

09 Dec


Originally posted by dusty_the_wolf

This is it right here. DICE doesnt go on Holiday break for another 2 weeks. It was the weekend, should be getting something soon. At least the weekly roundup post.

Intent is to have something to you by Thursday at the latest for sure. The very first meeting we had this morning was on response to the update last week, the result of which was us identifying what actions we could take, followed by folks immediately getting to work on what we decided to do.

The next most responsible thing we can do is first confirm with ourselves how we can implement the changes that we want to, and how soon we can make them.

Once that's all locked in is when I get to be able to show you what that is. I'm not a fan of making announcements about announcements but given the volume of folks asking this question I don't mind sharing where we're at in the process.


Originally posted by troglodyte

Please don't forget about the spotting as well. The TTK is getting all the limelight, but understand that any solution that preserves the new spotting system is going to be a non-starter among much of your active community (or after 5.2, formerly-active).

Our conversations this morning (and the work we've been doing today) focuses on all parts of the past update. The TTK conversation is obviously demanding more attention to ensure that we're responding appropriately but we're not ignorant to other issues raised as a result of the update.


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

I know when you get the "squad wiped" on screen you don't get a bleedout screen, but go directly to the spawn screen (don't know why, but it is what it is). So I guess they're experiencing this?

There are a few different scenarios where this can happen intentionally (melee kills are the other ones).

This is why it will help to see more examples so we can dig into it.


Originally posted by MarkHuigen

u/Partwelsh could you chime in on this?

Looking for more examples of this. Keen to get it investigated if we can.


Originally posted by JGJFKALKBNA

No change to the time to grill, is an acceptable change to the time to grill.

Are you making Sausages on this grill?


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

Hey there, where are we getting news on the current situation?

As soon as I can. We dug through a lot of the feedback this morning and are identifying what we can do to address it (in terms of any changes against we delivered in 5.2). Once we've gotten all of that in order I'll be sharing it for sure.

Plan is 100% to come back to everyone this week, and I don't want it to be Friday by the time I do.


Originally posted by MartianGeneral

My stats have been completely frozen for the last 3-4 days. I'm stuck on 659 hours and 32500 kills even after playing a few rounds in the last couple of days. I'm also not receiving any challenge assignments (the ones that reward Company Coin) even though I've earned over 20k XP multiple times. ToW nodes and chapter ranks do seem to track though.

Platform: PC
ID: Marshennn
Region: SEA

Thanks! This helps!


Originally posted by DLVittorio

u/partwelsh u/Braddock512 is team aware of this?

There's a couple of different issues that we're investigating here - one is on the Could not Fetch EOR (which has been a problem for a while). This one appears to be occurring more regularly since the update but we are satisfied that in these cases, the progress is being tracked still and folks are being appropriately rewarded - it just might not show till you exit the server/reload the game.

The other issue (which may be being masked by the first) relates to some unlocks not appearing despite the correct rank progress. We believe this is completely seperate to the first issue, but significantly more impactful. Looking into this one - just need more examples of it so we can pull logs so please keep tagging me!


Originally posted by Pindaman

Is there a way to show squad member names constantly? Now they feel too anonymous to me

Not presently, but I like the suggestion. I played a load of Insurgency last night for the first time and I like the way they do it (permanent diamonds always visible attached to the torso of where the player is).

I can't guarantee that we can pursue a change that enables it but I'll be sure to raise it as a suggestion (even if it's a toggle).


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're also here to upvote the memes.


Originally posted by trashed717

Exactly what I wanted to say about his level. 420 is pretty obvious and there is also another guy on the same lvl.

My rank internally is 404 and so similar to Florians, it's just a dumb joke that gives us half a laugh during playtests - we switch around environments a lot, including doing total fresh play throughs on clean accounts.

08 Dec


Originally posted by real_wolfcookies

Please tell devs to pull their heads out of their arse! No disrespect to u bc I know you’re just the messenger.

None taken


Originally posted by KillerCh33z

Excellent post.

/u/partwelsh /u/braddock512 Here is some great feedback.

It is - grateful for the tag!

07 Dec


Originally posted by junkerz88

The rocket changes to aircraft are REALLY cool, as a regular pilot in this game that wants to help the ground battle this is awesome.

Any chance the European aircraft get spec tree updates to allow us to equip 20mm explosive cannons (like the Pacific planes get) to help the ground battles there?

Also u/PartWelsh I didn’t see anything in the patch notes related to the changes to tank combat, how the damage will vary depending on the angle of attack (to make tanks more survivable) is this still coming in this patch?

This was absent whilst the team got that detail through to me and it got cleared in the usual fashion. It's retroactively been added to the post here and on the forums (Ctrl+F for Vehicle Damage Changes). Sorry for the delay on that but it did ship with this update.


Originally posted by HansInMyPans

Especially since they leave for their 2-4 week holiday next week. I wouldn’t expect a complete revert of these changes by next week.

My guess is this will be the state of the game for the remainder of the year and maybe even a week or two into January once they come back from their break.

We're still in the office for another 2 full weeks before the Christmas break, with the office reopening the first week of Jan.

Zero intent from anyone on the team to be dropping a set of changes and then not be around to review and respond over the holidays. I'll be spending next week sharing all of the feedback that's been posted and helping the teams to come decisions on what their next steps are. Until they've made those decisions, I won't have much further in the way of updates for you all across the weekend but keep posting your thoughts and sharing your examples, it's appreciated.

Once I understand the teams comfort levels with the changes, and the response that it's generated, I will post in as visible a fashion as possible the outcome of that and any timelines that we're working too.

06 Dec

05 Dec


Originally posted by -Bullet_Magnet-

Bottom right corner, go online, push 'yes' button (left one) and UI will update

Thank you for your service /u/-Bullet_Magnet-


Restart your game and it will prompt you to get the right UI Update as you load in.

(Sparta is what we call our menu system - Fun Fact of the Day!)


Restart the game - you somehow missed out on getting the notification for the UI Update. Should fix it (but give me a u/ tag if it doesn't)


Originally posted by FIfinixx

Why is your update 20GB? Isn't it ~12GB on PC?

In the event that you had corrupt files, Origin will replace those along with the update.

Can you do a restart of Origin and let me know what happens OP?