

19 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I realize there are folks that will see it as that, but it's not.

This was something created for another Region and the NA Region was allowed to opt in to the event. We did, as more stuff is better than less stuff~


The only accomodation I can imagine that you're looking for is that every mission be labeled as an "Or"-style mission so that Co-Op targets can be specifically lower. If ALL missions were natively designed around Co-Op earnings expectations, then every Random/Ranked player will simply achieve them on a loss without trying. Co-Op's rewards are not high as the experience is relaxed, formulaic, and very quick.

Please understand that "Or" missions are still fairly new to the game, and Inertia is a thing. Someone created an event and made things the way they've made them for years, which assumes 1k Base XP to be very attainable in general. It is, as Random Battles will commonly hit that mark on a win.


18 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

What do you think is a fair amount of compensation for a well-done Operation?

Do you feel that the ability to know the entire situation before hand and plan for it should alter the rewards as compared to a live-action situation where nothing is predetermined?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, I logged in earlier and they appeared in my Combat Missions tab. Several were already showing as done.

I still have two or three not completed. The 2m Potential Damage and the 3 Cap/Cap Assists in a single match are still unfinished for me.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update on December 18th, 2021:


We have received a lot of feedback from you about the Captain’s Holiday tree, and we would like to inform you that from today, combat missions will be available in the game client, which will allow you to track the progress of the event tasks. This applies to regular, non-competitive, tasks.

We apologize for not doing this earlier. We hope that this step will help you with tracking the completion of tasks and receiving rewards.

Separately, we want to note that if you completed the tasks before the launch of the combat missions in the game client, then this progress will also be taken into account, and you will receive rewards for it no later than January 14.

Happy New Year!


What does this mean?

All available "Rewards" from doing the basic completion have been added into the game as Combat Missions...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, this is event is a bit different in its construction. It's not "the main event of the patch" in that the Dockyard and finishing the Novorossiysk is. Also there are Clan Battles going on.

This was a side-event that was created to drive website engagement. As a fun, "but wait, there's more!" there's also a raffle associated with completing an Ornament mission, and a super prize the whoever wanted to try-hard the hardest and getting the biggest goal for an Ornament.

Regions were allowed to opt-in, and we did. Specifically we knew there could be concerns about players wanting to COMPLETE ALL THE THINGS! Some Ornaments were dialed back to more achieveable metric because of this.

While 1k BaseXP is doable in a Co-Op Battle, it's a rare event. This bar wasn't set for Xo-Op compatibility, however, but more of a polite challenge to achieve to get a small reward. While there are some PvE focused players, achieving 1k Base XP in a Rand...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I haven't gotten this sense from the conversation at all.

The pushback your getting is from people that enjoy the Randomness of Random. You might roll high on your teammates, you might not. You might roll weird ships or non-meta divs, you might not.

Much of what's being said about "Well, if there are 4 Unicums, then distrbute them amongst both sides" is that it's self-defeating in the long run. If you have 4 players that are 55% Win Rate and you divy it out so everyone with above 50% Win Rate is facing another person who is the same... then the Win Rates fall to 50% over time. As that happens, Win Rate as a "skill" metric stops being valid, and a different form of identifier would be required.

This is a complex game that is more than just showing up and doing damage. Most of a person's "PR" is related to damage, so folks get a skewed impression of damage's relevance in the game. Support and setting up ...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


Oops, linked the Expenses one. The one that describes Credits/Base XP Payout is "Economy"!

Raw Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_bXHAqLkKc&

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

% of player health is how Credits and BaseXP are factored. There are bonuses for Kills or Caps as well as other interactions.

Check it out here:

Raw Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6lZE5XBMj0

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

LWM confirmed that the Combat Mission Missouri is the best Credit Earning ship in the game.

The Combat Mission doesn't interact with flags. Instead it just throws a fistfull of money at you every time you play. While the "Best Game You Ever Played In Your Life" could result in less credits when fully flagged/bonus'd up because it was an extreme outlier, the rest of the matches you play are to the good. The Combat Mission at 30% meets and exceeds the payout from the Old Missouri additional credit modifier in almost all situations.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The event was designed to drive Portal engagement (people going to the website to click on/interact with the tree).

Unfortunately, while the system retains your information because you clicked "Participate", it's not something the Portal dynamically undates and displays.

We've heard a lot of concerns regarding that, so the folks upstairs are working on a way to clear up the confusion so the Tree is easier to enjoy as the fun event she's intended to be.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

A few words on this!

1) Community Time Streams are VERY DIFFERENT from personal streaming. I was really surprised about that, but it's like incredibly true. Your mind is split in a lot of ways because you aren't there to play, you're there to connect. The playing is the thing that happens in the background of your mind because you have thousands of people that want to ask questions the entire way through. Or, you're in the middle of performing live on stage because you're Anchoring your very own TV show with a co-host.

So, I don't know who it was or what they played, but when you see folks do poorly on the Community Stream, there's a half decent chance their mind is only slightly in the game. If it's more in the game, then it's less engaged with you guys.

2) I've never done the math on it, but Operations always seemed like the Stars you earn are a multiplier to the Base XP you get. So just completing the Operation is wor...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, it's definitely been an interesting thread. Many different conversations happening at once, but good conversations none the less.

Two things from me.

1) Every "game" is just a different way of doing something with a bunch of arbitrary rules strung together. "The floor is lava!" "Keep-away" "Hide and Seek" "Uno" "Monopoly""Minesweeper" "Sudoku"

Fun is just one of those things that you can't really quantify, but you can tell when you're having it. You can also know that while you're having fun doing something, like maybe sequential math puzzles... someone else has NO interest in the same. So "fun" isn't a universal truth. Even a universally loved game like Tetris or Pac-Man has folks that can't enjoy or connect with it in any way.

World of Warships has that same battle to face, and because it's so varied and decision-based, the amount of possibilities to balance/plan for is rather immense. Fortunately, there a...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

But that's the problem. The average player didn't do magic things in the Thunderer. That's why it was available for so long.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am very aware that different ships do different things well. The fun part of game design/balancing is to allow for lots of variety in the game, but to have all the very different things still be relative in power and good options in their own ways.

As to "OP", perhaps we'll just agree that we think "OP" means different things. To me, it represents a power that makes things happen and is worthy of forming strategies around. Your definition seems to be more akin to "abnormally strong at X".

Either way, it was a fun conversation. Thank you~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please stop like jumping to lightspeed. It doesn't have to single-handedly murder everything all by itself to be powerful. In the example I gave about Kog-Maw, it's a 5-man team all working together and using Kog'maw's damage as a win condition.

To me, when you say "OP" it represents a distinct, significant advantage.

To which I pose the question...

If it's "OP", then can you use it to win? Moreso than other options?

You've made several responses saying that it's not viable or that other options are better choices.

To which I respond with...

Is it "OP" then?

At this point, I think we're just going in circles and the topic is probably over with?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not if I'm in something easy to hit <3

But trolling around in a Russian DD? or farming from cover? Sure~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

What I'm asking is... if it's so powerful at doing a thing, why not design a strategy around it doing that thing?

There was a strategy in League of Legends dubbed "Protect the Kog-maw". Why? Because if you had a champion called Kog'maw and your team was able to keep him alive, he killed everything. It was a full 5-man team effort to do it... but designing around the win condition was a strategy that worked.

If you're saying that it's impossible to design a strategy around a battleship with amazing guns but horrible armor, then I don't know what to say. Everyone is going to play this game in their own way.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't understand? What's the talking point?

Yes, CMs are hopelessly outnumbered unfortunately. But there are volunteers that help where able to allow the CMs to keep on their toes. It's... a lot of work :\ I think I'm running around hour 70 or something so far this week <3 Odds are good I'll be working the next two days too (though I'll try not to do it too much for sanity reasons).

Don't misunderstand, CCs give us feedback. They let us know what does and doesn't work for them and their community. It's just not the role of the program. From our end, the CC Program is about helping CCs grow because an engaged audience stays engaged in the game and community at large. It's good for both parties.

Honestly, the explosion that happened was the result of a whole lot of stuff happening all at once. It was a really rough time. I was a CC then and I got to see it from the inside.


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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's not really the role of the CC, though. Community Liason is the Community Manager's job. While a CC can certainly have a community around them and want to advocate for it, that's not what the CC Program is about.

The CC Program is a partnership between WarGaming and the CC. WarGaming provides assistance through giveaways, access to content, and promotion. The CC provides player engagement simply by doing their thing.

That's why some CCs talk poorly about WarGaming, but are still CCs. It's not about the message, it's about a community having a home to exist in and enjoy our great game. We don't censor CCs, though there are some ground rules that are mostly about ethics and treating people with respect.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, so it excels in its element, but can't excel outside of it. Which in itself is a representation of balancing characteristics.

A lot of ships excel when performing in their win condition space. The question is why is the Thunderer's win condition not strong enough to draw more attention to her as a competitive pick? Would catering to a truly overpowered ship yield better results than using a less powerful ship in a different way? You'd be using the OP ship to carry.