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I have no idea why this is happening but I have crazy good download speeds yet I'm getting terrible ping in the game at the moment. Is anyone else experiencing high performance internet with bad ping?

I am hardwired with an ethernet, and I've tried 2 different routers this far. I asked my ISP and they said they didn't notice anything sticking out. Maybe I need to finally take the plunge and do a ubiquiti setup.

I even have like 200mbps upload speed. Madness man.

To anyone who is interested, both parties are claiming it isn't them. Nextlight is saying those traceroutes aren't correct and Riot has really done much yet. Will update as the issue progresses and something is figured out. One thing I did notice is that the ping is really bad in the evenings, and usually fine for most of the day.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Fi3nd7

I live in Colorado, so I'm almost central America.... D:

Which ISP are you on?

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Fi3nd7

I have Longmont nextlight fiber. I have a support ticket open as well, let me know if you want the ticket number.

Can you paste a traceroute to

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by Fi3nd7

Nextlight is saying that those traceroutes aren't correct and are misreporting. One thing I will say is I only experience latency to riot servers, not other games or streaming services. It's difficult for me as even during these high ping times (80% of the time in the evening probably during peak traffic) I still get great download speeds and can stream netflix or 4k youtube videos no problem.

I'm continuing to work with them, but I'm also continuing the support ticket I have to see what you guys can figure out. I've also gone ahead and purchased a ubiquiti Edgerouter 4 so I can finally have top of the line hardware and rule out my home setup.

I have reached out to their engineering team to see if we can improve the route between our networks a little. Everything is going via Seattle today and we have some options in Denver that would make this more direct.