Hey @Pugilist
Thanks for the feedback. We’ve sent it to the team so we can look into it.
Hey @Pugilist
Thanks for the feedback. We’ve sent it to the team so we can look into it.
Thanks for the clarification. This seems related to a similar issue you’ve reported recently. We have sent both to the team so it can be looked into.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @Technicolorfool
Thanks for the reminder. We’ll poke the team to see the status of this issue.
Hey @Troll
Welcome to our community and thanks for the feedback.
We’ve sent note to the team so they can look into this.
Hey @Biggins
We’re aware of this issue. Our QA team managed to reproduce this issue thanks to a group of players who reported this issue and lent their server for testing.
A fix for it is being developed as we speak.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the heads-up. We’ve sent note to our team so they can look into it.
We’re trying to understand the issue at hand. It seems you’re running the client using the English localization. In that case, it’s possible typing in the search bar with Cyrillic characters won’t show any relevant results.
If that is not the issue reported, could you specify a bit more what is the issue so our team can look into it?
Hey @boffin66
Welcome to our community and thanks for the report.
We’re aware of this. Large portions of text from the new content are missing on the first iteration of the 2.3 Testlive patch. This is going to be fixed once we release the next revision this week.
Thanks for the feedback. We’ve sent it to our team to see if we can reproduce it on our end.
Hey @Shazroth
We’re aware of this issue. There are still portions of the new content missing text. A fix for this is coming in the new Testlive revision.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @Exiled1
Thanks for the feedback. We’ve notified our team about this.
Hey there,
As @Multigun and out patchnotes point out, we will release a blog post very soon explaining with more detail everything related to the new NPC camps, how they will affect current buildings on private and official servers, and the new server settings.
Hey there,
We’ll send a reminder about the bug that’s currently affecting this armor, as well as the balance considerations to our team.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hey @Exiled1
Thanks for the feedback. We’ll send note to the team to see if this is limited to listen servers.
Hey there,
Thanks for the brainstorming. We have relayed the coordinate of the nodes to our team to see if we can spot something on our end as well.
Hey @Bodin
Thanks for the feedback. We’ll contact the dark mages inside the tower to bring her back to humanity.
Hey @Bodin
Thanks for the catch. Our team is now aware and they’ll look into any possible issue with this NPC.
Hey @Bodin
We’ll send the feedback to the team loud and clear.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Hey @Bodin
Thanks for the heads-up.
We’re sending note to the team to see if this is intended.
Hey @Exiled1
Thanks for the observation. We’ve poked the team to see if this is intentional or still a work in progress.