

18 Nov


Originally posted by IlPresidente995

I hope that the specs tree are updated consequently as you said man.

Would like to have more info from u/PartWelsh u/Braddock512

All details will get shared in the Update Notes no matter what. What I'm going to spend my week doing this week is to ask if there's stuff we feel would be beneficial to share earlier than that (depending on how locked in some of that detail is at this distance out to the Update next month).

It's very much accepted that folks are keen to get more insight into the upcoming changes so I'll keep you informed of what we do next.


Originally posted by iNeedanewnickname

Thanks for explaining, shame you got downvoted, thats absolutely toxic. I am not sure if I like this but the good communication really is helpful I hope you guys know that.

Downvote behaviour has changed a lot on Reddit over the years. It's fine, it's folks expressing their feeling which is still useful to me when it comes to better placing the conversation in context with the team, but it is a shame that in some cases I've responded to the question with the information asked for and it's been downvoted to a stage where because of how Reddit is designed, the comment becomes obscured and it leads many to assume that I ignored the question or didn't answer.

I'm not precious about internet points so the Toxic nature of it doesn't personally affect me at all. Happy to keep communicating where I've got the answers to folks direct questions.


Originally posted by -Bullet_Magnet-

Tagging u/braddock512 & u/Partwelsh so maybe you could pass it on?

I've been asking for these things for quite a long time.. especially the Music option and the Flagletters/revive icon..

Thnx! :)

Will pass it on, thanks for the tag!


Originally posted by Moxxface

/u/PartWelsh Are you able to say more about how the coming weapon changes will affect shotguns in more detail? It is by far my preferred weapon class, and I am very anxious to know more about what you plan on doing with them.

There will be slight variations per Shotgun (with further tweaks via Specialization) but one of the major things we've looked to address is the one hit kill range. It's been adjusted by a few meters.


Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

Thanks for the explanation!

You're welcome!


Originally posted by Slenderneer

The thing is that you can play well with a bolt-action rifle, but that doesn't mean it is a viable weapon class. Stodeh is a perfect example of this. He makes sniping look OP with some of the shots he makes, but he honestly would do a better job with any other class' weapons and gadgets.

I hope DICE do actually look at buffing bolt-actions in some way with the 5.2 patch, as even with "nerfing" every other weapon type I don't see the recon class becoming a viable pick.

Also can DICE just give Recon the bolt-action carbines already, while Medic gets the pistol carbines. It makes no sense for Medic to get the best bolt-actions in the game, as well as giving them long-range power (outside of the commando carbine, which makes no sense for the Medic to have anyway) for a class that should fit into the close-mid range engagements. Just make pistol carbines a more close - medium range weapon class instead of treating them as purely semi-auto SMGs for Recon.

One thin...

Read more

Going too see what more is fit to share this week with the team and will put that on the list of things people want more insight on.

17 Nov


Originally posted by Gurthbrooks92

Are you guys planning on making any change to the ability to mine carriers and landing strips?

There's nothing that I'm presently aware of but I'll dig into it in the week


Originally posted by Gurthbrooks92

We appreciate you taking the time to try and calm the hysteria even on your Sunday. Some of us are just concerned that this update may significantly impact our ability to play with a play style we’ve developed over the last year. That being said, I’m willing to try the change and look forward to the future of BFV

Perfectly understandable. Thanks for your comment.


Originally posted by LtLethal1


Are the developers planning on changing the weapon specialization trees to reflect the new ttk?

Specifically, I want to see the faster RoF line on the MG42 get a much larger ammo belt because with it's ttk going up to as many as 12 bullets, a 50 round belt just won't work. It hardly worked with the current ttk.

In some cases, we'll need to to that.


Originally posted by Umbramors

Any chance of getting a golf club as a melee weapon? Would love a 9iron

I can't imagine they were all that common across the Battlefields of World War II but I'll do some investigating 😂


Originally posted by Feuforce

Hey /u/PartWelsh /u/Braddock512 I dont normally do this, but I need you guys to see this. I think I found a bug.

Spawn beacon specialization for new pacific planes does not give any points to the pilot for people that spawn on that beacon. You have to sacrafice quick repair for that specialization. Thought I will get some good points to help level up one plane and it turns out I screwed myself over. Could you forward it to the team? I only saw 1 post about this here. I really hope it's not intended.

Thanks - I'll forward this on


Originally posted by DirteDeeds

If they make that out of bounds there's another way. Attackers leave landing craft at beach, defenders take landing craft close to launch carrier. They then can get in the middle of it with an assault or two and a support with a box. Then you can fire from the boat. My buddy kills planes attacking our landing craft with the Faust on Iwo Jima a lot.

I believe that we're testing that change for 5.2

We'll know in a few weeks if it'll make the update.


Originally posted by kRiz-1988

Welcome to the club. Only downside it has no special abilities. But it's fun to use.

A very satisfying THUNK sound is its special ability


Originally posted by Phil-12-12

If youre sticking to your guns on this DICE please release a hardcore mode which includes the current gameplay we have today.

I understand that this was floated last time around, I'll do my best to ask this week if a similar consideration has been made.


Originally posted by bitcloudrzr

Part of the problem is the other factors like rof, recoil, and spread didn't get posted so it's a partial picture of the changes. I am also wondering how long these changes have been in development/planned?

Processes like this extend through months of design and planning, followed by testing and internal feedback before being committed as planned change and entering the patching cycle.

Once it's been decided that its coming to the game is when I'm asked to help communicate the change to players and share insight back to the team.

Regarding seeing the greater picture I'm going to see if we can work with the team this week to help provide that. Until I've sat with the gang tomorrow I won't have any insight on when to expect that or in what form it will take but don't be shy to make the suggestions about how you'd prefer to see that data presented.

My personal take is that you'd benefit from seeing it in the context of gameplay however our playtesting is focused on our final rounds of feedback on Wake and potential future content which isn't ready to be shown yet.


Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

So it’s not getting nerfed? If anything a it’s a buff (when used in the tunnels)? If so thank goodness and sorry for incorrectly assuming otherwise!

It's neither (I guess?)

Basically the way that the Flamethrower behaves in the tunnel is different to how it behaves on open ground. That is not by design, its an unintended bug that occurred because of the way the tunnels were built. What we're testing a fix for is to restore the weapon to it's original design and give it a consistent behaviour. It may feel like a buff, but we only really apply that term when we're dialing something up. What's happening here is that we're just removing a problem that's stopping it from doing it's original job.

Hope that makes sense!


Originally posted by Kingtolapsium

Glad you’ve held onto a receptive mindset, you’re going to be tested over the next few weeks. I hope you realize it’s people loving a game, not hating you and the team.

Absolutely. It would be a lot more concerning for me if we announced a change to the game and was met with total silence and indifference. The Passion is what's always made Battlefield something special to be part of.


Originally posted by LtLethal1


Please look into the splash damage on the rocket tanks in the tunnels. I drove the Japanese rocket tank into a tunnel with over a dozen enemies and was somehow getting entire salvos off without getting any hitmarkers.

Sometimes it worked and I'd get a quad kill, and the the next salvo I'd get nothing despite many enemies still standing next to their comrades that ate the first rockets.

Thanks - I believe that's possibly connected to a similar problem that we saw (and are testing a fix for) with the Flamethrower.

Will do some testing and see what happens.

Also - You got the Chi-ha into the tunnels?!?!


Originally posted by LtLethal1


When is 5.2 dropping?

Early December - exact dates to follow as we get through our testing and certification processes.