

02 Aug


Originally posted by nejcoo

Why does game development have to be so compicated? You'd thing it would take minimal effort to make this since it's already in operations.

Why so complicated? - Game engines literally try to copy the real world. Lighting, physics, audio and so on. We are playing god in a virtual world. They say he did it in 7 days. I have the feeling that's a lie. :P

Why can't we just use the nights we have in Operations? - They only work in the Airborne areas which are at best 1/3 of the map. Meaning that audio and indoor lighting has to be adjusted across the whole map. The more interiors, the more complex it gets.


Originally posted by gmastertr21

Damn,I hope it's more than words.I hope we can have more maps than we have now.


Originally posted by Pho3nicX

Yeah, i rather have more maps at this moment.

I know i don't gonna get an honest answer about this but are you guys worried that the new COD is gonna snatch a large chunk of BFV's playerbase?.

20+ maps at launch, no more "hitscan weapons", 100+ players (probably 64v64 modes as well as a 100 player BR) , loads of stat changing customization, loads of cosmetics, loads of weapons.. You get my point.

I am not sure what you want to hear here, but I am hyped as heck. Probably gonna buy the Dark Edition myself. BF and CoD have lived next to each other for years and will for forever and honestly they are very, very different games. Every game can take the attention of a gamer and everyone can play more than one game. I played about 12 games in the last year. Heck, I go back to WoW now and then for the last 15(?) years. So I wouldn't worry too much. I know gaming press and youtubers likes to make big competitions between two games, but honestly we all just want to see people play great games and we want to play great games as well. Besides, each new game of any kind pushes the envelope a bit and inspires us to evolve. It's just great.

But to answer your question directly: I can't speak for my colleagues, but I am as much and as little worried about one game taking the attention off BF as I am worried that the next Netflix show does, a sunny day or a BF gamer meeting his/her ...

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Originally posted by BROMETH3U5

Busy on vacation ;)

Hihi. I am actually on vacation. Don't tell my producer that I spend my time off with work. :P


Originally posted by Arnaud-The-Rock

I feel like Dice is just lazy

I rather would say we are too busy. See my other explanation above for more insight. But hey, I am a glass half full kinda guy. ;)


Originally posted by DANNYonPC

Because the maps are only changed for the areas that are being used (thus the first base for example)

DICE would have to go in and change/light up the other areas for use on CQ


BF5's maps are generally way bigger

This pretty much. Which basically is possible, but then someone who does that doesn't do other things. Since it's lighting, most of our Lighting guys are busy with other maps.

It's definitely something we are interested in doing, but we heard you guys loud and clear: MORE MAPS. So that's the focus of the people involved with map content creation.

01 Aug


Originally posted by Beta1548

Is anyone looking at rebalancing the map for conquest so the British can actually have a chance? I don’t have access to the data, but I have to imagine the German side is winning upwards of 75% of matches because it is impossible to breakout from E

From experience I can tell you that it's too early to consider that. A meta within the community has to form which normally takes at least a week or two. New players join every minute and try to learn the map. So right now it's all a bit random chaos. It's not even weekend. Most people probably haven't even played the map yet. Once the freshness has settled we will make adjustments, if the balance is off.


Originally posted by jimmy_webs

Thanks! Just hope the process of fixing this stuff will be optimised and crucial fixes will come in a matter of days, not weeks. Some bugs seem to be fixed (based on twitter posts) but still we're waiting these fixes to be included "next big patch" somewhere end of August. =C

Good things take time. :)


Originally posted by Noeq

Thanks for bringing this up - thought I‘d have to fo this myself. Also shootout to Kenturrac for actually responding and showing interest.

I am just making the daily round checking on the stuff. :) So far I wrote down all the big issues that came up. I also know that DICE LA is already looking into fixing some of the collision issues. Especially around the cliff side in the middle of the map as well as the bush collision issues. It's a big game and things sadly slip through, but that can't be a good excuse and we are dedicated to make it right. I will also look into how we can improve the workflow so we spot such issues earlier. Sorry for all the issues lately. We are trying to get better going forward. Hope the last bigger patch has shown this a bit.


Originally posted by Muron

Q&A? What’s that stand for?

Maybe they need more QC before providing anyone the A.

Q&A normally stands for Question and Answer, but I am not sure the u/hutzdani means here.

I have a question tho, where is this on Marita? Would like to fix it.

31 Jul


I will forward it. Probably just an oversight. Will also check with the team if we can make it so that the roof can squish people. :)


Originally posted by MrVetter

What is the downside of it though, like the arguments against it?

Do people complain that then some maps will only see play rarely?

Maybe give private server the option to turn it on and see if its getting used there?

Basically, yes. Certain maps will be played less which feels for some like they have acess to less of the game. BF1 now has 29 CQ maps. To play all of that you would need about 15h. When the maps don't come in regular cycles, you probably see some maps only every 25h of playtime. Furthermore a lot people like to join via server browser on specific maps. They remember the map rotation and search for a map before the one they like and join that server. This wouldn't be possible with map voting anymore either.

I think the biggest issue though is that not everyone likes the same map,but there is a majority thinking. So if you like a map the bigger part of the community dislikes, you are in a bad spot. Especially if you really don't like the map that most people like. In BF1 the most popular map was Amiens, closely followed by (I forgot) and Fort Vaux. That's 2 infantry focused maps. If you like all out war in BF1. The likelyhood of getting that is considerably smaller.

30 Jul


I think this came up multiple times and the community is fairly split on that topic. Some really want it and some really don't. I understand both sides arguments. :)

28 Jul


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

Windows like that one have an invisible, bullet-proof lip on the inside, which is easy to hit by accident when trying to shot through at an angle or by standing too close:

Paging /u/kenturrac.

Will check it once I am back from vacation. Thx for reporting!


Originally posted by stinkybumbum

Thats because it was poorly implemented with shadows being too dark inside. Same problem most BF games have

I think it's a bit more complicated than that. Besides, Nivelle Nights had no interiors. ;)


Originally posted by JumpyJacketFullyMet

People dont like devastation, it is the only less bad map in the game.

Did that comment make you feel stronger? :P

You do know that we ask people to rate the map monthly, right? ;)

27 Jul


Originally posted by ExquisiteRestroom

Ah yeah you're right, I remember turning down my brightness because of how bright narvik was while playing at night and didn't change it for a while.

You guys ever thought about maybe making it a bit darker though? Or mabe set it early in the morning with the rising sun barely being visible on the horizon? It's too bright for it being at night even with the moon in the sky

The BF1 night maps have been the two least popular maps by a massive margin. People wanted them so badly and even loved them, but then after a bit no one plays them because of bad visibility and the gameplay that brings (we saw it in the results of the map voting which existed in BF1). I love dark nights in games, but the record shows so far that there is little value in it. I would love to enable it for CQ and other modes one day tho. Some areas need a bit of fix up for this to work tho. So no promises.


Originally posted by MrDrumline

It's been a few years since we got past the "everything is a gritty desaturated brown with a bunch of bloom thrown on it" era of game art design like ten years ago. People forgot about that and it really shows. Never thought I'd see people complaining about too much color, but here we are.

Yeah. Remember the BF1 reddits: "Everything is brown." I think the power is to be found in the variety. Funnily, when I watch "WW2 in colours" it doesn't look like Hollywood either. I guess it's a bit of a matter of taste in the end. Then again, I don't know sh*t about what is good art. ^ I trust my colleagues and stand behind their skills.