

07 May


Originally posted by woogitywoogity

In conquest, can we get some sort of system that's tells squad leaders where other squads are heading?

That'd be cool. I'll make sure to mention it to the Dev team.


Originally posted by AngryChair76

As most of the issues were reported immediately after the update, hopefully the team already have the tickets raised & fixes ready & tested. The issue with the EA servers was completely unrelated but it compounded everything else tbh. Can you give us any hints on this new urban map??

That is correct. I'm going to confirm the JIRAs and check the status.

And... no I can't give any hints.

But keep an eye on this subreddit tomorrow.

06 May


Originally posted by N-Shifter

Thanks for the response, much appreciated.

(I gave you an upvote. People are really not using the downvote correctly lately.)


Originally posted by BraveHobbit

Any news about the pilot and tank crewman customization? I really want the see seamus in the tank.

At this point, there are no specific plans. If that changes, I'll let you know.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm really sorry you have nothing better to do than to troll and spam negativity on every single post I make.
If you actually ever want to provide constructive feedback or have a conversation, I'm here. But I won't be replying or acknowledging anymore of your spammy sass in the meantime.
I do wish you a good day.


Originally posted by N-Shifter

So is that every two weeks or twice a week? Thanks.

Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted, "bi-weekly" can mean twice a week or every two weeks.

In this case (because bi-weekly is one of those two meaning phrases) it would be every two weeks.
Good catch.


Originally posted by supersayian0108

Please Check This Post . We're facing so many issues with the recent patch. Please provide some insight on how these issues are going to be dealt with this week, or must we endure these glitches until the next patch? u/braddock512

I've escalated all of those to QA/Dev teams for investigation. Once they create a JIRA ticket to track it, I'll update you.


Originally posted by Bf-109-Messerschmitt

Is there a possibility that we would get to see some sort of schedule for armory rotation that was mentioned? The system right now doesn’t seem to be that great. Thanks.

I really want that RAF headgear that was there since beta and I am still waiting for it to release

It's going to be bi-weekly.
I'm still working on getting details (that they'll let me share) to roll this out.


Originally posted by supersayian0108

The huge outage was extremely strange, I heard it affected almost all EA titles?

It affected literally all EA titles.
It was a DB config issue with our authentication protocols. Literally no one could login on any platform.


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Photo credit Commander Wacky

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Originally posted by johgru

It's actually hold Y (triangle on Playstation) to change fire mode

Thank you for the clarification. (Haven't played on PS4 in a while.)


Originally posted by Aeternull

Community crying so much about visibility. More like L2P. Now game looks shit

The visibility changes haven't gone live yet. (As the post says, it's later this month).


Originally posted by ricaurtegoti

Stupid question here but how I change the fire mode of the Tromboncino to fire granades? I play on PS4.

Same as you change fire mode for other guns. I think it's down on the D-Pad.

Edit: From u/johgru

It's actually hold Y (triangle on Playstation) to change fire mode


Originally posted by BollREEE

Still waiting on the update for the servers you removed without giving any warning and causing massive degradation in the "live service" you sold us??

I just had a meeting with one of the Devs who showed me the graphs and details. "Massive degradation" is a bit extreme.

During peak, players had an average ping of 31.9ms when connecting to Frankfurt. Off-peak, ping was around 98ms.

You are correct that there was no warning - it was rolled out without proper messaging (which is on the Community Team), but we weren't even alerted to it. Frustration on all sides, to be sure.


Originally posted by secretTuna

I remember playing flashlight tag growing up. some of the best hiding spots were the spots people wouldn't think to look. They were the shadowed corners and right on top of the mulch, in plain sight, staying still. It was fun because you could watch the people with the flashlight scouring the bushes and looking in logical hiding places just feet away, unable to find you.

My OPINION is that I will not like this lighting update, and that it will completely change the playstyle of the game towards an arcade-like shooter game.

The increased visibility decreases the value of recon and their spotting scope and flare gun tools.

The increased visibility reduces the ability of a well-executed squad strategy being able to use positioning and stealth to take objectives because your run-and-gunners will have the advantage.

Gave you an upvote for nostalgia (I played the flashlight game as a kid too). Totally understand your concerns, but let’s see how it works in game and then we can make adjustments based on feedback.


Originally posted by getBrutal

Hmm, fair, but now they will light up? The point of camo is to look like you're the tree or wall or rock, now you'll look a lit up character model in front of a tree or rock, no?

Keep in mind this is a 2D pic. I totally understand and hear your concerns, but as the person above mentioned, it’s actually going to be more critical to have the right camo.

And I’m working to get a video of it in action so we can all see how it will play out.


Originally posted by Jimmy39a

On a positive note: thx for public matchmaking in combined arms!

Bug report: if a squad member bails out after 1 round, the rest of the squad is stuck forever in the waiting screen. Even as squad leader you cannot use escape to close the game in windows.

We’ve seen reports of that and have escalated it.


Originally posted by Abrisham

Have a downvote then.

And an upvote to you!

05 May


Originally posted by Bullseye_Baugh

Hopefully the absence of any personal response from the DICE team is because they're too busy fixing the new error code message. I haven't been able to play reliably since thursday.

It has been escalated to our QA team and Dev team to investigate as of Friday. Once we have more info/workaround/fix, I’ll let y’all know.

04 May


Originally posted by ayeuniqueusername

Totally unrelated to visuals, but as a motorcycle enthusiast would you pass along the desire for motorcycles in game lol.

As a fellow motorcycle enthusiast, I wish I could upvote this 100 times.