

15 Jul

Originally posted by malakesxasame

Is there a breakdown of how many each player got?

There's just too much data here for us to gather all, but we talked a bit about the players with the most kill involvements in our prematch

Originally posted by Styxxo

they should've saved this clip for the inevitable G2 vs FNC BO5s in playoffs

Just jumping in - we wanted to play it this week to set the stage for FNC potentially hitting 10 000 kills LEC/EU LCS all time this week :)

25 Jun

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

That segment was great, like last week's champion-pool deep-dive.

Can we offer Broxah a permanent contract already btw?

Thank you so much for the feedback! If I can ask, what specifically did you like about it? Super happy with the result, we do love the Who am I game :)

19 Jun

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Seeing a players champion-pool dissected like this, and assess how well, or not, it would fit the current meta makes the draft a little more exciting, especially if it's for players that are not getting that much limelight like people like, for example, Caps get.

(And they drafted Yasuo for Lider, nice scouting!)

Thank you so much for the feedback!

Originally posted by PerfidiaVermis

Yeah, this is pretty cool tbh

Thank you so much for the feedback, we did some prep today to make it happen, so glad to see you liked it! If I can ask, what specifically did you like about it?

29 Mar

Originally posted by tonton_wundil

I guess overall I'd like to see stats with more context...

Any stats in particular?

Originally posted by Kelbotay

I find it confusing that we cannot see how long the baron buff will last, for example:

I understand that Redbull is the sponsor but does it really have to cover the timer?

The timer should be right next to where you see VIT in the overlay, so around 01:06 from where the clip you sent starts!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to reach out and gather some feedback. We use a lot of stats on Broadcast to build up player storylines, and set the stage for upcoming matchups. What are some stats categories that you would like to get more context on than what's presented in our graphics? Are there any stats categories you find confusing?

For context - following up on a question that was asked in a live thread last week, and looking to gather some more insight from our viewers.

External link →

27 Mar

Follow along with all the scenarios for the day here:

Originally posted by mking1999

If XL lose, are they out?

Yes - XL need to win and MAD Lions to lose

19 Mar

Originally posted by controlledwithcheese

wait where’s everyone’s shoes

Socks meta

Originally posted by shojmaarensum

I don't think Guldborg is the best at delivering monologues so it's hard to judge the script by itself, but it felt very rushed. I don't think new viewers would have come out of it with a proper time line of their careers or their achievements.

Thank you for sharing, appreciate it!

Originally posted by shojmaarensum

I feel like that did a horrible job of telling Hans and Upsets story to new viewers.

Can you elaborate? Would love some feedback here!

Originally posted by tnflr

Bless the Hans Upset angle instead of another caps perkz, Thank God

Glad you liked it! Yeah, already last Monday we started prepping to make sure we had Hans and Upset in the MOTW video, and then we also added this segment

24 Feb

Originally posted by dracdliwasiAN

I hadn't realised G2 knocked SK out of EU LCS. There's a storyline in there somewhere, and LEC does love it storylines

How about the Fredy122 vs SK reunion if SK win today?

13 Feb

Originally posted by Geosaurusrex

Will we get patch 13.3 for Bo5s? I wanna see caps play Asol.

Patch 13.1B will be the patch for today and the next two weeks!

05 Feb

Originally posted by buttsoup_barnes

damn, they weren't kidding, all games do matter until the last day.

Every game counts

Originally posted by ThisOneTimeAtLolCamp

When XL and Asstralis lose today are they out? Or is there a pretty much nigh impossible chance they advance?

XL out with a loss, Astralis can still make it even with a loss today, but depends on other results. We'll keep you updated throughout the next two days!

30 Jan

Originally posted by Turtle-Express

Only 15 minutes of pre-show? Was that the case last Monday as well?

14 Oct

Originally posted by shadowfoxhedgehog36

dude,EG only has 20%,so curious how was the fanvote for fanatic vs cloud 9 yesterday?

It was FNC vs EDG

You can vote each day here: