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Last night a Phoenix and Brimstone duo queued together and chose me, a Sage to harrass the whole game. We all had voice coms that game. At first I was talking during the first round and one of them said "wow a girl?" As I was diffusing the spike, the Phoenix throws his abilities on me so I die, then doesn't even diffuse the spike! He says he was saving when there was clearly enough time. For the rest of the game they were both following me trying to kill me with their abilities and spamming in the chat I'm throwing and to report me to the other team. I told my team they were messing with me. Some were on the fence or didn't see what really happened, so all I had to do was stand next to them and they'd be caught in the hell fire too.

This was an incredibly ridiculous situation! I never want to experience a game like this again, but something tells me I definitely will. Once, my friend said someone on their own team told them super detailed ways of how he would kill everyone he loves one by one.

This game is disgustingly toxic. You literally have to make friends and only play with that squad to enjoy the game.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by RaddAndSubtract

Playing with my wife can be strange, people get so weird even a girl is playing.

It's not just you though. I might be done with competitive until they get a phone number verification in the game after three competitive games in a row with teamkilling or third round DC with the same 'deranking to carry my bro' line.

people get so weird even a girl is playing

There's a really interesting theory about why men and boys behave this way, and personally I think there's a good deal of truth to it. The idea is that men, especially white men, a feel possessive of online gaming. They think it's "their" space, and harassing women is done to drive women out. You can read more about it here.

It's an interesting idea because it throws out hand-wavey reasoning about immaturity or competitive environment or the actions of a few malicious individuals and suggests something far more systemic. If it's an unconscious bias, it could even be affecting people who don't act out like this in subtler ways that we don't even notice without looking. For example, how many of us call our teammates "boys" by default?

Where I get stuck is that women need to be represented in gaming in order for their participation to be normalized, but in order to participate to that extent women who do venture into gaming have to wade through so much crap. While we can continue to punish bad behavior, there are practical limits on how much bans can shift social forces. What I think works in the long run is to continue to provide safe passage for women where we can. Contextual ping systems and ping wheels afford voice-less options, and we can continue to support safe spaces like the GALorants Discord server and female-only esports.

I think the greatest potential for change, though, comes from the community and how we choose to treat the people in our games. We have an opportunity to make VALORANT distinct in the FPS space by treating teammates like teammates and encouraging everyone to participate.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


This is a terrific example of why creating an atmosphere of psychological safety is not only vital but also the responsibility of the whole community.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by sAsHiMi_

f**k off with the "white men" shit.

Calling out white men isn't a cheap shot here. Racism shows up too, often based on nothing more than an accent. So does homophobia, transphobia, religious prejudice, pretty much every prejudice out there.

Let me give an example. If you're online in a multiplayer FPS and someone says on comms "I'm about to say the gamer word," you know exactly which word that person has in mind. That's how commonplace racism can become in the gaming space, and white men are pretty much the only ones who don't need help to feel accepted.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by Pjay97

But isn‘t promoting a system like „female only discord“ the wrong move? Your basically dividing and estranging the community and the community wont grow and start maturing. IMO

That's a fair question. Safe spaces aren't the same thing as forcing the community apart. They're a place for members of marginalized groups to reconvene and recuperate in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Consider the alternative: if the community insisted everyone interact all the time then we're actually asking the marginalized groups to bear more of a burden by putting up with abuses that those with privilege don't have to worry about.

Edit: change the word forced to insisted to clarify my point.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by Be_Simple

the game has bunch of racist people too.

So, instead of implementing penalties and actions against them you would propose a only black people discord?????

Thats really alarming coming from someone working for riot, U guys really need to change ur mindset!!!

It's not one or the other. Racism and sexism will continue to be met with punishment, and VALORANT has has spun up an entire team focused exclusively on player behavior and social dynamics.

Punishments, however, only treat the symptoms of the broader social disease. What I'm talking about is attacking these social problems, which run way way deeper than just one game, at their source by finding ways to make gaming communities more inclusive and also by investigating our own privilege and prejudices.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R3DALERT - Direct link

Originally posted by YourAverageAnon99

" especially white men " okay chill there buddy.