20 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It should still be live. The rotation of the front menu tile on Battlefront II might refresh so check after a fresh load or two. I'll check in to see if there's anything on our side stopping it from being shown.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TyGirium

I've made many suggestions about Starfighter Assault content and felt a bit ignored for a while.

Recently on Discord I've spoken with /u/T0TALfps and he said he cannot tell anything that is not officially confirmed or announced. Then I started realising, that yeah, you may hear my voice, but just don't want to respond if you cannot say for sure "it will be done" or "it won't be done". I hope other people will also understand it

Then I started realising, that yeah, you may hear my voice, but just don't want to respond if you cannot say for sure "it will be done" or "it won't be done".

It's exactly that. Sometimes we just don't have a specific answer to give.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Supra_Molecular

How much bearing do the heroes'/villains' respective abilities have on their (AI)pathing?

i.e.- was Grievous more difficult to do than Maul?

Heroes were an interesting challenge overall for our AI team

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RyanGoFett24

Ben can the team increase the boundaries of the maps? I want LARGE scale battles....the team is doing an excellent job btw... You included

Any examples?

Happy cake day!

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Pls_no_steal

Are all heroes going to be available or just CW heroes?

Clone Wars for now, will see what the future holds.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Debunking this now before the rumour mill runs away and everyone convinces themselves it's happening.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tylermarshalll

oh man that’s good news if i’ve ever heard it

Hope you enjoy it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is due to timings going on in the backend, is something we're aware of and working towards.

I'm curious to see how some of the changes we're making in next week's update will effect hero combat, will be a good step forward.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hobbes8080

I disagree with this. He also doesn’t respond to a lot of bug posts since there isn’t much he can say besides they are working on it or it will be fixed. He still sees everything just not every post warrants a response.


I can't respond to everyone, so sorry if you feel you're being ignored. But if you're telling me "lightsaber combat is broken" - we know. Check my posting history, my comments are spread out across different types.

19 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BattleGod417

Is obi wan getting a new defensive rush animation?


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mo_Salah_

I hope to god it’s something significant done to Yoda.

Doing something like slightly reducing his stamina is not gonna help, at all.

No, is more around damage output and health bonus.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TrungusMcTungus

That's the Kenobi/Jinn book, right? I've been considering picking it up, is it any good?

Really good, I enjoyed it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by double297

Out of curiosity, does it really need to be though? Were not looking for a Mona Lisa here just a snippet or two to put with your always titillating CT's. Hell, we get super pumped off shitty phone pictures from bad angles that are cut in half or images so blurry we couldn't tell they were obviously crashed speeders.

And... ya... you read that right, I said titillating.

Edit: I don't know what the Moma Lisa is either... fixed.

Out of curiosity, does it really need to be though?

Short version, yes. DICE assets are always very high quality, whether it's video or screenshots. We're also a Star Wars game so when we put out assets they should be worthy of the Star Wars name. These assets do take time to create.

That said, we have shifted to using more behind the scenes assets and we could have probably slotted one of them in here. That was on me, I could have done better. This CT was done pre-gamescom and with all that going on, efforts were focused on there.

As we move forward, I'll try and be better.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tempthetempacct

u/F8RGE will never respond to your reply.

(Prove me wrong lol :)

Given it was in the middle of the night for me, I've only just seen it. I don't see anything provocative within the question above, nor is it something I would consider a burning issue that must have my attention.

18 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team that makes screenshots are working on the CU (among other things), rather they focus on those.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Incoming transmission!
“The Separatists’ invasion of Felucia is nearing its end. With only a single, powerful vehicle left to cover the evacuation of a Felucian farming community, the clones struggle to maintain their last line of defense long enough for Republic transports to collect a large cache of valuable medicinal plants from the village.

As the droids advance towards the clones’ position, the squad opts to go on the offensive and destroy the dreadnought responsible for the attack. The droids have a plan of their own, however: Ensure the Republic can’t escape with the plants by bringing down their Venator.”


Read more External link →
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Originally posted by Excellent501

I suppose taking just one screenshot is very difficult and extremely time consuming...

It's more than just firing up ShadowPlay.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by roseser3D

The Separatists’ invasion of Felucia is nearing its end. With only a single, powerful vehicle left to cover the evacuation of a Felucian farming community, the clones struggle to maintain their last line of defense long enough for Republic transports to collect a large cache of valuable medicinal plants from the village.

As the droids advance towards the clones’ position, the squad chooses to go on the offense, destroying the dreadnought responsible for the attack. However, the droids have a plan of their own: Ensure the Republic can’t escape with the plants by bringing down their Venator.

Similar to other Capital Supremacy maps, Felucia is broken up into multiple areas with a set theme for each Command Post. Themes range from the traditional Felucian farm, a cave that used to be inhabited by an indigenous Rancor or the remnants of the mighty Sarlacc.

Yes, we expand on this. As mentioned previously, September is a weird month as we detailed quite a lot of stuff back in August.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BeepBeepWhistle

Hahaha i mean why add them right? Dice is such a meme

hahaha I mean why make our creative team crunch to get some extra screenshots out while they are working on the new Community Update video. Work life balance is such a meme.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by roseser3D

What the f**ks gonna be in the CT then

Will details various parts of the map. We have the Community Update Video on the way which is where it'll showcase it.