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With all these complaints about servers why are there no clips of these supposed leg shots while aiming at the head. Why aren't pros complaining about inconsistent servers and an inability to shoot properly. 'Immortal' players that are getting rolled on their plat smurfs cause of bad servers. If it's a real issue can we start uploading clips of these 'leg shots' and start doing some actual investigation.

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about 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by aithosrds

Because most pro players play most of their games in custom games, and I would not be surprised at all if they had access to a dedicated server for pro matches that doesn’t suffer from the sane issues as the standard servers that are overloaded.

I’ve said this before, but it isn’t the server code that’s the problem it’s the number of virtual servers per box that Riot has the data centers running. The issues I’ve seen were not a problem worth mentioning during the beta, you’d occasionally get a shot that didn’t hit or registered wrong (impossible to avoid completely in any online shooter).

However, ever since the official launch I see it happen more than once every single game. I’ve been playing FPS games for over 20 years online and I’ve played at a highly competitive level in leagues on a number of teams. I.E. I know when my shots hit and when I missed, even if I discounted fully half the times I see it happen to me or one of my teammates as I just “saw wrong” it still happens far too often to be ignored.

I really wish Riot would follow Valves model and allow private/community servers. Aside from enabling actual third party amateur leagues (which helps produce talent) it would also enable community maps and mods, which has been a huge boon for the CS community over the years. There’s a reason no other FPS has ever come close to matching the popularity of CS on PC.

They play on the same live servers. We don’t currently have a tournament realm available.

about 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by aithosrds

You don't read very well do you? I didn't say we have a tournament realm, I was mentioning those because they exist for League and since Riot makes both games I'd be shocked if they didn't have the internal capability. I was suggesting it's POSSIBLE a lot of the pro games aren't taking place on the same servers as the larger population because frankly using random MM servers isn't good for competitive integrity.

Besides, you don't think Riot has a solution ready for the inevitable LAN tournaments? Come on... the game has been in development for years with a clear focus on eSports, there is no way they would get to launch without the infrastructure in place or mostly ready.

It's also possible that they have some kind of code in place that does load balancing on servers based on your MMR and when you get to high Immortal it gives you "priority" on less congested servers. I think that would be stupid, but I would not be surprised if Riot did something like that... they don't have the best track record when it comes to technical design of their systems.

I’m the producer of the team that sets up the servers shards for VALORANT. We haven’t set up special tournament or LAN set ups yet.

about 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by aithosrds

Cool, that doesn’t change the fact I wasn’t making any claims at all I was just saying it was possible and I wouldn't have been surprised. Guess working for a big company doesn’t help you read or listen to what someone is saying any better.

And to all the people downvoting me: bleet more sheep no I didn’t see the little icon on my phone screen and frankly I don’t care if they work for Riot. He/she didn’t actually respond to most of what I said, and again I never made a single statement of fact I was just saying it wouldn’t surprise me if there was an explanation like that.

The reality is they probably just have more players than the servers can handle at high activity times and haven’t figured out a better solution yet. But go ahead and downvote me for expressing an opinion, god forbid I have one of those. Things like this are why this community is toxic AF and thanks mr/ms Riot employee for encouraging them.

I'm happy to answer questions. I was responding specifically to one of the claims there saying it wasn't the case. We also don't put players on less congested servers based on mmr. All players are prioritized matchmake to their closest game server and we balance load among all of them.

There are other factors outside of the servers that also have an impact for players. Peak times especially in times of covid have put a lot of strain on internet infrastructure all over the world. Some instances of pain are related to internet traffic and poor isp routing

There are times in incidents where our servers will get into a bad state, but those aren't necessarily peak related. We've provisioned servers to meet demand. We also review metrics on client frame time/server latency/cpu/memory usage across all of our infrastructure. There are definitely occasions where the servers cause issues for the player. Every single person in the game would be impacted for those. Where individual players in a game have impact and inconsistency, it's hard to say where it lies. I can be anything from their connection, their isp's routing, their pc, a bug in our client, or a perception thing. That's not to say there aren't things we're working on. Our priority on the shots hiting feedback from players is on providing more clarity in the game play. We believe a lot (not all, but a lot) of the feedback on consistency is a result of how the client displays the information to the player (tracers, how player movement animates, sparks/blood effects). As we resolve that we can see if the problem persists or if there's a more technical impact to assess (though that's reviewed constantly).