Are going to add new monsters that are original to creative
Great idea! What sorts of AI behaviors would you like to see?
Are going to add new monsters that are original to creative
Great idea! What sorts of AI behaviors would you like to see?
Are you guys planning on adding sand to the galleries?
How can I get a code for a map that I spent a lot of time making?
Post to reddit, would love to see it.
Will you add colour option to builds?
We have lots of color options with the Obstacle Course galleries. We're looking for opportunities to add more.
Any plans to add a Pirate Ship Gallery of the one seen in Lazy Lagoon? That’d be amazing, thanks!
YAR! We love the Pirate Ship too! We're looking at how we can bring that into Creative.
are you planning on adding a storm device for creative ? i want to give my own map a small battle royale mood to it !
The storm is definitely on our list. Nothing to announce yet.
do you plan on making more music options like non copyrighted music?
There have been discussions to add more music to the radio. Keep your eyes open for that.
Any chance to make creators make their own LTM?
Yeah! We're taking submissions now.
1) Is there gonna be any kind of competetive creative?
2) Do you have any more information about the creative in the world cup?
Can u just say hi to me?
What are the chances we can get a soccer ball or some sort of object like it the size of the Hamster Ball? It would allow for super creative mini games!
This is certainly something on our radar, especially after seeing some of the amazing things our community has done with the Baller.
So we keep hearing about this priority list, but there’s probably no chance we can see it,
What would you like to see on our roadmap?
Will you ever expand the map for more space to create things?
We recently released Sandbar and Volcano islands that have larger build/save spaces.
Will you add more Durr Burger presets?
Durr Burger and a few other Fortnite points of interest are in our backlog.
In as much or as little detail as you like, what’s the history of Creative? When was the idea first pitched and when did development start?
I love hearing how one idea or mode spawns another and seeing the concepts and idea that drive a game and extend its lifetime
Epic has always been thinking about Creative, in some form or fashion. In September of last year, a few people on the team got together and drafted some plans for the mode. We rallied around the idea, formed the team, and in 6 weeks put together the initial launch version of Creative Mode.