EVE Online Team

EVE Online Team


Skillful capsuleers,

In the ever-changing spacescape of New Eden, the need for new skills is ever-present. For a limited time, you can skyrocket your training for less, with amazing discounts on Skill Point bundles in the New Eden store!


These bundles each combine two of the existing SP bundles, and include free Upwell SKINs as well. In addition to a wealth of instant Skill Points, they also include cerebral accelerators, greatly speeding up regular training, so you can get the skills you’re after in record time.

The bundles include brand new Equinox Era SKINs that transform your ships with stunning visual effects, dynamic lighting, and sleek designs. From glowing klaxons and holographic displays to impressive exhaust flames, these SKINs make you...

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25 Jul

Bold capsuleers, 

Your enthusiasm and dedication to EVE Online continually inspire our drive to deliver the best experiences possible, and we extend our gratitude for your support and passion. At the same time, we recognize that some of our ambitious goals for Equinox are taking a bit longer to achieve than expected. While we strive to get everything right, often it is not until capsuleers start interacting with the features in the live universe of New Eden that we can identify aspects that require fine tuning, balancing, fixing, or updating. During the post launch period we address issues that we have identified, actively monitor and gather data, and collaborate with the CSM and the larger community to make iterations based on your feedback.  Following recent updates and continuing over the summer, the focus is on delivering improvements in three key areas: 

  • Further improving and balancing the Equinox sovereignty system and structures. 

  • ...
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The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 22.01). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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18 Jul

Brave capsuleers, 

We want to acknowledge the concerns expressed by the community and CSM regarding the Equinox expansion and associated game changes. We share your passion for EVE Online and we know that everyone has the best wishes for the game at heart. We hear you loud and clear and appreciate the honesty and feedback provided. We have been and continue to actively monitor and discuss the feedback, within CCP and with the CSM, to refine, plan and prioritize the next steps.  

The focus with Equinox was and remains making nullsec exciting and desirable, not just as a battleground, but as a dynamic homefront ripe with opportunities that will enhance the value generated from sovereignty systems (for corporations and alliances as well as for individuals).  

Today sees updates to various aspects of Equinox. Below is a high-level overview of these changes, with further details in the . This is just one of many steps forward, as we will continue to ref...

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17 Jul

Skillful capsuleers,

In the ever-changing spacescape of New Eden, the need for new skills is ever present. For a limited time, you can skyrocket your training for less, with amazing discounts on Skill Point bundles in the EVE and New Eden stores! These bundles each combine two of the existing SP bundles, and include free Upwell SKINs as well. In addition to a wealth of instant Skill Points, they also include cerebral accelerators, greatly speeding up regular training, so you can get the skills you’re after in record time. Don’t miss out on this chance to save up to 35% on massive Skill Point deals, maximize your training, and look great while doing it!

The bundles include brand new Equinox Era SKINs that transform your ships with stunning visual effects, dynamic lighting, and sleek designs. From glowing klaxons and holographic displays to impressive exhaust flames, these SKINs make your vessels stand out in New Eden, ensuring you look spectacular in any ...

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11 Jul

Colorful capsuleers,

The Equinox expansion introduced the first iteration of SKINR for ships, ushering in a new, creative era in New Eden. Today your spaceship artistry gets an update, with new improvements and enhancements coming to the powerful personalization tool. Both in response to your valuable feedback and as part of the phased rollout of SKINR, these updates elevate the design and sequencing experience, allowing you to specialize further as a designer and expand your creative capabilities.

Unlock Your Design Potential

The new update introduces two new skills – Studio Management and Advanced Studio Management – which allow you to save up to 125 designs when fully trained. These powerful skills enable you to build and manage a comprehensive design portfolio, providing the flexibility and capacity needed to take your SKIN creations to unprecedented heights and establishing yourself as a premier designer in New Eden.

Refined Designs

The desig...

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Liberated capsuleers,

In honor of the annual celebration of the liberation of the Seven Tribes of Matar is here, new packs are available in the EVE store, bringing you unique design elements, and all the essentials you need to create your own, custom ship SKINs and fly your personalized flags of freedom.

The New Packs

Shades of Freedom Pack – to get you started with SKINR for ships and all the benefits of Omega status.

  • 20 Days Omega

  • 50 PLEX

  • 2 Standard ‘Boost’ Cerebral Accelerators

  • 3 Ancestral Fireclay Nanocoatings

  • 3 Flowers of Matar Nanocoatings

  • 3 Darkness Forged Ferros Metallics

  • 3 Freedom’s Foundation Patterns

Paragon of Freedom Pack – to grow your design empire.

  • 600 PLEX

  • Expert 'Boost' Cerebral Accelerator

  • 9 Ancestral Fireclay Nanocoatin...

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08 Jul

First off, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the incredible feedback and stories you’ve shared about EVE Online: Equinox. This is the fourth consecutive major expansion since we reinstated our biannual release schedule, and marks a significant milestone in our ongoing mission to grant you more control and agency over New Eden. 

Your engagement and insights are invaluable, grounding our efforts and inspiring us to push the boundaries of what’s possible. We are committed to giving you more ownership, agency, and meaningful ways to leave your mark on the universe. 

Sovereignty in Space 

Owning space in New Eden should matter. It's not just about holding territory but about having real influence and control over it. We're working toward unifying the mechanics of claiming and owning space, taking valuable lessons from our experiences with Factional Warfare. 

sov-hub... Read more

06 Jul

Experimental capsuleers, 

A new era of visual splendor is on the horizon, and you can help bring an age of unparalleled graphical upgrades and fluid performance enhancements to New Eden. You are invited to test the latest version of the Carbon engine, to help refine the stunning new capabilities and ensure their stability. Soar through space with sharper, more accurate shadows in a vibrant, immersive universe, and earn 15,000 EverMarks as a reward for your participation. Don’t miss this chance to shape the future of EVE Online! 

Event Details 

  • Date & Time: 9 July 2024, from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC 

  • Server: Singularity 

Kick the Space-Tires 

The Carbon 1.0 update introduces a revolutionary GPU-driven pipeline, optimizing hardware utilization for significantly improved performance. This means a more immersive and seamless gaming experience, allowing capsuleers to dive deeper into the vas...

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04 Jul

Collecting capsuleers,

In the last six months, legions of warclones have taken to planetside combat zones in New Eden at the behest of the Deathless to tackle challenges, complete contracts, and shoot each other in the face. In celebration of each deployment of Vanguard, unique Arkombine Arisen SKINs have been made available as part of various sales in the EVE and New Eden Stores.

For a limited time, you have the opportunity to complete your collection with these exclusive SKINs as a part of the Arkombine Fleet pack. This is the final chance to secure these collectors’ items, so make sure you don’t miss out. The pack will be available until 11 July. Note that the Arkombine Arisen SKINs that were given out as rewards during the First Strike playtests are not included in the pack, only the ones that have been included in the Warclone Bundles.

The SKINs included in the Arkombine Collector’s pack are:

  • Astero Arkombine A...

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26 Jun

Pioneering capsuleers, 

The transition to a new sovereignty system is about to begin, ushering in a new era with unprecedented topology for nullsec space. In light of feedback from experienced pilots and the CSM, updates have been made to ensure that systems’ value and output facilitate freedom and strategy in sovereignty upgrades. 

sov transition - Video

Power output from most stars has been increased to raise the floor of the weakest ones, adding more strategic options, ensuring that every system can install sovereignty upgrades, and adding increased flexibility. The lowest power stars now provide 500 power, and the highest ones remain unchanged at 1,000, the average coming in at 651...

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20 Jun

Sovereign capsuleers, 

It’s been nine days since Equinox launched, and you have certainly been busy! SKINdustrialists have been traveling far and wide to find SKINR components in space to craft thousands of amazing designs, while the new Upwell industrial ships have been snagging kills left and right, as well as doing their fair share of exploding. Over in nullsec, orbital skyhooks are stocking up on superionic ice and magmatic gas, and Metenox moon drills are busy harvesting. 

As part of the phased rollout of Equinox, IRIS has announced that the Paragon Hub will now allow the sale of player-created SKINs, three Homefront Operations have been added, tailored toward smaller groups, and there is an important announcement regarding the transition to the new sovereignty system. 

Unleash your creativity with SKINR

Capsuleers, your wait is over! The Paragon Hub is now fully open, allowing you to trade your SKIN masterpieces, created through . ...

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18 Jun

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13 Jun

Creative capsuleers,

The Equinox expansion is out now, with a plethora of new opportunities for wealth accumulation, power consolidation, and the shaping of sovereign space. For a limited time, capsuleers can save up to a whopping 30% on PLEX packages – that’s the deepest PLEX discount ever! You can spend your PLEX to create and sequence amazing SKINs for your fleet or organizations in the SKINR tool, or to make purchases in the NES or the new Paragon Hub.

From now until 23:59 UTC on 19 June you can get these amazing deals in the store:

  • 1,000 PLEX - 25% discount

  • 1,500 PLEX - 25% discount

  • 3,000 PLEX - 28% discount

  • 6,000 PLEX - 28% discount

  • 12,000 PLEX - 30% discount

  • 20,000 PLEX - 30% discount

Now is the chance to start your design empire, shape sovereign space to your image, or simply build your war chest, with your new cache of PLEX. Make sure you ta...

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11 Jun

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10 Jun

Greetings capsuleer,

The Equinox expansion is out now, ushering in a new era of control, creativity, and more colorful warfare than ever before. The introduction of SKINR for ships brings a new hue to New Eden, new Upwell structures and ships provide the opportunity to shape space to your image, and new goals and corp projects promise more action than ever before.

To make the most of the new tools, a new pack is now on offer on Steam and in the EVE Store. It includes 14 days Omega, 50 PLEX, one Standard “Boost” Cerebral Accelerator, one Core Ship Operations Expert System, and some limited design elements for the new SKINR for ships. This pack is only available until 20 June, so act fast!

The Equinox Era pack contains:

  • 14 days Omega time

  • 50 PLEX

  • 1 Standard “Boost” Cerebral Accelerator

  • 1 Core Ship Operation Expert System

  • 6 Limited Nanocoatings

    • Azure Skies (glo...

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08 Jun

Thrilling capsuleers, 

The Equinox expansion is only days away, and new additions are still being announced, the latest including new fleet dynamics, visual enhancements, balance updates, and more. These were among the exciting topics discussed in the recent ...

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07 Jun

Hello spacefriends! 

The Equinox expansion is just around the corner, arriving at 11:00 UTC 11 June! As with previous expansions, we are delivering the patch notes early so you can absorb everything that's coming. We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on the ...

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The Equinox expansion is imminent, and with it come new changes to nullsec infrastructure. This blog will explain the mechanics of the new Upwell structures that will be introduced, including the new sovereignty hub, sovereignty upgrades, orbital skyhook and the resources that those structures will both generate and consume.  

Check out this overview of the structures and ships from Upwell: 

Introducing a new set of resources, all while making changes to sovereignty, is no small endeavor. New upgrades will require new resources, and those new resources take time to acquire. To ensure that everyone has a smooth and equitable transition period, different elements will be released gradually to avoid the overburdening of your logistics networks.

Out with the IHub, In with The Sovereignty Hub

sov hub - 1... Read more

03 Jun


The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 21.06). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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