

19 Oct


I'd like to have seen some added here. What we'd label as 'fun' achievements were a stretch goal, an unfortunate casualty of our Covid release schedule pivot. There is one, but it is technically a Herblore achievement (for the new potion recipe unlocks), akin to the same for the ancient Invention blueprints.


This was an oversight. The new recipe is now with QA. Fingers crossed we can get it in with next update.


Hey, yeah, I have seen the bug report for this floating around (the original devs are on leave, currently, which is likely why it has not been dealt with yet). I intend to pick it up this week, all being well with Orthen (which it is so far).


This happens when material storage is full of other materials. There is one final material storage upgrade the majority will not have bought yet (due to there not having been a need before now). Check that first.

The new dragonkin materials are recognised by imp souled as going in material storage (assuming that has room to receive them).


It's a professional voice actor, not Mod Raven (not to say he's not good!). I don't recall the actor's name, but he is very good. Raven should take this as a compliment. :P


Yup, it's both - summoning points and special move points.


You meaning the nets at Deep Sea Fishing? I've flagged it as a potential feedback job (no promises).


Yep, this was an oversight. a holy overload + aggression recipe is with QA now, fingers crossed we can get that out with the next update (but we'll see).


What do you mean by at gorajo?

EDIT: Are you referring to the divine fishing bubbles in the Gorajo resource dungeon? If so, it's not intended to work with those - they are just akin to Divination resource locations, not core fishing.


Yeah, if the study op isn't unlocking the research (which makes this no longer have an op), then that is the issue. The study op is certainly not intended to stick around precisely because we have excavations here. We're looking into how to reproduce this as it only seems to occur with a certain sequence of events.


You don't need to if you have unlocked the special research associated with it. This thing has four states:

off - click to unlock research
off - research unlocked
on - click to unlock research
on - research unlocked

If you can't click it and have not already either unlocked or completed the associated research ("Mind Your Head"), please send in a bug report. :)

13 Oct


Originally posted by batwingrobes

They said in the stream that they would be portered when cooked by the paw, but we'll have to see. Your videos analysis of it was what i thought aswell.

Edit: Solid analysis video.

For the cooking one for ironman since a huge portion of iron food comes from bossing, it wouldnt be bad for ppl who plan to bank sailfish or something similar on ironman.

More accurately, porters can work on the cooked fish. The relic power does not do this; you would still need porters.


The grace period for achievements is what ended. The embargo ends on 19th October.

06 Oct


Originally posted by Certified_Lawyer

10% increase to anachronia slayer drops lol, even though its not an actual hard 10% but the base 10% it's still pretty OP imo.

The 1/4k drops become 1/3600 and now we gonna have 1/1800 blast diffusion boots.

Ezscape, like wearing 10 LOTD's at once and having them stack lol

That was just the blanket description. As I mentioned, there are exceptions. I don't recall what they are off the top of my head, but we'll go into more detail on rewards in the next stream.


Originally posted by JohnKandar

Question: Is the XP boost reward from participating in the event permanent? In other words, if I'm not level 90 archaeology and can't get there by the time of the event, am I out of luck on ever receiving a massive XP boost for all Anachronia training?

Like with the pylon, it will repeat as often as players restore it. It's not a one-off event.

04 Oct


These are just different terms for the same thing, one being their given name (used by those in the know), the other a colloquialism or nickname/slang (used by those dabbling in rumour and speculation, or being disparaging). You visit the main vault. There are likely other, smaller ones.

20 Sep


Originally posted by Ruxs

According to who is this ending date official?

I suspect this stems from the timeline section of last Runefest's keynote speech. The word 'summer' is mentioned, and Orthen soon after (but with a clear - to me - break in the speech and showing it at the end of the visual timeline on the screen). Regardless, these such talks are only ever plans, not promises.

I can understand how one might misinterpret that, and also that not everyone keeps up with all our official communications.

The only official communications since then, suggesting any sort of release date, is a dev Q&A livestream from a few weeks ago. Here is Rubic's tl;dw, with a link to the VOD (watch from the 12-minute mark for the clearly stated October release window - still not a promise, especially given how bad 2020 has been for us all):

Read more

07 Sep


To throw a spanner in the works, they aren't exactly even creatures.

They are a manifestation of a concept, an idea given form. What an individual's idea of a particular animal is might change over time, so the idea they summon forth would shift along with that changing perspective. Is it the same entity? Are you the same person you were yesterday?

I'd suggest doing some reading on metaphysics if this topic is of interest. Your mileage may vary when it comes to philosophy - it's conceptually interesting, but perhaps not so much in application.

31 Aug


It would not be a worthwhile gold sink as it would be finite. If most players chose not to skip quests, it would be an even worse gold sink, and if a large enough majority chose to skip quests it would likely indicate that we should just stop making quests. I'm not a fan of any of those outcomes.

In a similar way to how we do not specifically cater content towards ironman accounts, IMO we should not aim for quests to accommodate non-questers. There is already the option to not engage with content you don't enjoy - simply don't partake. If that is not a palatable solution, there's nothing wrong with using a guide.

27 Aug


What would be there and what content would it be released with?