

23 Jun


Originally posted by ancientromanempire

I agree. But I don't think the players deserve to be punished for this either. Just own up to your mistake and move on. It's really not a big deal it only lasted a few hours.

We agree, it's only going to be for very clear cut major abuse of it. If someone's using it three games in a row and spamming it ridiculously...that's more the realm we would consider it.


Originally posted by DisciplinedPenguin

Yea I used the noclip for one spike rush round when I first discovered it and planted before buy phase started to see if I can, but i quickly realized that I don't wanna take a chance, so I personally believe that people that had tested the glitch out once or twice should be spared, maybe I'm being biased though.

We wouldn't punish for a single use when it first came out. It would only be if someone was repeatedly using it to impact a game outcome or majorly being disruptive. I think in general most players know when they're being abusive versus curious. We wouldn't punish for discovery of a bug and understand player who have no ill intent might have used it not fully knowing what was going on with it.


Originally posted by Xxav

Patch time for EU and Korea is tomorrow for the US, so no ranked today then basically. Unless I'm terrible at time zones, very possible lol

Their patches are 2pm PDT and 8pm PDT today for kr and eu, respectively.


Originally posted by ancientromanempire

Are you going to take action against the employees that accidentally put it in the game or just the players that used the thing that the employees put in the game?

Edit: full disclosure I haven't even installed the patch yet and haven't used the bug personally so I'm not advocating for myself. Nor do I think that Riot employees should be disciplined for this either. It just bothers me when you talk about punishing the players of your game essentially because of your major screw up. Take some responsibility and stop trying to punish the players for your mistake. They've already been punished enough by this even being in the game.

It was a bug--it happens. Should be pretty clear that there's a difference between a bug that's not a standard path bug and some one repeatedly trying to ruin 9 other people's games by using a clear exploit.


Originally posted by zayoe4

Should be fixed now.

Are you planning on banning players who used the glitch in unranked games to boost their invisible elo?

We will be investigating abuse cases as best as we can. I can't guarantee we'll be able action on everyone, but clear cases we should be able to action.


Originally posted by fitness404

I suppose maybe it started before the fix? 15~ mins ago?

it's possible your game started before the switch happened. We're continuing to keep an eye on it.


Originally posted by fitness404

Definitely not fixed, I'm in a game with a guy abusing it right now.

when did your game start?


Originally posted by reppyOW

Is ranked still rolling out today?

Ranked will rollout sometime after all regions are patched. Given this surprise feature...we're going to make sure we have extra eyes today to make sure we're good to go.

As bad as the impact to unrated experience was...1000x worse if we had had ranked online.


Originally posted by dudlad99

So i assume in the regions where the patch didn't deploy yet, it wont until it's fixed right ?

Correct. We're hoping a mitigation we're testing right now will prevent any delays to other region timing.


What region are you on?


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

Yeah i got the ewy it works and its perfectly reasonable, its just that as you said from a long time EU player every little thing stings.

But now im wondering, in LoL we dont have all that time difference for patches right? If we do than my bad, i didnt even notice, if we dont, than why is that?

I believe LoL starts off with Oceania. They have like 13 shards to update all with unique downtimes to manage over a 24-36 hour period. Our infrastructure's a little different. We have 4 shards/6 matchmaking regions, so it's less complex to coordinate over a 16 hour period of time during daylight/reasonable hours.


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

I know, but still my point stand, EU was not take in consideration for that ranked change.

I was just ranting btw, i really appreciate you reply but its not like arguing about this could change something, things gonna be the same way no matter how hard i wouldv tried position based rank in LoL or the valorant patch the same day of NA.

All good, we do understand where some of the frustration can come from on that (especially from our long-time EU LoL folks--2011/12 had some rough nights). Intent for this isn't to give any region an early advantage or access, as we'd love to get the patch to everyone at the same time.

From an operational perspective, change = risk, so we strive to reduce risk as much as possible. One way to do that is some regions at a time, off-peak timing (so fewer players impacted), and with opportunities to fix with the most amount of people around. Everything takes longer at 3am :), so we want to make sure EU's not languishing with a major patch issue with fewer eyes on it.


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

Just like you appreciated eu opinion for the position based version of LoL ranked that was only shipped in NA and dismissed only based on NA opinion...oh wait

It was NA and Korea. We decided to do a narrow rollout to gather feedback on a major change to the ranked system.

NA and EU sentiment tends to mirror each other in a lot of ways for these types of things from a survey/insights perspective.


Originally posted by TokiiseN

Okey. Thanks for the answer. And hope the patch and lunch on Ranked are smooth. :)

When are the patchs nots out?


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

We prefer to have the fix later and the patch sooner.

Sincerely, EU.

And we appreciate the opinion :)


Originally posted by TokiiseN

Are you going to do like in the beta with ranked? First deploy patch then after Ranked or is this all about Ranked?, thx for answer. :)

We'll deploy the patch globally, make sure we have general stability, and then will turned on ranked. I don't have the exact timings for it, as I don't want to set the wrong timing expectation, but it's as soon as we feel it's safe to turn on.


Originally posted by montymm

Bruh f**k sake why does EU get f**ked every time. always a day late for no f**kin reason.

Don’t hit back at me with “NA are testing for bugs etc” cause I’d happily test for fcking bugs. I want Competitive, fed up of this unrated shit

Edit: i understand now

We deploy to north and south america first so that the patch has soak time during work hours for the office. This gives us a chance to catch major issues before deploying wide. Also gives us a chance to have a fix included in the patch for the other regions.

16 Jun


Originally posted by godNmighty1

I have it on EU, and In league of legends aswell. even wrote several ticket.
and im honor lvl2. never typed anything in the chat since beta hah?
could you please help me with that.

It is likely related to the above issues. Chat, login and social has shared points across games and regions. While most players experiencing the issue will be in the regions i've mentioned, there are instances where players in NA/EU/LATAM/BR might also see impacts. It will depend on how the internet is routing them. We're actively working on the issue, so we hope to have service fully restored soon.


Originally posted by godNmighty1

you sure about that?
so there is actually chat problems for some ppl?

Yes, for some players especially on the Asia Pacific and Korea shards will still see some issues with chat and social panel.