

12 Feb


It's still the plan to release a Road the Archaeology video series in the run up to release. I'm looking forward to it.

In the interim, if you want to ask me any questions, you should drop in to our Discord server's #archaeology-discussion. I'm only answering general questions and talking about our overall progression for now, until we start that video series, but feel free to pop in.

10 Feb


It is typical of us to make puns, yes. :)

05 Feb


It was originally slated for release in January (would have been the last update of the month), but has been slightly delayed (just the one delay). A new date has yet to be announced, but it should not be too long before one is.

04 Feb


Dialogue doesn't have to be (nor should it always be) grammatically correct, though it should be consistent with the rest of a character's dialogue. Of all the grammatical errors in the game, this isn't one that needs fixing.

31 Jan


Archaeology will not give you Mining XP.

However, you may or may not want/need to do some Mining while training Archaeology for other purposes, so I would suggest you leave a bit of wiggle room if you want an untrimmed Arch cape.

24 Jan


It has already been partially integrated last summer, with the dig site area and quest rework update ahead of Anachronia's release. It plays a (tiny) role within the skill. We would like to integrate it more fully (have a task to do so), but as the vast majority of players have already completed it, it's not exactly the smartest use of our time to do so, especially not right now.

The quest is themed with the player as a student, the skill with the player as an employee. You can get the job (train the skill) w/o formal education, and formal education can help you get ahead in your career whenever you do it.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Narmoth

Take your time. If you all are getting sick of the new skill while playing it, imagine how we will feel being required to pay to play it.

Happy to report those playing are enjoying it. That doesn't immediately equal that players will, and certainly not all because when does that ever happen, only suggests we are on the right track.


Originally posted by xFlem

Is that before or after March 3rd. Cuz ff7 remake is coming in marchhhhhhh so I would appreciate no skills released 2 weeks before or after. Else my eye hand brain coordination is gonna break apart doing both x.x at the same time. I can just feel the heavens plotting March 2nd release, to totally mess with me

Believe me, I know. I already have the first week of March booked of so I can play. :)


Originally posted by xhanort7

It'll also help lots to take player feedback into account as soon as possible. Be prepared to gather player feedback and implement changes as necessary before the skill even goes live. Please avoid waiting months or years to make massive xp balancing decisions like with invention, hunter, player owned farms. I don't want to see things like people getting 200m xp in a day with jank, unfair methods or people pouring bils into a skill for nothing.

I'm not sure how long it will be for now (since the delay), but we had time built into our schedule for post-release support, and would be surprised if we still didn't.

07 Jan


Originally posted by Zoinke

There is no way they are just sitting there leveling to 120. It’s a complete waste of money from a business sense.

Let’s just say it takes 120 hours to get to 120 arch for arguments sake. That’s 3 weeks of full time work. Not happening.

Yes I saw this quote:

We can also do more longevity testing which allows us to play the skill as a player would.

There is a HUGE difference between “longetivity testing”/“as a player would” and straight out leveling it from 1-120

Those of us playtesting have all started from level 1 and are avoiding use of mod cheats (except occasionally to mimic a live economy). Personally, I've only had time to reach the mid 40s so far, before Xmas, and have not had a chance to get back to it this year just yet, but I will (I'm part of the core dev team and we're also still implementing all the valuable feedback from the test and fixing bugs). I've heard others have hit the high 50s/low 60s (Xmas period gets quiet for some people).

My intention is to reach level 99 naturally (though I doubt everyone doing the playtest will get that high). We also intend to spot check key content across all levels including 99-120. The process has already led to a number of nice improvements. But, yeah, it would be a big ask to find time to train 1-120 naturally, and there would be diminishing returns in the value of feedback you get past a certain point anyway.

EDIT: Posting here encouraged we to train up to level 50 this ...

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Originally posted by STCLAIR88

How long is the delay estimate?

To be determined. All we have said so far is 'not January'. We will confirm the new date once we have figured it out and have high confidence in it.


Originally posted by Bigm72793

Every. f**king. Year.

Just once I’d like to see them at least get that fixed on time

Yup, and it feels like every year we have to point out how copyright dates work, but thankfully other people have kindly already posted on this thread. Maybe one year there won't even be a thread about it... :)

02 Jan


Originally posted by Juyiboi

Why won’t jagex f**king tell us how much they’re pushing archaeology back

All we've said so far is 'not January'. A new release date is yet to be determined, but we'll tell you when we know.

No need to swear, but I just take that as you being excited for the update, which you should be. :) It's in a very good state already, and now we have a little bit of extra time to add more polish.

31 Dec


No exact date yet. Arch release is to be after January; a new date is yet to be confirmed.

You need all skills maxed (99) to enter the Max Guild tower, Archaeology included after its release

Any grace periods are for comp, not max - e.g. Farming 120 and Herblore 120 (both of which are stated in-game currently, but *might* be extended when Arch releases), and *possibly* a grace for 120 Arch (though I am unsure on this point).

04 Dec


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

combat challenges will reward a lamp (because of pures).

Do pures still exist in RS3?

•After Archaeology we would like to focus on things like PvM Hub.

Can Jagex work on the PvM hub before Archaeology? I don't want the boss portal to be locked behind 99 Archaeology.

•We would love to do a Farming tick rework but it's a huge job.

How big of a job is it? OSRS already did it with a much smaller team.

It's not a case of how big an update is, but if there is capacity for the team to work on it. The Arch team would love if PvM hub could come out first, but at this late stage in our development, we're in need of certain resources that the hub also needs, so the only way PvM hub could come out first is if we delayed the release of Arch solely to allow for that (and you can imagine not many people here being in favour of doing that). Besides, the hub only became a possibility after Arch had been in development for a year.

It's possible we could put in a stopgap measure, though such is the opposite of guaranteed and not the best use of the Arch team's time right now. If we can't, then I would encourage players to just boss w/o the boss portal for a short while, rather than detriment their experience with the skill, but if that's what some choose to do it's up to them. At least PvM hub will be able to resolve this issue in the long term.

21 Nov


Originally posted by AzureAlliance

We need seeds to regain some value.


Eh, 'need' was a poor word choice. It would be beneficial if they regained some value, though, sure, reducing or replacing them on some drop tables could also be good.


As the person who made magic beans, my vote would be no - they should always have required the seeds. I 'd have preferred that they stayed magic beans thematically, but I'm in favour of the change in functionality. We need seeds to regain some value. As for the additional clicks, yeah, ideally that could be improved at some point.

20 Nov


Originally posted by munclemath

Am I going crazy, or is there no mention of the dinosaurs from slayer in here?

Those are classified as varanusaurs, which were mentioned, but the word might be new and the connection not made.


Originally posted by mitzi86

Can I get a jmod response in regards to what is going to be part of the grace period for archaeology? I think most people assumed that we would be losing the max guild on release. Is this still the case?

When we start discussing Archaeology in greater detail we'll cover this.

19 Nov


Originally posted by mporubca

  • Woody Beans cost 4000 beans each, planting them in Elder Tree Patch results in guaranteed Elder tree, yielding 23,241 experience. This means you get 5.81 XP per bean.
  • Sundry Beans cost 400 beans each and you can plant them in:
    • Mushroom Patch. You're guaranteed to get Morchella Mushrooms, which give
      • 859 experience, which means you get 2.14 XP per bean
      • 18 Morchella Mushrooms (72k) and 0.18 Baby Zygomites (19k), yielding 252,2 gp/bean
    • Hops Patch. You get either Reeds or God Grapes, with equal distribution of both.
      • (1130 (reeds) + 3530 (grapes)) / 2, which is 5.82 XP per bean. Note that actual XP per bean is higher as you can get more (but not less) than 10 grapes, especially with Greenfingers aura
      • 1.8 Saradomin and 3.6 Zamorak grapes per seed, worth about 126k gold per Sundry Bean which is 324 gold per bean. Again, realistically it's higher, plus you can also sell Guthix grapes and produce from Reeds f...
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Much obliged.

I, for one, have just changed what I was planning to do with my beans over DXP. :)