You've really dropped the ball with this my god.
Hero pass progress popups are really distracting.
Hero satchels should contain DTDs if dailies are never coming back.
Stop closing the UI when interacting with anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remove the challenge tab and replace it with a Hero Pass ui if it's going to be permanently in the game.
Let us block skills from the missions if we're 99+, like challenges did. I'm not touching half of the skills I've 200m'ed.
The special missions should have counted from the release of said content. 20 slayer tasks from Raptor and 100 rituals isn't a lot, I know, but you explicitly said you wouldn't be railroading players into doing content.
edit 2: the more I look around, the more I actually hate this update. I don't usually say that, Jagex. I know nothing will change, since all this will blow over in a week as you're probably expecting, but you really need to do better :/