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Starting this week I've been getting random consistently bad ping connecting to the same servers (NA east Virginia/Georgia). Last week and since I started playing the game I've regularly had 20-40 ping depending on the server, but now when I log on I'm getting 80 at best and 160-170 regularly. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Or is my internet randomly messed up?

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almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

What ISP are you playing from? Also do you know what day it started for you?

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by TwoGauls

Spectrum, and I believe it was around Monday.

thank you for the info, going to look into it.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by FINISHERTXTO

SEA server. Jio fiber. From 72 ping in the past 2 months to 100+ ping. Please run a maintainable on the servers often.. the desync makes it frustrating and unplayable.

When did you notice increased ping? Do you happen to know the day you noticed the increase?

Do you happen to know which server shows up with the lowest ping for you (if you look in the custom game drop down list)? Based on the ISP, i would guess Singapore, but want to be sure i'm checking the right routing.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by VictoriousX

i am having issues with Singapore 1 Server and i am connecting from singapore can u take a look too

When did those issues start? are they recent?

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Hi armies question- with the new server selection option will we be able to select servers outside of our shard?

Currently, the game servers are shard specific. We are working on making shard transfers better, but what game server are blend are you looking to use?

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by VictoriousX

i notice i have higher ping than usual on Singapore 1 Server last Saturday, usually i have average of 10 ping but now stuck with average of 40 ping , Singapore 2 Server work totally fine for me

Interesting, we'll take a look. Those are on two different network paths, so not super surprising that they might differ, but that's a pretty big spread.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Thanks for coming back, We at middle east may get a good / average ping at indian servers just incase something happens to bahrain server we have something good enough to fall back to.

Ah gotcha, that's good to know. Currently, there's no plan to support that combo, but we're constantly evaluating average player latency to all servers and if there are reasonable opportunities to improve it, we will investigate it further.