12 months ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s yes you can absolutely play the game
2s solo because our game is one to ten
4s players you'll never be totally alone
6s though because you will have your little
7s Pet Companion to follow along and help
9s you out there is the solo option right
11s in the main menu and then we have solo
13s challenges that you can complete in game
15s another cool fact is that the map is
17s scaled to solo player size and the
19s bosses and enemies health will also
21s scale because you are just one person do
23s you prefer Solo or multi let me know
11 months ago - Tribes of Midgard - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s you have to play with others no you can
2s absolutely play our game Solo or you can
4s play with up to 10 players if you're
6s playing solo the map will become a
7s little bit smaller so you'll have less
8s ground to cover enemies health will also
11s scale down because after all you are
12s just one biking fighting everybody the
14s same goes for Boss Health Resources
17s scale too so when you harvest them you
19s will collect more of them so yes it's up
21s to you if you want to play solo or with
23s others