

30 Jun


Originally posted by Skrumble_b

I thought so as well. It just annoys me that something so apparent is just overlooked. Especially when said thing is a skin that I had to unlock and have been using on my planes since then.
Hopefully, Dice can hotfix this.

If you can list the names of skins and affected vehicles I'll share with the team to get back to me on.


Originally posted by Qwikskoupa69

So this is a server side issue?

I'm not smart enough to know where that stuff lives - either way, it's broke and will need a hotfix to fix it.


Originally posted by Qwikskoupa69

u/PartWelsh is this known?

I shared it with our QA team to investigate on Wednesday. They're looking at it and what might be causing it.


Originally posted by SethJew

Thanks so much for the update on hitreg.

I know you’re probably tired of hearing about it, but any update on the stuttering issues? Some of my friends just outright won’t play the game anymore because their PC’s are stuttering so badly

Update remains that we're focused on eliminating the problems causing it. Until I see Jaqub and the team eating a celebration cake I won't be giving any indication on when we should expect this delivered.

The instant I see it locked in on a patch (with confidence), I'll be here in full force to update. It's heads down and working on it until then.


Originally posted by EndersM

Yup, hit reg is f**ked after this update

It's not working the way we want it, no. It's most visible on planes but apparently affecting others too. The good news is that fixing the hitreg issue on planes should bring everything else back into line too (we don't have seperate hitreg systems), and at least put as back to the level that it was pre-patch, if not improve it. We're targeting a hotfix for that and I expect to have more info on it tomorrow.


Originally posted by JerboiZoobat

Yeah it surely is, check back on Monday to see if they have anything of substance to say, but imo they won’t be able to fix this quickly

We think that this is related to the Hitreg stuff that folks raised to us when the update went live, in relation to planes.

We don't have a seperate Hitreg detection system for planes so it's likely that the issue is simply more prominent on faster moving objects.

Either way, we are targeting a hotfix for this and I'm expecting to get more information about it tomorrow.


That's a bit bananas, I'll double check on Monday if the teams were already aware on this one. Thanks for pointing it out.


The Hitreg issues do appear to be applying to more than just Planes - I'll get an update on this from the teams on Monday but this would be in line with what we've seen on other vehicles.

My expectation is that the solution they're developing for the upcoming hotfix will eliminate this problem and return hitreg back to normal.

29 Jun


Originally posted by Raptor745

Unrelated: While I may have differing opinions about factions, I actually really like your way of playing the game without the scoreboard. I tried it and I found myself enjoying the game more. So despite me being somewhat harsh, thanks for the gameplay tip!

I got the tip from BillyEatWorld. Lovely dude. He has some good tips on keybind settings too.

28 Jun


Originally posted by oGxSKiLZz117

In that case could I also report that the P08 Carbine is still held incorrectly by default, you dont hold it by the foregrip like you should unless you are sprinting or ADS, so just standing/walking around with it or hipfiring looks goofy as all hell and im not sure how it hasnt been picked up yet.

I'll share that with our Animation team to review and ask if it's something they're happy living with. Good spot though, I hadn't noticed it.


Originally posted by Clarityjuice

I love the game. Put 200 hours in it. My opinion on visual clarity is that AA is seriously aggressive. Would you happen to know if Dice are looking into improving clarity? Setting 150% res scaling at 1080p seems to help, which is seriously taxing, moreover, it still doesn't look as crisp as BF1.

Haven't a clue but I'll pass the feedback on


Originally posted by 6StringAddict

Question good sir: where do I put videos of bugs? I've made a thread with two videos showing a new bug after this patch, but it didn't get noticed. So I like to put it somewhere that I can be sure it'll be seen by the correct people.

edit: it's not just me, my friend has it, and I've asked in game chat and multiple people told me they had it as well.

You already did the right thing and I've passed them on. Thanks for that and apologies for not commenting that I got it ;)


Originally posted by I3ULLETSTORM1

if you don't put any focus on the factions you're playing as, wouldn't it just make sense to give those that do give focus on the factions some cosmetics that actually correspond to the faction they're (supposed to be) playing as? it wouldn't affect you either way, and in the end everyone would be happy

I can see that completely, and I think the downvotes came out in force yesterday because folks got a little tied up in my other comments which were designed to get that sort of perspective that you've just volunteered.

One of the examples I looked to throw out there last night was a scenario where I encourage the teams to do just that. Create a stack of true to WWII skins that provide and cater to that type of experience. However that would be 100% absent of the ability to control what the other 31 people on your team, and 32 on the opposing team have chosen to equip.

If I understand more about what people want, that helps prepare me for conversations later down the road.

My personal perspective on the scenario described here is that just making this type of content available wouldn't be enough to satisfy the people who care deeply about the games design. As soon as you leave pre-round, you never see yourself ever again, you only ever see other players, so...

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Originally posted by Raptor745

Just to clarify on the title, I know UK and Germany are Allies and Axis; I'm not stupid. What I meant in the title is that DICE view it as generic Allies and Axis or "red vs. blue" to quote them, despite overwhelming evidence in game that the Allies and Axis are subdivided into countries

I'd volunteer that the posts title is a little more distorted than that.

It's not 'DICE views it as', what has been cited there is my personal experience of how I approach the game when I sit and play it as a player, and I was happy to volunteer my perspective on that for the purpose of getting more out of the conversation with people that share a different perspective. I'm careful to highlight when I'm choosing to represent my personal perspective in the hope that this confusion doesn't occur.

... Read more

27 Jun


Originally posted by PUDDY300

This comment right here seems to be the embodiment of communication issues between DICE and the community. These are the exact same non-answers we got previously and now the community is upset because we got confirmation that the Americans and British I'm Europe will not be separated. The question had been asked plenty of times before, but no Dev wanted to jump in and give an answer that actually confirmed or denied if there would be a split, or if there would be any British cosmetics coming. In fact, the only reason people know now (before you confirmed with the "red v blue" comment) was because temporyal had made a post about these particular cosmetics being labeled in files as American. The bottom line is, none of this information came from you guys. So yeah I think you should tell us what the current idea is with the Americans and Japanese in the Pacific. So far data mining suggests you guys will be trying to split it. That's fine and all, but this stuff shouldn't come from dat...

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I can only volunteer that my previous response is exactly what you’ve said it is, it’s a non-answer. I have not answered your question. I have only acknowledged it and looked to volunteer why I am not answering it.

If I were to provide a response similar to the one you suggested, I would be answering the question and worse still I’d be doing something more dangerous in making inferences that we may go the direction you want. To do so (in any circumstance, not specific to this topic) can lead to disappointment for folks who take away different things from that type of answer.

We aren’t talking about Pacific beyond what we said at EA Play, and it’s not right for me to make agreements that may contradict or reinforce present design routes until we get to a point where we lock in and move to polish. Stuff can change, and I’d sooner be able to communicate from a matter of fact vs conjecture and speculation.

That others in the community will choose to speculate...

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Originally posted by South3rs

I understand that. We all have different opinions. Sorry if I came across like an idiot, I respect you guys and other people’s opinions. Thanks 🙏

You didn’t. Passion just looks like that sometimes.


Originally posted by South3rs

Sorry but (and I know it’s your own opinion) I disagree with the comment “Red vs Blue”. I understand this from a gaming point of view that priority number 1 is to focus on gameplay, fun, inclusivity, etc. But can I ask this...

What is the point in picking WW2 as an overall theme in the first place? Why was BF1 focused on WW1? Why are we so hyped about the “Pacific”? Because it sets the tone, the story, the feel for the game. For some players, like me, that stuff is really important. I bought the game because I wanted to experience the WW2 theme. Same reason I buy any other game and don’t just generically go and play Fortnite or CoD religiously. It’s the experience...

Also, from a business point of view are you not shooting yourselves in the foot by doing this? Surely more factions, more customisation and variety, will lead to more in game sales for you guys...? Isn’t it better to have as many factions as possible to maximise the potential for more sales? For exampl...

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There’s no answers here I can provide you with but I’m keen to see others on the thread jump in and share there perspectives as players. Whilst there’s a difference in expectation between us, I’m still keen to get others thoughts on it to share.


Originally posted by Kingtolapsium

Feels unbalanced. One would assume we would have a heavy focus on British soldiers and engagements with the earlier conflicts, then transition to later armies, as was lined out in the Tides of War being a walk through different parts of the war. I haven't learned anything in the way I learned with BF1, and as is BFV could be entirely detached from actual conflicts and would seem no different to me. WW2 was about a hell of a lot more than "red vs blue", and if that is the "respect" the team is giving this conflict, then they should've simply gone alt-history.


Instead of getting concise content around the beginning, it feels like things are just being thrown in when they are completed, in a giant panicky rush. The maps so far really just feel like conversions of assets already used in the campaign, really not very exciting. The journey so far... really hasn't taken us anywhere. That is disappointing.


The content drops do not feel properly consecuti...

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Gameplay stability and performance is the most important thing for us to address, and is being worked on. No argument from me, and I appreciate you sharing your perspective on the rest.


Originally posted by DickSulix

Right because too much historical accuracy for outfits = game not enjoyable anymore lmao

I’m keen to get more perspective on this if you’re open to it.

Imagining that additional purely authentic uniforms were placed on both factions and you were presented with the opportunity to lock in your company to this option, but you had 0 control over what others chose to equip on their soldiers, would this still be an improvement to your experience?

Would your expectation be that every unit on the Battlefield was locked in on your personal vision of how the Factions should be represented, with no variation?


Originally posted by Raptor745

Then why do the Allies have British accents?

Hanna is French. It’s not an exclusive rule.