

07 Aug


Originally posted by MarkAntonyRs

Breed log is now a trim comp requirement lol. :P

(Not saying nerf rates because of this, only that there's more than just the title/achievement)

Which is primarily now a cosmetic, no (since the majority of its benefits were separated and/or are shared by the max cape)?


The purpose of the drop rates was so that the primary sources of animals coming into the game were breeding and then player trades, which is what occurred. Nothing to do with flooding the market. We've subsequently added the farmhand who obtains animals for you, which helps Ironmen.

There is no XP advantage between breeds. It's harder for Ironmen to compete the breeding log, true, but the only reward for doing so is the achievement (maybe that's a requirement for a cosmetic too? - title - I forget). I think the only place you lose out is with certain animal breeds' harvest materials, and in my experience that pain is only really felt with chinchompas.

Not that I'm opposed to varying drop rates for chins, I'm just not convinced by this reasoning. It's perhaps minimal, but there is already some inherent scaling in there via core Hunter mechanics (higher levels increase success chance for things below your level).

02 Aug


Originally posted by LunaEclipseOfficial


Then I would suggest submitting a bug report if you haven't already. Your save data might hold the key to solving the issue.

31 Jul


Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

[[Terrorbird Mount]]

Also the magic carpet in Jack of Spades (I don't hate it, btw).


Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

[[Terrorbird Mount]]

[[Pogo stick]]

23 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


I was providing information. I said nothing to suggest that action would/would not be taken. Please don't strawman me or be unnecessarily rude.

22 Jul


The current classification should be that gargoyles are demons. They were purposefully considered as such for the Demon Slayer perk and Darklight/Silverlight. There may be other considerations I'm unaware of to not include them in demon cluster tasks, or it may just be an oversight.


So, first off, a more explanatory examine would be better, in particular to differentiate between the three compost types.

However, the current examine is not far from the truth. Compost can make growth, if not faster, then less slow, albeit indirectly. There are a couple of posts in this thread that convey why - even protected, disease can cause crops to grow more slowly (skipped growth cycles) and composts decrease disease chance.

It's a semantic argument, though. a) it's not always the case, and b) a more accurate examine would be more useful. Something along the lines of decreasing disease chance and increasing yields would be better.

10 Jul


Needn't be a bug. Could just be a case of poor communication from management and her information is out of date. You should file a complaint with the museum curator.


Originally posted by NSA_van_3

Still does apply though. It's past tense, and applies to people that leeched while reaper was for comp.

Beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing. :)

06 Jul


Originally posted by Grandmother_RS

I've said most unique :p but I see what you did there :3

Uniqueness is binary. Either a thing is unique or it is not unique. A thing cannot be "most/least/very unique". Not trying to be mean, this is just a personal bugbear of mine. Try most creative/amusing/distinctive. :P

01 Jul


Originally posted by saltmine69

I think this comes down solely to the rewards you're prepared to offer people; I imagine if you offered big, clustered rewards for say resetting and completing all the quests in X storyline you'd get more interest. What if resetting a group of quests in a specific story was a monthly d&d that resulted in some really great but limited training methods?

e.g monthly reset comes around, you're able to reset all of the quests based around the death of guthix and the introduction of the divination, as a result you can repeat all associated quests that month, you spend 5 hours doing so and end up with 3m divination xp worth of lamps - do you think people wouldn't rather replay some quests for a great training method?

I think the idea has potential but much as with minigames, if you want people to get involved you really have to get with the times in terms of what people expect for their time; I definitely wouldn't say it's solely that people aren't interested in repeating...

Read more

Some people would do that, sure. None of our experiments so far have suggested anywhere near enough players would do that, even for additional reward. We would rather spend what resource we have for creating quest content on new quests.

Like I said, though, never say never. No doubt in the future someone will want to experiment with a replayable quest. Maybe things will go differently that time.


It wasn't only with Sliske's Endgame. We've experimented with replayable quests a number of times over the years, and using a number of different approaches. The results have always been very few players actually replaying, nowhere near enough to justify the additional work required to make quests replayable (in one experiment, barely breaking double digits). It is not ideal, but lower level quests are at least easy enough to reach on a new account. I wouldn't say it will never happen (we may experiment again at some point), but I also wouldn't suggest holding out any hope that it will.

28 Jun


Originally posted by manray12

thank you very much, went back in with your suggestion, got it. and got comp cape!

You have to deal around 20k damage to Yaka in mirage phase to unlock the second track.

11 Jun


Apologies if someone else already answered with this, but you can use practice mode to unlock both Yakamaru I and II (without needing to have defeated Durzag). To unlock II you need to deal ~20k damage in the mirage phase, which you can skip to in practice mode. I'm only suggesting that this method works. It's a workable fallback if you can't achieve this via grouping.

10 Jun


Experience is knowing that however we categorised it, someone would point it out.

24 May


I'm fairly certain it is grammatically acceptable.

22 May


Originally posted by DIABLO_1337

just tested this and yes, it happens sometimes.

And also not a bug, it's how magic beans work. Sometimes you don't get what you expect.