

17 Nov


Originally posted by gordonfroman

The fact that you are only answering positive comments and comments that start with a bunch of dice ass kissing shows the problem here, address the TTK, weapon play changes, and spotting feature or face the total loss of your credibility within this community

-- the community

As I've volunteered elsewhere - no one is being ignored. Anyone expressing frustration and anger at the change is being heard by me. It's my role to help to communicate the changes to you, and to communicate your feedback back the other way. There's nothing beyond that I can hope to address at Noon on a Sunday without having more engagement with the teams and having wider discussions with them.


Originally posted by Beta1548

Does ‘fully visible’ mean behind hard or soft cover?

If you're hiding behind a bush, a wall, or in smoke (relative to the player) - the indicators won't activate


Originally posted by minibigcontrast

Here’s a question @PartWelsh, can we please change the vehicle spawn indictor in the spawn menu to let us know how many tanks/planes are in current use and how many are available on a map. You had a system like this in BF4. I enjoy vehicles, I don’t enjoy sitting at the spawn screen for 15 minutes waiting for a tank all to find out that they’re all being used or just camping. Maybe also a countdown timer to show when the next one will be available?

Also a way to customize the vehicles at anytime in game would be sweet!

The 3 points you raised are ones I see (and hear when I'm in game) commonly. It's something we know would be positively received if we could implement - I don't have any insight on where we are with it beyond it being something we would like to do, but know that it's something we have tracked.

16 Nov


Originally posted by Itano_Circus

No problem! That's generally my assumption for some things with off-brand names (like, for instance, why you named the Magpul PDR the "PDW-R" in the modern-era Battlefields, I figure Magpul wouldn't like their name being used without permission), but I was politely asked by my buddy in the comment above to poke you all about it, and I try to keep to my word about things I say I'll do. :)

On the note of the changes, I do wonder how score for destroying flares will change the flare gun's place in the game as of current. I don't think a lot of the playerbase knows that destroying flares is even a thing they can do, and when 5.2 hits they'll get half a kill's score for doing it. If flare killing becomes widespread enough we might see a resurgence of the spotting scope, since you can only counter that by breaking line of sight.

And while I'm here, on the off chance you can do something about this, you guys mind giving me my ZK-383's Predator Nydar sight? I got the ZK to ...

Read more

If you can DM me your EA Help Case number (nothing else) I'll get it looked into


Originally posted by sam8404

I've noticed some of the bunkers in the Pacific don't protect you from arty damage, is that intentional? It seems like the roof isn't blocking the arty.

I'm not sure on the Splash damage from arty when indoors, but I'll pass it to the team to see if they can look at it.


Originally posted by DoinWorkDaily

I love the flamethrower! You’re messing with that too!!?!?!? Lord...

We're fixing an issue with the flamethrower that was causing it to be a hitmarker cannon in the tunnels on Iwo Jima, but I haven't seen any other changes proposed for the Flamethrower specifically.

Basically how it behaves on the open battlefield is how it's supposed to behave universally. That's the change that is being tested right now.


Originally posted by connorman83169

u/partwelsh Just curious (even though rare) long distance gunfights will be affecting my baby

I haven't had those stats shared with me, will need to look into that in the week. My expectation is no, but then I'm not fully familar with the damage calculations or if headshot is calculated via a base multiplier.

Leave that one with me and I'll do my best to find out next week.


Originally posted by Incongruent

Thanks I hate it. No offense.

None taken.


Originally posted by jesseschalken

/u/PartWelsh will the new enemy acquisition icons allow a reduction or removal of the awful BF4 style soldier glow? It would be great to have accurate lighting like BF1 back.

A user side toggle for the Soldier lighting is being tested for a future update. Might make 5.2, however it is just for the local user based on their preference (we recognise folks who capture screenshots and cinematics may prefer to have it off)


Originally posted by the_party_parrot

Oh wow hey, thank you for responding. I know you can't say a ton but are the changes going to change the actual frames or time to kill much or will they only affect the longer range engagements while slightly modifying each gun's feel. Pretty much what I am asking is will changes in recoil and RoF that you guys have talked about keep the changes in BtK from changing the overall TTK? Like it might take one more bullet to kill but the rate of fire is slightly higher to compensate but that makes it really hard to kill at a ridiculous range?

It'll vary from gun to gun but if you take the STG as an example, yes it requires an extra bullet, but due to the other changes that are coming, I wouldn't expect to see a dramatic shift in the time it takes to kill a player within the usual engagement range.

At longer ranges, players will have more time to react to the engagement, but headshots and the like will still force a player into scenarios where they're engaging with very low health.


Originally posted by Memento_31


Will this also increase the ttk in Firestorm?

Changes to Damage at Range will be in effect across the whole game


Originally posted by [deleted]


There's a lot of fairly worded (in some cases constructive) criticism being sent my way, the rest I still read and process. Just because someone is too angry to more fairly express how they feel shouldn't detract from the overall intent or message underyling what they've commented.

The good news is that I am paid for it, real love and appreciation needs to go to the mods who both own the Sub and do this for the sheer love of the game and people who play - the mods do this for free.


Originally posted by NeonAerow

Awesome! I appreciate you and Jeff being this active with the community, I never had any doubts about that 👍

Have a great weekend!

That's the job!

Thanks! I'll take a break for a few hours and check back later. Thinking that I might attempt to buy some Winter Boots before the Snow threatens to land here in Sweden and I still have the urge to buy Ring Fit Adventure on Switch. Watched a friend stream it the other day and it looked like good fun (though it'll just be another thing that means I'll never complete Red Dead 😅)


Originally posted by chrisco84

All year 1 weapons unlocked, I was in the same boat.

Here is a thread I made with some great answers from the community:

Thank you for your service!

(Totally Bookmarking that for others that I see asking the same question)


It's presently not an option. We recognise that folks would appreciate seeing it added to the game, but I don't have anything more to volunteer beyond that.

In the event it does enter development, and reaches our testing stages I'll be sure to share. For the most part our efforts are presently best dedicated elsewhere.


Originally posted by fish1552

I've been playing since release say and just now found this out. I normally use packs when playing medic/support so never discovered this. I will definitely be trying it. And also be looking for more vehicles with them on the back.

I can't remember how far back it was we added this - might be 4.2?

Is a cool feature, glad to see it being used!


Originally posted by TheBaumfaeller

Update 5.2 will bring red Icons above enemy heads when closer than 15 meters and locking at them.

Behavior of the feature is that if you're inside 28M and the enemy is fully visible, a local only red symbol will appear on the players head whilst you have your gun pointing at them.

If you move to within 15M, this icon will similarly display against any player that is within your field of vision. Enemies who are inside 15M but not visible to you will not be affected by this.

The system is separate from Spotting, its local to you, and not shared with your team or squad.

You can see an example of it here -

Edit: Corrected the ranges


Originally posted by Billxgates

I mean, can we disable it and are you able to disable it quickly if the overall consensus is that it’s negatively affecting gameplay?

What I’m afraid of is a change like this that we then can’t get reverted until the next update.

Genuinely not sure on the timelines, but there's been no stage in the past few months when discussing any of the gameplay changes that were in development for BFV where it hasn't been expressed to me that we aren't willing to revisit any change that we ever make to the game. As I've said elsewhere, we play the game a lot in internal playtests (around 3 hours per day, every day, longer in many other cases) where we get hands on with this stuff and share our thoughts across the studio on the changes. The belief from myself and the team is that this is a change that won't negatively impact the experience you have playing the game. If that proves to be true and evident across every platform, and all aspects of the game, it will prompt us to discuss our next steps.

I will volunteer that it's easier for us to revert changes than it is for us to study issues, find fixes, test fixes and deliver patches through certification processes.


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

Any ballpark how many guns will be majorly tweaked in terms of RoF, mag size, specs?

10%? 50%?

Hard to quantify. We've done a full review of all weapons, with the exception of Bolt Action Carbines, Sniper Rifles, and Anti-material Rifles (as they were balanced more recently).

Every weapon has received different levels of attention. Weapons that were performing outside of our intended design will have been more closely touched compared to those that were behaving within our design.

As I've volunteered, our Update Notes will release ahead of the update (usually within 18 hours of it going live) where we'll publish the full set.

If we feel that we'd benefit from showcasing some of the weapons next week in a better context, we'll potentially do some of that before the Update Notes land.


Originally posted by AmirPasha94

I really got excited for answers number 2 and 3! Thank you for clear communication and hard work as a CM.

Happy to help - have a good weekend!