18 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just a note, there are no new images in the CT. We are saving that for the Community Update Video.

She's looking beautiful.

17 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nyzam45

I'm probably over-simplifying things so forgive me please, but I really don't get why this is such a hard thing to do? I mean, I know you guys say your busy and all, but is it really that hard to scheduled one to two hours per month just to play the game on a livestream? That really doesn't seem like it should be so complicated.

Throw in getting a required build (which is a task in itself). Then we consider how we do it. If we're showing anything that's an online component it means we'd have to do things once it's launched and not pre. We could of course do something custom but that then adds to the complexity.

Then we'd have to align with the marketing team in case we spoil anything. For example, we wouldn't want to do a stream that drops ahead of a community update video or trailer as that would then spoil it.

Games are complicated.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It's one of those things that will constantly follow me around, etched into my gravestone. Definitely a case of us talking about something a bit too soon. Communication can come back to haunt us at times.

In between Transmissions, Community Update Videos and everything in-between we do feel that things have improved. You tell us as much in the surveys we send out. Naturally there will always be ways we can push things further.

That said, when we do streams I want to ensure it's not something that is done one month and then dropped the month after. It needs to be something that we're confident we can continue on a regular basis. Now, that's if we went down the regular route.

The other alternative is that we do it around certain specific times. Maybe we do a stream around The Rise of Skywalker content dropping for example.

In short, it's still on our backlog. Appreciate it's something that many people would like to see.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DarthPepo

Sad to hear that, it's obvious that the monthly fixes aren't really enough, you guys really need to have your efforts focused on just bugfixes for a time

We've put more focus on fixes.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Heavyweighsthecrown

It would. But won't happen anyway. Since launch, we never got such a thing. These "bacta update" posts fall on deaf ears.

TBH and put it bluntly, I'd prefer if the "bacta update" posts stopped - they give players a false sense of hope that we could receive extensive bug fixes. If you're an old player, you know these things don't happen.

It would. But won't happen anyway. Since launch, we never got such a thing. These "bacta update" posts fall on deaf ears.

Doesn't fall on deaf ears. The notion of a "Bacta Update" or similar has been discussed but right now we're looking at putting more effort into fixes and QoL each month, rather than waiting for one specific month to do it.

Edit: I can't spell

16 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dkb_wow

Where are the Dev Talks? Where are the Studio Streams? Where are the Twitter Takeovers? All of these things were promised in the Operation Sunrise post. DICE, you guys keep promising us better communication, but you never deliver. This has turned into a 1 sided relationship. We keep playing your games, but you never give us what you promise. u/F8RGE u/Braddock512 u/PartWelsh

We've had a few Community Broadcasts and Letters from the front is now a thing. We did a few Dev talks a while back but feel like things need tweaked slightly in order to make them work, mostly in the way they are done and ensuring they remain timely once released.

Studio streams, still on the cards and is something we're looking to pick up. These will become a corner stone of what we do moving forward, that's the aim anyway. As we move forward I suspect we'll see things such as live streams replace Dev Talks as a natural progression.

Twitter takeovers, not something we're looking at right now. Usually the people that everyone wants to hear from are quite busy with their general day-to-day stuff. I'd rather they be focused on the game, and the upcoming content.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by nwb04296

The event would be fun if DICE did some proper reinforcement rebalancing. Just slapping high prices on few units is really lazy. It's no fun getting steamrolled because nobody lifted reinforcement number restrictions and because of that one team can have max 2 reinforcements while the enemy can have up to 9!

Good flag, will look into this.

13 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by COMIC2201

So will there be a trailer at the games show or not?

At TGS? No.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would like as much feedback as possible on this event, keep it coming.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kubson1999

Lol look at the chat

Username checks out...I guess?

12 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by colinlleud

They might’ve just fixed his diaper look

This, just couldn't find a 'proper' way of wording it.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Incoming transmission!

The Clone Commando is a resilient fighter who is built for survivability, even against the toughest foes. With the ability to reconfigure his blaster into a grenade launcher he comes well equipped to handle any situation that he’s dealt with.
Should he find himself cornered or in need of making some space he can use his Repulsor Blast to knock enemies away.

As a leader on the battlefront he can strengthen himself and his allies by granting a damage protection buff, using Battle Focus.


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    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hello there,

Focused Feedback has returned and this time around we want your thoughts on Reinforcements.

It's been a while since we've done one of these threads and with us having added a number of new Reinforcements over the last few months (and more on the way), we thought the timing was about right to hear what you're thinking.

One small disclaimer. While it's great to get excited and speculate about future content, can I please ask if we can focus this thread on the Reinforcements that we are already in the game.

So what do we want to hear? We want to hear everything you think about each of the reinforcements. Think the BX Commando could use a slight buff to his primary weapon, tell us. Think the Droidekas could use some tweaks, here's the place to speak what's on your mind.

Reinforcements - what would you change, tweak or modify?

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    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We agree. It's something we would really like to add in. It won't be there for the launch of IA but we'll see how it goes.

Same sentiment has been shared within the team, we're on the same wave length.

11 Sep

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Keep in mind the type of game that it is. There is a difference when it comes to talking about a primarily multiplayer focused game versus a single player story driven one.

More info will come but we'll always be careful as it's not the type of game you should go into knowing every single minute detail. The experience matters.

Another version, more trailers are on the way.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Cheers for the video. I'm sure the team has already seen it but will catch up with them when we're back in the office tomorrow AM.