

19 Feb


Absolutely, I’m so sorry it’s not a better answer but I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging or misunderstanding the situation. The team is prioritizing this as it’s not something we want anyone to struggle through.


At this time we don’t have plans or knowledge of how we would do it.


You cannot use powerpass on any other server then the first one you created a character on.


Haha we hear you loud and clear! I agree, can’t wait for all of the fun skins, mounts and pets!


Can you tell me which server you’re on?


There are no plans at this time to rerelease the Founders Packs. But there will be plenty more fun things that we release!


Unfortunately we cannot move anything from one server to another at this time.


Unfortunately you will not, you had to have opened your pack before the 14th.


There is no current deadline to use a powerpass.


I’m honestly not sure and something I can look in to. It might have been that at first we thought it was a problem with one or two people but now it’s quite a few more and we can’t ensure everyone recieves a refund.


I’m so sorry you went through this and very happy to hear the support team was able to help! Unfortunately at this time we cannot do that for everyone experiencing this problem.

Just to clear up some confusion, at this time we are not able to reset weekly content for players. We are actively working to improve the stability of the Lost Ark servers and experience, which should help keep this from being an issue in the future

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to get everything into a better, more comfortable place.


Nope, you can use it on the same server/your main account. No need to move servers or use it anywhere else unless you want to.


While server transfers have been available in Korea for a limited time before, they are not a permanent feature in the game. Because of this, the technology does not currently exist for us to just turn them on and make them available. But, we hear this feedback. It would require time to develop and implement, but we will see if we can make it possible with Smilegate.

12 Feb


Yup! I’m currently collecting names.

I need everyone’s IGN, just need to post it once.

If I like the post, you’re on the list. If @Seawolf likes it, he was able to sort your account.


Reminder guys to please be patient and understanding. @Seawolf and I are community and we’re doing what we can with our limited CS knowledge.


Please guys, we’re not really doing this in any order or pattern. Just trying to help where we can.


I’m sorry guys, we’re the community team just doing what we can with the limited knowledge we have with support. Thank you for being patient and understanding. If we can atleast get the faster issues out of the way, the support team can focus on the bigger problems.


If you posted your IGN on this thread and I’ve liked the comment, your name is on my list for us to get back on track with quests.

You MUST be online and the quest will appear right in your journal.


Not sure, but best to type it as it is.


Reminder, just post your IGN once, I’ll like the post for when you’re added to my list.