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Just wanted to rant a little.

The game is barely 2 weeks old not including beta and a lot of things are confirmed to be in the works that everyone here is upset about. I absolutely love browsing this subrerdit as it's my favorite game right now but everyone here is bringing this place down.

So just a reminder.

You are gonna get your death match mode. You are going to get competitive games. You are gonna get cool affordable skins. You are going to get issues patched. You are going to get cool things like spike rush(which is a great mode but your all gonna complain cause it's not DM)

No amount of posting the same couple of issues is going to change that as you have already been heard. During beta I would see riot comments all the time and they have begun to slow down because you are all circle jerking how upset you all are over issues that will disappear soon.

People here say they hate clips but I'd rather have that then deal with the same issues being posted about that already have an answer which is this.

Please be patient. This is a great game now and it's going to only get better from now on. This game is being given a lot of love by the Devs and it's crazy to me how we are the ones ruining the game for ourselves

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over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

True however, this is what happened to the apex legend sub. Devs turned from excited to participate to completely jaded due to everyone whinging about the same stuff over and over.

We're still here, I referenced this in another thread as well but a lot of it is just that a lot of the issues that are getting talked about are worked on by a small subset of very specific people. The vast majority of us don't work in skin pricing, for example - same goes for specific bugs like hit registration. Other things, like the release of our competitive queue, we just weren't talking about publicly until Ziegler's tweet this morning, so we can't really hop in and drop dates when things are still a bit nebulous.

If anyone wants to talk about agent balance or maps or something, I'm in there - but realistically, only a small portion of the team works on the big hot-button issues right now, which can make it hard to feel like my engagement will provide a ton of value right now. But we're always around; most of us come from League, and this is just what feedback tends to look like for a live development game. We're used to it.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by TheAjwinner

If anyone wants to talk about agent balance

Ok. I'll bite. Do you have any plans for Viper? From what I've seen from Twitch Rivals and the Beta Tournaments, she is severely under utilized. In my own matches, she is a rare pick, and I have not seen her utilized to strong effect. Thanks

Yup, vipers been on our buff list for awhile now but the changes we were working on took a bit more time so we couldn’t fit them into launch. Expect to see a Viper buff in the next 1-2 patches!

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

Well good to hear. No doubt you guys are passionate about all this and want to input where you can.

Yeah, in regards to maps, is there plans for bigger maps with long range enagements in the works? Do you currently have an idea to how many maps you would like in the pool aswell?

As far as agent balance, has breach come up as potentially a little too strong at points?

We have lots of ideas for maps as a product that we're currently fleshing out. I know that sounds vague as hell, but I just don't have any specifics I can share outside of that; but we're thinking through the same spaces as you here.

Regarding Breach, he hasn't come up as an outlier in terms of data, no - winrate wise, he's been on the lower end fairly consistently actually (he's actually been one of the weakest agents data-wise for awhile). There's a confound here though in that our current queue is unrated; when players are playing a bit more competitively, we may see Breach's value get a bit higher and see his winrate bump up a bit.

We have three major sentiment questions we measure for Agents consistently - % of players who believe they're OP (and why), % of players who believe they're UP (and why), and % of players who find the agent confusing or frustrating to play against (and why). Breach has shown up on the higher end of confusing and frustrating before, but that was pretty close to his release in Closed Beta, so it's something we're monitoring over time and expecting to smooth out. His abilities can be a lot to learn how to play against at first, since they come through walls with short telegraph times. If we see his frustration numbers go way up in the future, we'll see if there's anything we can do to improve the experience there, even if he's not numerically overpowered.

So TL;DR on Breach, nothing really yet. We're watching the pulse for our different balance triggers and nothing's tripped it yet, but it's a constant vigil!

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

Appreciate the reply,

Yeah massive vague vibes there haha; but i can understand why. Currently, have you guys looked further into small tweaks around any of maps we have at the moment?

Just curious as to how you necessarily collect this data for agents. Are you incorporating large numbers from all areas of MMR, or generally using sample sized groups for this?

I can see why Breach, hasn't necessarily had the same impact on the numbers as say Raze, Reyna or Sage. This will most likely came as anecdotal evidence/my opinion but with how he performs as an initiator; generally what he does best is behind the comfort of walls with the backup of his teammates, allowing the more "OP" agents to easily clean up with their kit. Do you think this has the potential to skew any of the data you receive from games where its apparent the Raze, is going off but only due to the entry capabilities of Breach? I make this point because i can see him being incredibly effective at higher levels to where he maybe slightly over tuned.

Another thing that stands out to me as potentially something you're currently looking at, is Reyna's orbs. Have you got any word into the potential that they may be too effective for position and site entry, given the fact that no one else on the team is effected?

The maps are currently looking pretty healthy balance-wise; we're going to do another sentiment gathering pass to see how the playerbase is feeling about them now that the game is live but as far as I know we don't have any split-mid level map changes in the pipe. If something starts looking weird though, we're always willing to make some changes to improve the experience.

Regarding agent balance - we have lots of views. We view winrates across a bunch of different percentile buckets, so we can see if agents become problematic only in certain MMR ranges or if they're just problematic holistically. Currently Breach isn't looking too problematic anywhere; honestly, if anything he's too weak. The metrics we primarily use are match winrate and round-side winrate for both attack and defense (your chance to win any given round on attack/defense) so we can understand an agent's general power as well as how that manifests by side, so Breach's more utility-oriented kit wouldn't introduce any bias into how we view his power compared to a more frag-oriented character like Raze.

We do look at other metrics like ability efficacy and such, but we don't explicitly balance off of them. That's the type of stuff that we use to investigate a balance problem, not the other way around (for example, if we see Breach's winrate is super high, we might look into his abilities for clues. But we wouldn't start with his abilities if his winrate looks reasonable and players feel he's in a good state).

Regarding Reyna, we have lots of levers to look at there if she needs a nerf. Leer specifically has lots of levers - travel time, distance of the effect, health of the orb, distance of the nearsight, etc. They're definitely a good entry tool, but we're just giving the community a little time to breathe since the agent is still pretty new. If she's proving to be too strong we'll swing in with a nerf in the appropriate areas - that may be Leer's efficacy or something else, it depends on how we come to that problem statement.