

27 Jun


Originally posted by Lur7z6

Can you confirm or shed some light on what's going to happen with the addition of the American and Japanese factions in terms of cosmetics? Will these earned US uniforms transfer over or will they stay with the british? I know a lot of people would prefer that we not have stahlhelms running around pacific islands.

We aren’t talking about the Pacific in more detail till later on in the year. But we will talk about these things.


Originally posted by Turniphead92

I totally agree with this statement and think it is important to remember that it is a game (a good one at that). However, it certianly rubs people the wrong way when we get customisation for a faction that hasn't been released. In the chapter 4 trailer you boasted so many British uniforms (specifically commandos) where are they? Why give us American gear for the British faction? Are you able to confirm if you're going to just mold British and American into 'Allies' ? I feel the community needs to hear this then they can moan and move on. Keeping people in the dark really annoys people, including myself. Nice work on the German cosmetics though!

It’s something I will seek more clarity on. My totally personal perspective on the topic is that it’s the Allied Forces, and so I’ve never placed a great deal of focus on it when I’m playing. I don’t focus too much on the concept of them as the British or English army as others have commented to me on various threads.

For me personally it boils down to red team vs blue team and given that they’re all using each other’s guns I’ve never personally focused on asking the same questions that I know lots of others choose to ask.

In respects to content featured in trailers - I’ll share that with the teams, thanks for pointing that out.


Originally posted by Worldwidearmies

Understood. Fair enough!

Thank you for the quick reply! Whatever people say, they can't say DICE isn't invested in talking with the whole community 😁

As I’ve volunteered elsewhere, if there’s something that I can add to the conversation or help explain, I will.


Originally posted by Worldwidearmies

Funny thing is that there were actually no Brits in the Netherlands (don't know about Belgium or France).

It has been a big complaint from here (the Netherlands) that, where Dutch soldiers actually defended the country (and died for it), DICE completely ignores that and puts British soldiers here in their place. They don't even speak Dutch. BF1 had people speaking italian, so we know DICE can do it.

So not only do we don't have any other soldiers besides German en Brits, there should be Dutch, Belgians and French soldiers as well.

All those veterans are completely disrespected in my opinion

u/partwelsh is this on DICE's radar?

Edit: damn this sparked a lot of comments and frustration...maybe now we actually know DICE has seen it they'll get the hint..?

We're aware of how people feel about us not staying true to historical accuracy (in the fashion that you've described). There's not a strict adherence to exact Historical details through Battlefield V, and we're OK with that.

But nothing is implemented in the game with the intention of disrespecting anyone. There's no desire to offend anyone, and the focus is very much on making an enjoyable video game, vs. providing a exact recreation of Historical events.


Originally posted by dustn311

Looking into this. Weird behavior that seems to be exclusive to the map.


Originally posted by I337RAGE

Please don't think this is an attack on you or the community management team. You guys do a fantastic job stuck in between the community and EA. No way could I do your job without loosing my mind. This post was me venting frustration at management who in my opinion are chasing quick dollars rather than making this game the gem it could be. I love battlefield, I appreciate the situation DICE is in and I know you guys want to make this into an epic game. I just wish developers at DICE were in charge of things and could work without interference if you know what I mean ;)

I know it's hard to distinguish sometimes (given the ferocity with which people launch at their keyboards to post/comment) but I pretty much don't ever view folks responses as an Attack. It's furstrated passion, and we're very lucky to have that (in a really bizarre way).

I appreciate your comment all the same.


Originally posted by BollREEE

for 3 months the game has been unplayable from the uk. @PartWelsh

I live in the UK. I play every day. Gonna need a little bit more from you to help understand what the issue is here so that I can support you better.


Originally posted by Hefty_Beat

why bother, they will never actually reply unless its a 'safe topic'

As a rule, I only tend to reply when there's something that I can help to add to the conversation, or help to clarify for folks. I can't add anything to this conversation (other than enable a new place to attract downvotes 😅) but it's not to say that I wasn't aware of the thread and invested in reading everyone's take on OP's comments.

If the preference from everyone would be that I appear on each and every said to state 'I have read this, thank you for sharing' then I'm happy to start doing that (sincerely, I am), but I have to respect that on a topic such as this, there's nothing I can say both in terms of an apology or acknowledgement that substantially contributes.

For this topic, my contribution and support back to all of you across the community can only be measured in terms of the ultimate end response, and helping to ensure that the game is better able to meet your expectations. That's action, not words.


Originally posted by rambler13

Have you gotten any more information on the length of the delay?

Nothing new. Our preference is to solve the issue via a Hotfix vs. waiting for the next update as it's not something we can solve on the backend. Will share widely soon as we have something.


Originally posted by Zentralschaden

It is not possible to download the update. It keeps deleting 5gb chunks of data and starts the download over and over again ( My HDD is okay)

I already restarted the update and it just does not finish.

I think i already downloaded like 150-200GB of data without finishing it.

Does EA even pay for traffic? Now I realize why theres download speed problems because shittons of traffic are generated for nothing.

I'd encourage that you get in touch with the team at EA Help if this is still carrying on.


Originally posted by Phoenix547

Game freezes and crashes to desktop consistently every couple of hours, pre and post update.

So far I have:

  • Reinstalled GPU drivers, (430.86),
  • Reinstalled BFV,
  • Reinstalled Windows, (10.0.18362)

I shouldn't be having any issues running the game, but specs are as follows:

i7 6950x, GTX 1080ti, 32GB RAM. Game is installed to an SSD so texture loading issues causing a lag spike shouldn't be a factor. No thermal throttling, max GPU temp ~65c.

Honestly I'm sick of it. This is the only game I have this issue with. Also BFV worked perfectly with the exact same hardware for months following release, then I start playing again about a month ago and have these constant problems.

/u/partwelsh can someone please look into this? Given the consistent nature of the crashing it seems like it may be a memory leak?

A few people have suggested that though we don't presently believe that to be the case. Some folks found performance improvements when they did start messing around with 3rd Party Software that manages that stuff, and others found it made things worse/no different.

Either way it's not something we consider fully addressed so we'll keep working on it. Thanks for sharing what you did!


Originally posted by kidmenot

This is actually not a bad idea at all, it does make sense to revive medics first to save more lives in the end.

Worth a shot tagging /u/braddock512 and /u/partwelsh .

I like the idea a lot. Will share with the teams so that they can consider this type of stuff for the future.

I imagine it's a bit of a headache to find a way to change the revive so that for passive players it's still essentially seen and read as a 'REVIVE ME PLS' callout, but maybe gives an extra flair that next level players can go, 'Gonna revive this person first'. I'm sure stuff gets really messy if you start messing with Icons, colors etc and end up greating a mess of different icons.


Originally posted by AWU_Hades


I hope you guys are aware of the broken FOV on Al Sundan... this makes the game unplayable for me right now.

We are, caught it this morning on a few streams. Thank you!


Originally posted by strict_positive

Not sure if you'll see this post or not but just letting you know performance has been perfect for me since the patch. Huge improvement. I'm running an i5 6500 with a gtx 1070.

Still not the case for everyone, but glad you've seen an improvement!


Originally posted by Bart_J_Sampson

1PM UK time according to u/PartWelsh

Yeah I totes did my maths wrong on that one this morning. Was still 2 cups of Tea shy of getting the timezones right.

11AM UK time was what I should have calculated (was working it back from Swedish time and worked it completely the wrong way!)


Originally posted by thegreatvortigaunt

Still pretty embarrassing mate...

Not here to dispute that. I'm here to engage with you all as best as I can, not sell you lies or dress up ugly truths.


Originally posted by LtLethal1


Hey, I figured you guys would likely already know by now, but in case it hasn't been brought up yet...

This latest patch really screwed up the hit detection with aircraft.

It takes forever to bring down other aircraft now because 70% of the hits just spark or dust. Using the Mossie's 57mm for example was just an exercise in anger management, one that I failed after 15 or so direct hits with no damage (and therefore some very angry wingmen).

Since you guys will now have to take a look at aircraft for the next patch, can we please get a larger flying area and larger flight ceilings? Anything to make flying feel more realistic and challenging will be a good change imo.

Bring in proper inertia and stalling mechanics!

We're tracking this one - thankyou for commenting it to me all the same though :)


Originally posted by FreeFalling369

"thats not ready yet" so not necessarily a bug. Its going to be something (maybe or maybe not an easter egg) and just wasnt supposed to be released yet

Correct Answer.


1PM UK Time

25 Jun


Originally posted by Mac_McMillan

Pssst, you don't really need to hijack a comment for visibility, the bot stickies your comments on the top of the comments for you.

I get that completely but recognising that it’s set to get downvoted to oblivion, I figured I’d keep it as visible as possible.