

12 Dec


I’ve passed this information to our Console Development team. We’ll investigate - thank you for the report!


For anyone stuck, the queue has been cleared again!


For anyone stuck, the queue has been cleared again!

09 Dec


Hi @fonta,

The log shows you’re still running into a GPU-related crash unfortunately.

I recommend trying our other solutions in the article above if the issue persists.


Hi @Zero3009_YT,

Please can you provide a crash report or console log from a session that this happens?

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Hi @Jabberwockie,

Sorry to hear this.

The usual suggestion for this would be to check your .NET Framework installation, and repair it - though I can see that you’ve already tried this.

Another reason this may occur, is that Anti-Virus software may be tampering with the launcher binaries/dependencies. Can you please try disabling any Anti-Virus software and see if this allows the setup to complete and game to launch?

Let me know how it goes!


Hi @fonta,

It appears you’re running into a GPU-related crash.

I’ve noticed your GPU drivers are slightly outdated, so I recommend to first start by updating your drivers. You can also find other potential solutions here:

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Thank you for the logs! I’ve passed these on to the development team and we’ll investigate.


Queue fixed. Should be good to go again now!

Apologies once again for the inconvenience.


@beyond247v, can you please check again and run through the steps here:

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Hi @Angelos001,

In case this was a temporary backend issue, do your characters show now? or, are they still missing?

If they haven’t returned - can you please provide me with your Steam profile URL so we can take a look?


08 Dec


@orvis25, apologies for the delayed reply! This slipped through the net.

I’ve just messaged a couple of our developers to see if they have any input or advice here. Due to the late time of day now, it’ll likely be tomorrow that I get any response.

I’ll update you when I hear back from them.


@Susynoid0458, may Chunky purge many heretics this day!

I’m personally not in the know as to what causes it initially. However, as I understand things, the issue is with authentication on sign-in - combined with a secondary issue where the session fails to invalidate and then re-authenticate. This results in queue limbo!

Hopefully we’ll have a permanent fix cooked up soon.


Phew - very glad to hear that!

We’ll continue to monitor and make sure things remain stable as our servers return to normal.

If anyone has any further trouble with this please prod me again here! :grin:

Humblest apologies all for the locked out time caused by this issue again. Please be assured that we’re looking into a more permanent fix.


Should be fixed now. Let me know!


@all, woah! this issue has come back in full force.

I’ve contacted a backend developer and we’re on it!

I’ll let you know when I have any updates.


Thank you!


@PDCWolf, could you please provide us with your Steam profile URL? This will aid in our investigation - thank you in advance!


We’re looking into this. Thank you for the report!