8 months
ago -
Tribes of Midgard
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
0s | are you looking for a low maintenance |
2s | pet look no further tribes of midgard |
4s | has partnered with makeship to make our |
5s | iconic Godly cats into plushies they are |
8s | super low maintenance they don't need |
10s | sleep food or toys you just have to love |
12s | them but the campaign only runs for a |
14s | few more days until they're gone forever |
16s | so make sure to get yours before then |
18s | you have the power to bring them to life |
20s | we just need to reach 200 plushies to |
22s | have a successful campaign if we reach |
24s | the goal our proceeds will benefit an |
25s | animal charity so be sure to check them |
27s | out the link is in our bio |