely do a cosmetic for the next
4166s one
4167s oh no i forgot to put on my bed what am
4168s i doing hold on oh but i think if i
4170s leave she's gonna hold on
4173s i'm gonna put down my bed
4176s it's at least like i respawn there we go
4179s then always make sure to claim your bed
4182s there we go goblins go away
4190s all right let's go see john saxa
4193s yeah seedling is like i really like the
4195s seedling
4196s oh my chicken is up there
4199s oh
4200s what hold on okay i'm going back to
4203s transaction
4205s [Music]
4210s yeah i feel like maybe oh oh i'm stuck
4213s i'm stuck i'm stuck oh no oh i'm good
4216s oh no i have no health okay
4219s what i'm gonna do is use a little bow
4221s against transaction it doesn't do that
4223s much damage but it's
4225s yeah i feel like i'm much better at
4228s i mean if i do the triple bow
4230s it's kind of nice but oh no oh no oh no
4237s yeah bow works pretty well with goblins
4239s oh no i'm gonna die
4242s all right we got this we got this we got
4244s this
4245s uh i don't think there's anybody in the
4247s game
4248s right now i can open up the world number
4250s once more
4251s no nobody's in the cave
4252s no help
4254s i can do this
4259s [Music]
4262s we got this but if i die i just go back
4264s to the bed anyway so
4268s it's kind of a good respawn respawn
4270s point
4273s we got this
4279s yeah what should the next uh raffle be
4281s should it be the cosmetic then
4284s like a cosmetic set again
4287s let me know in the chats a cosmetic set
4289s or a pet i can pick one
4292s oh
4294s uh oh drone sax is at her second form
4296s i'm gonna die
4298s [Music]
4300s might be worth just to die and then come
4302s back
4307s we got this cosmetic set okay
4311s i'm dead i'm dead i'm there
4317s but i think if i respawn i think she
4318s will be at the same amount of health so
4320s i'm kind of confident
4325s kind of confident
4332s oh all right
4335s i've died but i'm back
4339s all right i see cosmetics so we're gonna
4340s do that one next not yet wait tell them
4343s just wait just wait
4346s we're going to take down jordan saxon
4347s first
4348s see look i have my little my
4350s headstone death chest
4353s oh god
4362s i appreciate you guys being here for
4363s moral support
4366s to be able to take down saxa
4370s i'm just gonna hide a little bit
4372s and
4373s try to avoid hers
4374s this slam
4381s all right get out of here
4384s oh no
4386s the lightning i'm so close no what the
4388s heck
4389s what the heck
4390s hold on
4392s the seedling is saving me
4397s yeah there we go
4400s all right
4403s i got a couple couple things couple
4406s things
4408s soleira
4410s yes
4412s we did it we did it
4420s what was that
4429s what happened
4433s anyway
4434s salaries on a rock
4438s anyway i'm gonna go back and get my loot
4444s the totem
4445s the totem got me
4448s okay
4449s uh
4451s did i not have my oh there's my loot
4453s okay
4455s get my loot back
4458s phew
4461s all right let's see where we are now so
4464s that means the smoky highlands is way
4467s over there i'm gonna go
4470s take the waste stone back home i'm gonna
4472s see what we need to create the boat
4474s uh
4476s rig the boat station and then we'll see
4478s if we can build a boat
4482s let's see what i need for the uh oh we
4484s can build the boat dock okay sweet
4487s so we're gonna build the boat dock
4491s voila and then what do we need for the
4493s boat oh my gosh i can craft the fairing
4495s boat let's go
4497s all right the roosters are getting
4498s closer and closer we got this
4501s um archaeal
4503s there is no multi-redeem codes this
4506s stream in the future there will be but
4507s we've just been doing raffles so far
4509s this stream
4511s and since i defeated yarny we are going
4514s to do
4515s one more raffle this might be the last
4517s to second last raffle we're doing this
4519s stream
4520s um just double check
4522s voila
4524s okay so what we're gonna do is we're
4526s gonna do a cosmetic set giveaway
4529s um let me reset nightbot make sure we
4531s are all good
4534s to do the goblin giveaway
4539s okay
4540s all right
4541s and we are going to give away okay
4544s help me i need you guys to vote do you
4546s want the
4549s let's see we have the pirate set the
4552s learner costume
4554s or the monkey king set so three sets
4558s uh if you're new to the game i don't
4560s have the images on hand right now but
4562s the i will try to describe them um
4565s the monkey king set is like a royal
4568s costume
4569s um the linum set is like basically
4572s you're a liner uh you have a costume
4575s and a linearm head and a tail
4577s and then the pirate set is basically
4579s your pirate so between those three what
4581s would you like uh okay okay okay i wish
4583s i had twitch polls for some reason i
4585s don't have twitch polls we don't have
4586s them yet we're trying to get them
4586s integrated um so i'm gonna use my eyes
4589s to kind of like see what you guys are
4590s voting those for and i need your help
4592s john john please i need your help i miss
4594s fit if you're here
4596s uh i see pirate i see pirate monkey
4599s pirate monkey
4601s pirate monkey seem to be the top two
4606s i need to do like a quick quick uh one
4608s two
4609s three four five six i think
4612s let's give it like 10 more seconds
4615s yeah you need to affiliate to have polls
4616s i think we are we reached the affiliate
4617s status the status but i think we just
4620s need to enable the affiliate status
4624s monkey monkey monkey is winning
4627s okay i think it's gonna be monkey
4631s all right we're giving away a full
4632s monkey king set
4634s um
4635s it's ready nope it's not ready just wait
4640s okay keyword
4642s all right the keyword is goblin if you
4645s type exclamation point goblin you will
4648s be entered to win the monkey king set so
4651s type goblin type goblin exclamation
4654s point goblin
4656s we are yelling about all the goblins
4658s today
4662s goblin goblin
4666s all the goblins and what i'm gonna do in
4668s the meantime i'm gonna head to uh
4671s craft actually
4674s i have the feral hammer too okay i kinda
4676s want the
4677s elvis hammer
4679s okay let's make sure my weapons are
4682s fully repaired before i head off on my
4684s ship
4688s you can repair your weapons at the all
4690s forge if you ever need to
4693s uh i cannot craft the armor lumino
4695s no not yet okay
4697s we're going armorless it's gonna be
4700s a fun adventure okay
4702s i have two blessing points what can i
4704s use them on probably uh weapon
4705s durability is what i'm gonna want
4708s ah there's tool durability durable
4710s weapons let's do that
4713s yeah i don't want my weapons breaking
4715s when i'm on the go
4716s all right i feel pretty well equipped
4718s let's head off
4720s we're going to go sailing
4724s yes keep typing exclamation point goblin
4726s you just have to you just have to type
4727s it one time
4728s uh i
4729s don't type it multiple times or i think
4731s nightbot will get angry
4733s just once is all you need to enter
4738s get out of here actually i can't resist
4740s getting the loot at this camp uh before
4742s we go
4747s oh no sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry that was
4749s loud sorry
4750s the jar spooked me
4754s spaceship spaceship
4756s all right
4758s some season xp we love that
4761s oh i got a rune
4764s all right we're heading to the beach
4766s let's go to the beach beach
4768s all right last chance 10 seconds uh type
4771s exclamation point goblin in the chat and
4773s you can win
4775s uh the pirate set
4776s cosmetic set oh i don't like these guys
4779s at all
4780s oh there's so many of them
4783s we just want to go sailing i'm so sorry
4785s i'm just passing by i'm just passing by
4788s i'm not here to hurt you
4791s i am not here to hurt you
4795s we are just going on a mere adventure
4798s please stay away stay away stay away
4802s okay
4803s nobody likes you get out of here okay
4806s actually i want to get killed
4810s okay
4812s ah
4813s you have like a point of health where
4815s are you going
4817s okay all right
4820s oh the monkey king set what did i say
4822s did i say something wrong it is the
4823s monkey king set it's monkey king set
4825s okay
4826s uh i think i said pirate maybe because i
4829s was on the water but it's a monkey king
4830s set all right i'm gonna roll it
4833s let's roll it let's roll it
4835s all right traviswolf88
4837s uh you are the winner of the
4839s monkey king set
4841s so let me
4843s uh grab that for you right now
4848s i'm gonna grab that
4851s where is the monkey king set there it is
4853s okay
4855s congrats travis uh if you want to type
4858s in the chat i'll be able to find your
4860s name a little bit easier i think
4863s or i can find you
4866s travis congrats congrats
4870s where are you travis i feel like i'm
4872s trying to message you but i can't
4874s hold on
4876s ah
4877s travis travis if you could type in the
4880s chat i will send you that code via
4882s whisper
4883s if you're still here still around
4886s if not we can roll again too
4890s let me know travis if you're here
4895s or if i can find you travis where are
4897s you
4899s traviswolf88
4903s wake up travis tra a whisper
4908s travis wolf 88
4910s this is if that's oh no
4913s where is he there he is there he is oh i
4916s got you i got you now i can whisper to
4917s you
4918s so this is for the uh monkey king set
4922s this can be redeemed on uh all platforms
4925s through shift so you just have to go to
4926s the shift website and then uh
4929s yeah you can redeem that code there
4930s congrats
4932s all right we're sailing let's go
4937s fake adventure oh i have like no health
4939s i should have healed before we started
4940s taking off but let's go
4945s let's see if we can get those rooster
4947s goblins before the end of the stream
4948s there's just a little bit of stream time
4950s left
4951s maybe we'll do one more raffle at the
4953s end
4955s but yeah this is our last our last goal
4957s uh don't worry i i sent you a whisper
4959s travis
4960s you should get it
4962s in your little uh inbox on twitch
4967s oh look the smokey highlands are so
4968s close but i don't have armor so there's
4970s the high chance that i could burn up wow
4972s that was close
4975s i don't know if i can get up though
4976s that's the question
4978s hold on
4983s wait
4984s uh yeah we kind of have to check out
4986s where we are
4987s oh maybe not
4989s oh oh hold on
4991s i should have brought some constructions
4993s with me no
4994s that would have been smart
4997s hold up
5001s oh no i think the smoky highlands is up
5004s it's up oh wait oh perfect
5008s all right let's see if we can find some
5009s rooster goblins
5013s yeah thank you kaiju for helping out
5020s all right
5022s so i'm gonna definitely heat up
5025s so i gotta make this quick i gotta find
5027s some goblins and get out of here oh i
5028s don't like those guys
5031s oh there we go all right
5034s all right those are the rooster goblins
5036s we were looking for
5039s hope we gotta get going
5041s quick oh no you know what it would have
5043s been smart uh if i actually let's go
5045s craft a bed i feel like that would be
5047s the smartest move
5051s oh i'm getting beat up by the heat here
5054s mad dash mad dash
5058s if i die i'm going to be so sad oh
5061s okay
5062s [Music]
5063s i'm
5064s oh no
5068s leave me
5069s alone okay
5073s cheese okay
5075s don't go near me
5078s this is a very dangerous operation we're
5080s doing here right now
5082s i have no health
5084s okay
5086s okay
5088s so we're building a bed
5090s i'm gonna claim this bed
5092s perfect
5094s but i really need
5096s i really need oh i can
5099s i'm gonna set up some stations here
5102s all right
5104s all right good good good i don't think i
5106s can upgrade
5107s oh can i oh i can perfect
5109s all right
5111s so we're gonna make some grilled meat
5116s perfect i'm just gonna check that my
5119s bone is okay okay perfect
5123s all right so we have some grilled meat
5124s we're gonna eat that
5127s eat that some more make some more
5132s uh it would be nice if i could ideally
5133s make a you know heat-proof
5136s seafood i need million spices and salmon
5138s okay so i need to be able to fish for
5140s that
5142s get the seal
5146s uh
5147s no the bonfire only heats you up it
5149s doesn't heal
5152s bonfire heats you up so i would not want
5155s to use that in the desert ideally
5158s oh there's some spices ah but i need to
5160s i guess i should make a fishing rod
5163s actually i'm gonna set up a little camp
5165s here because it's quite easy just to do
5167s that
5169s okay so i'm gonna make a fishing rod
5173s there we go okay but i don't know if
5176s there's sometimes there's like
5177s ripples in the ocean here but sometimes
5179s not oh right there look at that i made
5182s it happen
5182s i manifested it okay let me
5187s i got a salmon oh my gosh
5190s does that mean i can make the heat proof
5191s hold on
5196s oh cold proof okay i need more spices
5198s okay so there might be some more spices
5200s on this beach
5201s oh you put in the code okay awesome yeah
5203s nice
5205s so if i can find the spices then i can
5206s craft the
5209s heat proof potion which is exactly what
5211s i need
5213s and then once that's done
5216s we're golden
5219s okay let me scour the beach for those
5220s spices hi alchemical hello welcome to
5223s the stream
5224s how you doing
5228s i gotta find those spices
5233s i feel like i go into a lot of these
5235s missions very unprepared but
5238s you know it's gonna work out
5239s somehow
5242s oh no we don't oh there's the spices
5245s we don't like these guys though
5247s we don't like these guys
5250s we don't like them
5252s all right oh
5255s gonna craft a heat proof seafood let's
5257s go okay
5260s i could also wait till night time to do
5261s the dessert but i am not patient so i
5264s don't want to wait
5265s let's go wish me luck
5268s all right
5270s now to find those roosters i feel like i
5272s gotta go to a camp to see
5275s a lot of them
5277s sorry if i miss anything in the chat too
5279s i'm very focused on finding these
5281s roosters
5283s i will find them i will find them
5286s and i don't think i'm gonna get all of
5287s them today i think we'll just get a
5288s couple more
5290s and then close out because it is 75 it's
5292s quite a quite a few roosters
5295s i got this thank you
5297s thank you
5298s oh yes there we go that's we want to
5300s find a camp
5304s all the roosters
5307s so that's at least 10 there
5311s at least 10. we just got to go to all
5312s the camps that's all oh so much season
5314s xp
5316s so much season xp oh
5318s and a rune
5321s yeah we love the jars
5326s all right so i'm gonna see if i can find
5328s another camp
5335s amazing
5337s chicken goblins yay
5340s oh no
5341s uh
5342s it was it was timed that's right uh
5345s the heat proof
5346s it's timed i gotta go i gotta go i gotta
5349s go i gotta go
5351s okay
5352s oh no i don't think i'll make it back i
5353s don't think i'm gonna make it back
5356s oh no
5357s oh no i have to craft another one
5363s oh no
5366s oh no
5368s guys i oh my god
5371s oh no okay
5374s okay one more one more i'm going in one
5376s more time
5378s going in once more
5381s yeah exactly get out of here
5384s okay so i need to find ideally one more
5386s mysterious ripple
5388s and then i can craft another heat proof
5391s potion
5393s maybe there are no mysterious ripples
5394s here oh there's only enemies okay
5398s that's great and it's the ones that
5399s throw oh no oh no
5402s we're running we're running
5407s running away
5411s all right well stream is almost done
5413s stream is almost done
5415s uh
5416s i think i'll do one more run
5419s in one more run in try to kill as many
5422s oh no
5424s my constructions are under attack oh no
5427s oh no
5429s okay
5431s we're living on the edge it's fine
5434s more grilled meats um
5436s yeah too bad i need oh i need molly and
5438s spices i saw those in the desert but i
5440s didn't pick them up
5442s okay
5444s uh okay
5446s let me run in
5449s oh there there there okay
5451s okay
5453s we can make one more heat proof
5457s meal and then uh probably finish up
5458s there see if we can get any more
5460s roosters and then i'll
5461s finish up the stream
5464s there we go
5466s okay
5467s we're heading off living on the edge
5469s we're living on the edge that's what
5470s we're doing
5472s okay
5475s all right so i'm gonna go straight
5477s through
5478s yeah i'm gonna go straight through as
5479s far as i can go
5481s see if i run into any more goblins
5485s use my heat proof meal
5489s and then uh yeah
5493s who is the quest guy what do you mean by
5494s the quest guy which quest guy
5498s what do you mean
5501s oh i see the
5502s rooster goblins i'm coming for you
5506s oh wait
5508s try to go up oh no i'm not gonna be able
5510s to get through here oh yeah i am okay
5514s all right i'm coming for you oh there
5518s come back come back oh those are very
5520s dangerous very dangerous
5522s very dangerous people
5524s oh no oh no
5526s oh no i'm gonna run
5528s they are very dangerous
5532s i only want goblins
5535s okay perfect three more three more
5539s oh no
5542s this guy leave me can you leave me alone
5544s leave me alone
5547s this has been a very dangerous journey
5549s thank you for
5550s joining me for this dangerous journey
5555s one more just
5557s there we go
5561s oh we don't like you
5562s [Music]
5564s all right i think we found
5566s a considerable amount of rooster goblins
5569s for today i am collecting them to make
5570s an army
5572s indeed
5574s get out of here
5577s all right i think i'm going to save
5579s here
5581s doesn't mean that we can't return all
5582s but there's so many of them
5584s doesn't mean that we can't return to
5585s this and the next time in the next
5587s stream um
5590s because it'd be nice to come back to
5591s this world
5597s okay
5599s perfect
5602s oh no i ran right into a bunch of
5604s enemies
5606s all right i think that's it for now i'm
5608s gonna save out thank you for joining me
5611s for that so far we're gonna save and
5612s quit
5614s at the moment
5618s oh the quest guy oh like the little cat
5621s yeah so the little uh cat it was either
5623s solera or maniklo basically every time
5625s you do something that needs uh some more
5627s context or tutorialization
5629s the cats will spawn and then they will
5631s talk to you and kind of tell you what's
5633s going on
5634s so i killed 23 out of the 75 that's
5637s pretty good that's pretty good progress
5638s i think
5640s quit out the game
5642s head back to
5643s our normal screen here
5646s thank you for joining me today to hang
5649s out a little bit to catch up
5651s uh on what's been going on in game to
5653s play a little bit of tribes and as i
5655s mentioned at the beginning of the stream
5657s um first thing was we do streams usually
5660s every friday it's either myself and or
5663s jp and we also had our community manager
5666s intern alice join us for our streams um
5669s every friday but i will be away for the
5671s next uh three weeks or so so this is my
5674s last stream for a while
5676s um bittersweet i will miss you all i
5678s will also miss you all on the discord
5679s but thank you for coming out today to
5681s hang out uh with me
5684s thank you again i will do one last
5686s raffle one last one let me grab that
5690s shift code um we are going to do one
5692s more of the fluffy fang pet
5695s so i'm gonna reset the timer
5699s i'm gonna have you guys uh
5701s let me do the goblins again
5704s was it goblin with one s or goblins
5707s what's that goblin we're gonna do goblin
5709s single goblin right
5711s right it was single goblin
5714s was a single goblin
5717s one goblin okay we're gonna do
5720s okay goblin let's go
5722s just goblin
5724s type goblin in the chat we're gonna give
5726s away another fluffy fang pet
5729s to a lucky winner
5732s goblins for the entries goblins yes so
5735s many goblins
5736s so many goblins
5740s goblins here and there goblins
5742s everywhere
5745s so many goblins
5754s i'm also going to blow my candle because
5756s my candle is this is such a nice candle
5757s it's a candle that smells like a
5759s fireplace it's kind of like a little
5760s bonfire it's a good tribes candle
5766s goblin
5768s one more goblin i'm gonna give it like
5770s 30 more seconds and then we're gonna
5772s draw the winner
5773s for the goblin
5776s goblin
5779s thank you all for being here today by
5780s the way
5781s thank you all reminders that uh you know
5784s season three of tribes of midgard just
5786s came out two weeks ago there's the
5787s anniversary event that is ongoing right
5789s now you can complete the challenges in
5791s game in order to get uh the anniversary
5794s portrait and then next week is going to
5795s be those that platinum coins challenge
5797s so you can do that next week to earn 250
5799s platinum coins
5802s i like the smell of candles just after
5804s you blow them out i do too i very much
5806s because then they smell so much like the
5807s candle
5811s all right
5815s goblin goblin
5816s the bot does have a goblin army that's
5818s what we're doing we're growing
5819s nightbot's army of goblins
5822s all right i'm gonna do 10 seconds type
5824s goblin in the chat nine
5827s eight
5828s seven
5829s six
5830s five
5831s four
5832s three
5834s two
5835s one
5836s i'm gonna roll here we go
5840s battle bandit
5841s congratulations battle bandit
5845s battle bandit gg
5847s uh if you can type in the chat a hello a
5850s hi i can message you directly
5852s and um give you that
5855s code thank you everyone for also being
5856s so uncongratulatory to other people who
5859s are winning
5860s uh we'll have more of these in the
5861s future done either this way or a shift
5863s code that's redeemable several times
5865s it's nice to kind of have these moments
5867s on stream uh
5869s [Music]
5870s battle bandit i found you i found you
5872s perfect uh here is the
5874s code for fluffy fang pets
5877s let me know if you have any issues
5879s redeeming it in the whisper i'm sending
5881s you right now if there is just let me
5883s know and i'll be able to resolve
5885s anything for you
5887s um but yeah enjoy enjoy
5892s um but yes
5894s thank you so much for coming to the
5895s stream today um i will see you i'll see
5897s you guys next month or i'm not sure
5899s three weeks from now uh
5901s in the future uh in the meantime we'll
5903s be working really hard on season four of
5905s tribes of midgard and we will let you
5908s know more about that as soon as we can
5909s so uh without further ado make sure to
5912s join our discord uh as always
5915s you can type exclamation point socials
5916s if you want to follow us on any other
5918s social media
5919s um wave bye bye take care i will see you
5922s guys all again in the future and on
5925s discord
5926s until next time
5927s bye bye sale sale
5930s see you bye
5959s [Music]
5972s so
6072s so
6236s you