

12 Jul


Actions are definitely being taken, it’s just sometimes they are not as visible as you guys might hope, but there are good reasons for that. We do have to keep this balance between sharing the results of our work and making sure that our methods are kept reasonably hidden. That’s what makes it difficult sometimes.


Hi Iceacid!
I assure you that selling and buying ISK is always always visible, the patterns are very clear for Team Sec members and those are never really a grey area. If her Majesty Saviourette of Highsec Queen Aiko are not involved in any of this nastiness - there is nothing to worry about, that I can tell for sure.


This is absolutely something we’ve been looking at, especially in the past year. I can not provide the exact timeline for the rework and/or any change, but it’s one of the work-in-progress projects. We do want to make it much more useful for you guys, and for Team Sec as well.


Hey guys! Quick heads up - on 19 July at 15:00 UTC, we‘ll be hosting a Q&A with members of Team Security on the discord server, where CCP Aisling and CCP Stinger will answer your questions about the fight against botting and RMT in EVE. Submit your questions in the #ask-ccp channel. Deadline for question submission is 18 July. Only questions relevant to the topic will be considered. We will also not be discussing individual tickets, if you have an outstanding one we encourage you to contact the Player Experience Team through our official support channels.