CCP Swift

CCP Swift

20 Apr


Noble Citizens of New Eden,

It is once again the time of year when we set out to assemble the next Council of Stellar Management, which will closely collaborate with CCP Games in the ongoing development of EVE Online. The democratic elections we are about to embark on are a unique tool within the gaming industry, providing unparalleled access to developers and embodying the tremendous value we see in shaping the future of the game hand-in-hand with the players who have shaped the world and history of EVE into what it is today. We cannot express enough how deeply appreciative we are for the dedication and passion the EVE community has demonstrated in the game’s nearly nineteen years, and for every invaluable player who is ready and willing to offer their time and work with us to continue improving the world’s largest living work of science-fiction!

Though we unfortunately were not able to welcome the council to Reykjavik this term for the yearly CSM sum...

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