28 Sep

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Originally posted by Burkinator4

The damage Nerf would not be a problem if speeders were easier to aim. They need to be reworked entirely.

This is what we're currently working on. It's looking positive.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Monday morning Stockholm time.

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Originally posted by joey24984

Love everything you guys have done but Instant action is what made this game for me. Thank you

Thanks for playing! Glad you're enjoying it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fried_Fart

Would you guys ever publicly release these heat maps? I and I’m sure many others would be really interested in seeing that.

It's something I really want to do. Let's see what happens.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BOBULANCE

You're a phenomenal dev team. I can't say it enough, your dedication to the player base is admirable beyond words.

You're a phenomenal community.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Wolffe2100

Do you guys have anything planned for October? Besides the Luke skin/Maul emote challenge?

Have a few things. October will be a smaller month, especially after September update and with what we have planned for rest of year.

Still some bits, including Co-Op defend.

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Originally posted by SolracM

Well we only have October, November and December left in the year so...

Going to be great

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Originally posted by BigPriq

You also need to disable bots firing whilst doing other things in Instant Action. Please tell me you're aware. It's the same bug we had in multiplayer months ago. It really saps the fun out of it when Chewbacca just wont stop spamming his gun no matter what.


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Originally posted by TheGavGuy

I read through the old CT's and patch notes the other day. It was funny seeing people call the updates disappointing and asking for Clone Wars. And all Ben could say was "We'll tell you when we have something to say"

I read them back too, is interesting to see the comments. Grounding.

27 Sep

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We love you too

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Originally posted by Majike03

Obi-wan's damage resistance bug should've been a priority as much as Rey's stamina-nuking dash. That and the clone commandos really need to have their DR bugs fixed

This is currently on our priority list. Worth noting that not all bugs are created equally, some take longer than others to fix etc

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End of the month means it's survey time. As always, we really appreciate your thoughts and feedback. Please do keep it coming.


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Originally posted by RickGrimes-44

Update: It's not working. Nice!

Update: "IT'S WORKING"

It took a while to propagate through our servers. I know it's working now, but figured you might like a reason why.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You're looking at modes, not playlists.

First Extraction map follows Takodana, second one follows Endor.

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Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

'Upcoming update'?

Can't you guys just do a hot-fix?

"Hotfix" isn't a flick of a switch, and certainly not for something like this. We have moved away from hotfixes now and instead would prefer a smaller patch a week or two after a main update. This gives us more time to get fixes in.

With a hotfix, if we are to fix issues that pop up in an update we have to check them into the build 24 hours after the update is live, meaning a very tight turn around.

Measure twice, cut once.

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We just identified the issue that was preventing some AI heroes to spawn. Turns out the AI were trying to unlock them but as they had no credits they weren't able to. We've made sure to let them know to patch the game, and get the heroes for free.

Providing testing goes well, the fix will be in an upcoming update.

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This is something we're looking at doing.